"Only some strain of mind separates the prosperity of
Humanity from its destruction." © Е. Gershman
IT giants Google-Alphabet, X Corp, Microsoft and hundreds of smaller corporations are inventing a kind of «Technological Magisterium of Cognition».
A new trend in this global process – the use of large GPT language models is triumphantly developing at the moment.
But this new technology fundamentally cannot model productive human thinking.
One of the main typifications of ways of thinking is the rational, doctrinal, and scientific.
In the rational method, consciousness operates with observations, sensations, and observed patterns.
In the doctrinal method, consciousness operates on the basis of belief in the postulates of some doctrine – religious, cultural, political.
In the scientific method, consciousness operates according to the principles of scientific methodology.
Modern education disrupts rational thinking, to a great extent.
The most famous example is common sense states the flat Earth and the movement of the Sun and stars between its edges.
The school astronomy indoctrinates people with other ideas that contradict their common sense and require them to distrust it.
The university education is traditionally thought to shape scientific thinking.
Three thousand years ago, the ancient sages of Greece, India, China already understood the principles of scientific thinking.
It is necessary to operate only with brief statements that describe elementary properties of investigated and / or designed objects.
It is necessary to use only those words, the semantic meanings of which are precisely defined and known to the readers.
In the scope of one hypothesis (project), statements cannot logically deny other statements.
Assertions cannot deny known facts without establishing the falsity of information about them.
The subject of scientific discussions is possible errors in statements – incorrect words, logical contradictions and inconsistencies with facts.
It is obvious and well-known that each project should contain three parts:
a description of the current state of the system being changed, problems and their causes;
a description of the target state of the system and the criterion of its achievement;
a description of the process of transition of the system from the current state to the target state, resources required for it and actually available resources.
However, in reality, the vast majority of social projects do not have these parts and contain only vague descriptions of problems and actions to eliminate them.
Opponents of hypotheses and projects detect their possible errors and discuss them with proponents of these hypotheses and projects.
Decision-making subjects – readers, bosses, investors evaluate the arguments of the proponents and opponents, subjectively assess the correctness or falsity of their statements about possible errors and make decisions about the falsity or non-falsity of the evaluated hypotheses (projects).
Hypotheses and projects containing errors are recognized as false and rejected.
Three thousand years after the discoveries of ancient thinkers, in modern Civilization, there is the fundamental, global, paradoxical phenomenon – the total neglect of the principles of scientific methodology.
People who consider themselves intellectuals, including scientists, allow themselves not to strain their brains and use incorrect words, allow logical contradictions and ignore inconsistencies with facts.
They are guided by a popular aphorism – "If my opinion does not correspond to the facts, so much the worse for the facts".
As a rule, they do not use materials of expert discussions of proponents and opponents, do not evaluate the correctness of their arguments, and make decisions intuitively, without straining their consciousness.
As a result, most complex decisions turn out to be wrong and do more harm than good.
The total neglect of the principles of scientific methodology :
greatly reduces the effectiveness of corporate management, especially in innovation management;
reduces the effectiveness of biological and medical sciences by several times;
turns humanitarian knowledge into pseudo-sciences, whose figures aggressively deny even the possibility of applying scientific methodology and substitute intellectual activity with verbose, anti-scientific and pseudo-intellectual rhetoric and even demagogy.
It is obvious and common knowledge that creation of artificial objects – machines, buildings, computers, rockets, ships, etc. is necessarily preceded by research of laws of physics, chemistry, material science and objective properties of elements of artificial objects. Artificial objects are invented, designed and created on the basis of this knowledge. Their artificial, invented properties must correspond to their objective, immanent properties.
"Perpetuum mobiles" do not conform to the law of conservation of energy and therefore do not work.
Architectural constructions whose elements do not correspond to the theory of resistance of materials or are made of bad materials collapse.
Social systems are also artificial objects.
Their invented, artificial properties – formation and functioning of authorities, judicial proceedings, army, utilization of natural resources, etc. – should also be based on objective, immanent properties of social systems and correspond to them.
However, so-called "thinkers" who invent social systems are not concerned with studying their objective properties.
They invent and construct these systems at their whim, according to their subjective notions of social utility and "the good intentions with which the road to Hell is paved".
Therefore, the artificial, invented properties of these systems do not correspond to their objective, immanent properties.
Such social systems are called "utopias".
The inconsistency of their artificial properties with their objective properties causes them to be ineffective, harmful and unviable.
They can exist for some time on the basis of enthusiasm and violence of their adherents, but then they necessarily lose the competition to normal countries and collapse, like the USSR and the rest of the socialist states.
The ignoring of scientific methodology by intellectual and pseudo-intellectual classes minimizes the possibility of adequately assessing the falsity of socio-political doctrines, filtering them and blocking the spread of dangerous and harmful doctrines in the mass consciousness.
As a result, in the 20th century, extremist ideologies of communism, anarchism, chauvinism, racism, nazism, and utopias based on them spread widely and caused 2 World Wars and many local wars and revolutions that destroyed hundreds of millions of people and destroyed half the World.
At the end of 20th century, the transformation of the USSR and all socialistic camp according to false doctrines has caused counterproductive social-political processes which have prevented development of economies of former socialistic countries and caused aggressive conflicts between them and the anti-Western revanchism.
At the end of the 20th century, the utopian doctrine of social liberalism spread in Western civilization.
Its widespread spread caused social revolutions in all Western countries at the beginning of the 21st century.
As a result of these processes, as shown in «The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism» – world.kamerton.global/en/node/324 , Big Business foolishly gave up its political influence, which was the main factor in the prosperity of Western Civilization in the 19th and 20th centuries, and power in Western countries was seized by political clans of manipulators of mass consciousness.
As in all utopias, the properties of social liberal states do not correspond to the immanent properties of social systems.
Therefore, they are fundamentally unable to function effectively, to ensure productive existence and, even more so, the development of their economies and societies.
Even intensive spending of resources of previous generations and debts of future generations does not give them an opportunity to stop the ongoing stagnation, degradation, and general decline of Western Civilization.
Thus, ignoring of scientific methodology by public elites and dominance of anti-scientific, doctrinal thinking is the root cause of all catastrophes of Mankind in the 20th century and the current decline of Western Civilization.
Consequences of this decline are the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Israel.
Weakening of the West and establishment of global dominance of China significantly increase the probability of the thermonuclear war of the West with Russia and China.
I have published dozens of articles on the essence, causes and global results of the phenomenon of ignoring scientific thinking :
Bifurcation of Civilization: Intellectual Revolution or Collapse – world.kamerton.global/en/node/332
Discrete Scientific Knowledge – www.evreimir.com/126638
Technology of Efficiency of Science, Innovation, Management – www.evreimir.com/145696
Spreading False Doctrines – www.evreimir.com/126663
Pseudo-educatedness Ruins the West – world.kamerton.global/en/node/339
Principles of Epistemology in Management – world.kamerton.global/en/node/333
The Discovery will Teach to Think – world.kamerton.global/en/node/328
The only possible method of leading Western civilization out of suicidal degradation is the creation of think tanks of a new type based on scientific methodology.
For these think tanks, it is necessary to attract people with scientific thinking – www.evreimir.com/163949
The main functions of these centers will be :
propaganda of scientific methodology;
dissemination of scientific thinking in business associations and corporate top management;
analyzing, evaluating and filtering socio-political doctrines.
The work of GPT-technologies of "Artificial Intelligence" with arrays of texts corresponding to scientific methodology will significantly increase their efficiency.
Synergetic combination of mass application of scientific methodology and GPT-technologies will be the very «Technological Magisterium of Cognition».
Therefore, first of all, IT-corporations will generously sponsor scientific centers of a new type.
All political problems in the World are the results of erroneous, stupid decisions based on false doctrines, including the current conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa.
The application of scientific methodology will make it possible to design optimal solutions to these problems.
Therefore, all business elites of the World are very interested in scientific filtering of socio-political doctrines and will actively sponsor these centers and their projects.
Е. Gershman