covid | Tune up to Truth


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on Biden, Fauci and Gates. Don’t miss it!

Submitted by Kamerton on Fri, 03/18/2022 - 02:21

 Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko, a world-renowned physician and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee who has developed an innovative and successful treatment protocol for the coronavirus.

Dr. Zelenko gives His Analysis of Biden, Fauci and Gates, offering his Reflections on puppets, sociopathy, narcissism and hatred of humanity.

Coronavirus And Medicare For All: The Russian Version

Submitted by George Bardmesser on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 21:03

A common refrain on the Left today is that if only we had Medicare for All (a shorthand for socialized medicine, where the government provides medical services either directly at government-run hospitals and clinics, or indirectly, by being the only insurer and reimburser for such services), then the coronavirus pandemic would be so much easier on all of us.