Properties of federal states
Properties of a communal federation
Establishment of a communal republic
Historical practice shows that the communal structure of society increases the efficiency of its functioning and speed of development.
The communal structure of the Jewish Diaspora ensured its survival for many centuries and the outstanding success of its members.
The communal structure of Asian societies causes the modern advantages of their economies over Western societies.
The high efficiency of Western societies and economies in the 19th and 20th centuries was a consequence of their management of business communities at all levels, from local business clubs and chambers of commerce to nationwide business associations and bourgeois parties.
The "Federal Communal Republic" political system ensures optimal efficiency and development of society and its economy.
The word "federation" comes from the Latin words "foedus" – "contract" and "foederatio" – "association, union" and means "contractual association".
A Federation is an association of public organizations of any level (from local communities to states), whose members :
delegate their basic management functions to the authorized institutions of the Federation in accordance with the Treaty of Association;
participate in the formation and functioning of the Federation institutions;
are obliged to fulfill the decisions of the authorized institutions of the Federation;
exercise the functions of their internal self-government;
may withdraw from the Federation in accordance with the Treaty of Association.
The European Union is a federation of states.
A Confederation is an association of public organizations of any level (from local communities to states), whose members :
transfer their resources to the authorized institutions of the Confederation according to the Treaty of Association;
coordinate their actions through participation in the creation and activities of the institutions of the Confederation;
may withdraw from the Confederation in accordance with the Treaty of Union.
The UN, NATO, Interpol and most international organizations are confederations.
The absence of the possibility of secession (withdrawal from the union) deprives the participants of the association of political and legal subjectivity and turns them into parts of a single state system.
The association of participants without political and legal subjectivity is not a "union", but a unitary political system – a vestige of authoritarianism.
Therefore, the states that formally call themselves federations, but parts of which do not have the right of secession – the United States, the Russian Federation, Germany, India, Canada, Australia, Brazil and others are, in fact, not federations, but unitary states, parts of which have the right to some autonomous functions of self-government.
The most important historical example is the USA, which was a federation in which the states had the right of secession under the Constitution adopted in 1788.
When 7 southern states exercised that right and made secession in 1861, the federal government, which represented the Union of the northern states, went to war against them and forcibly returned those states to the United States.
In 1868, in the landmark decision “Texas v. White", the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the states had no right of secession and that the U.S. was an indivisible union.
In 1869, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution established nationwide U.S. citizenship and justified the prohibition on states seceding from the United States.
As a result of these developments, the federation of the U.S. was transformed into a unitary state whose regions, the states, are entitled to some autonomous functions of self-government.
Large authoritarian states that include different ethnic regions are called "empires".
The USSR was a pseudo-federation with a supposed "right" of secession for its ethnic pseudo-republics, but in reality, it was a totalitarian empire.
Modern Russia is also not a federation, but an empire that forcibly prevents the self-determination of its peoples.
Violent obstruction of secession often initiates civil wars.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the damage to states from such wars far exceeds the possible revenues from the exploitation of the seceding regions.
The only rational purpose of such wars is to intimidate and distract other secessionist regions from possible secessionist attempts.
The political system "Federal Communal Republic" has the following basic properties :
the society consists of communities of different types and levels from local to national;
communities are included in communities of higher levels and form a hierarchical structure;
a community that is a member of another community transfers to it part of its management functions and executes the decisions of its management bodies and courts according to the contract of association;
decision-making of communities of all types and levels is based on the universal corporate principle "The vote weight equals the contribution";
community members may withdraw from their membership in accordance with the association agreement.
The optimal organizational structure and functioning of the most important type of community – business association – is described in my publication "Self-organization of business community" at world.kamerton.global/index.php/en/node/326
Communities can include participants of different types - municipal and territorial communities, business clubs and chambers of commerce and industry, consumer associations, religious communities, industrial business associations, etc.
Disputes between participants of a community shall be resolved by the governing body of that community or by the judicial body, which is the authorized governing body of the community.
Disputes between a community and its participants shall be resolved by a judicial body whose judges are proposed by the governing body of the community and elected by the participants of the community, as well as by a higher level governing body or judicial body of the community.
Disputes between the organs of the national federal government and the communities are resolved by the Higher Judicial Authority, whose judges are proposed and may be dismissed by the federal government and elected and may be dismissed by a majority vote of the judicial bodies of the communities that make up the federal republic.
Participants of communities unite under the action of certain motives and incentives – economic, military, ethno-cultural, ideological, religious and others.
At the first stage of U.S. history, the states united for the war with Great Britain for independence.
In subsequent U.S. history, new states joined for economic reasons – to develop a more efficient nationwide market.
The USSR and Yugoslavia were formed on the basis of a common communist ideology.
In modern history, the European Union was formed to develop a common economy.
The predominant influence of business elites in the political system strengthens the motives of uniting communities for the development of a common economy and strengthens the unity and integrity of the federal state.
The predominance of influence of political clans and weakening of business elites increase separatism and aggressiveness of communities, weaken their unifying motives and worsen the integrity of the state.
Also, large natural resources on the territories of communities strengthen their separatism and authoritarianism.
Consolidation of the population in a federative system of communities greatly increases the efficiency of society, the cooperation of all its elements and the speed of its development.
Communities effectively protect the interests of their members, regulate their relations, minimize conflict and crime, support weakened and vulnerable members, increase birth rates, help talented members to achieve success, and increase the reliability of partners in enterprises.
An important function of communities is to select the best, productive leaders and promote them to the upper levels of the hierarchical system of society.
The optimal criterion for managing the society is maximization not of GDP, but of the national sum of investments.
The more investment, the faster society develops and the more jobs are created.
The speed of development determines the competitiveness and welfare of society in the future.
An efficiently functioning and successfully developing society is non-aggressive and seeks to cooperate with other peoples and countries.
Neighboring countries can also join such a society and form a joint federation.
A prosperous society does not prohibit the secession of regions, because there is no need for this prohibition, because the participants of the federation themselves want to be parts of it. But if some participants want to leave the federation, the other participants and the federal government do not prevent secession, especially by force. Because conflicts, especially armed ones, cause much more damage to all participants than secessions.
Modern social liberalism promotes consumer individualism, divides people and atomizes society.
The disunity of the population significantly reduces the efficiency of the functioning and development of society.
For the foreseeable future, as a result of international competition, more efficient, community-structured countries will dominate over individualistic social liberal countries whose economies are weakening and whose populations are shrinking.
The ability of Western social-liberal countries to compete with Asian countries and to acquire natural resources in international markets is rapidly diminishing.
Even now, Western corporations are often unable to buy expensive resources at the prices at which Chinese corporations buy them.
Weakening individualistic, atomized societies can be transformed into a normal state of efficient functioning and successful development by communal structuring.
Communities should operate in every apartment building, street block, village, urban neighborhood, city, and town.
It is necessary to create communities of consumers, educators, nature worshippers, lovers of culture, health improvement and education.
First of all, business associations of all levels can and should initiate the creation of communities and their unification into hierarchical structures.
For this purpose, business associations themselves should move to the state of effective functioning.
The model of an effective business association of a new type is described at world.kamerton.global/index.php/en/node/326
E. Gershman