Humanity has recently faced two troubles. One is the worldwide coronavirus epidemic. The second misfortune is that Russia has a deadly, all-gore, Sarmat missile. And now Russia every time puts its "Sarmatians" - feet on the world table on any issue. This causes the inescapable pride of Russians for trembling in American knees.
"In much knowledge, there is much sorrow." It's not me, it's Solomon.
And it is precisely on this issue that I have “a lot of knowledge” to remove “many sorrows” - a technical fright from Russia. The predecessor of "Sarmat" was not weak. "Sarmat" came out of the Soviet "Satan". I left SKB "Neftekhimpribor", where I developed various vortex flowmeters for nuclear submarines and for refueling missiles that were placed on them, and the tragically famous dead "Kursk" was among them.
I had several rallies with the General Designer of the Kursk, Baranov. At the meeting, he explained that he was aware of the successful use of such devices in boats. But at Kursk, this flowmeter will be used for the first time in the second circuit of a nuclear reactor. The main question in this case is that the flow meter for its 25 years of operation would not have the physical ability to block the coolant flow. The drawings of the flowmeter convinced him of the absence of this physical possibility, but we agreed and made an additional run-in of the device on a layout of the reactor compartment.
The disaster with the Kursk was obviously not related to the design of the boat. For until his retirement, he continued to work in his design bureau.

At the same time, the world's largest boat, the “Shark”, also known as the “Typhoon”, was launched, in which there were many vortex flow meters. Already in America, I watched a BBC film about dismantling this giant under a disarmament treaty. It was emotional for me that the technical decisions made 30 years ago turned out to be correct.

Probably, based on our experience, the Ministry of Defense ordered us to make a dispenser for a land-based missile.
I learned all the characteristics of this “product”, like everyone else, only when it received the name “Satan” from America and got into encyclopedias.
We were friends with "Satan" for about 30 years. I was Ch. designer of its dispenser "Omega". Of the 200 launch vehicles at Baikonur, more than half worked for this dispenser. There were many "camel" filling tanks (of course: 200 tons of amyl and heptyl!), which were thermostatically controlled with liquid nitrogen produced right in the steppe. "Satan" and control systems for it were developed in Ukraine by Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel. The holder of the technical documentation is the giant rocket company YuzhMash.
As far as I know, until 2014, he continued to carry out technical and warranty supervision of these missiles in Russia. Without their guarantees, only a madman could decide to use them. Of course, Ukraine owns both the documentation and the technology to produce "Satan", but who needs this today.
So, let's get started!
The entire structure of the Sarmat missile itself is a weight and size tracing paper of the Satan missile. The same energy: 200 tons of amyl and heptyl. The flight range of "Satan" is up to 11,000 kilometers. The flight range of "Sarmat" is up to 18,000 kilometers (according to various sources). That is, Sarmat flies 7,000 kilometers further! Almost 40%!!! (True, for now, test launches of the Sarmat are being made at 6000 km)
Why shouldn't he fly? The rocket uses not a simple, but an upgraded version of the RD-264 engine. With the upgraded engine, it is already possible to fly wherever the authorities wish. I have already mentioned "much knowledge". It is very difficult for a simple person on a gas lawnmower to imagine that the rocket engine and it work on the same cycle, the Carnot cycle.
Therefore, the Efficiency Factor (COP) of a heat engine operating according to this cycle depends only on the temperature difference between the heater and the refrigerator but does not depend on the device of the machine, nor on the type or properties of its working fluid (fuel). This result is the content of Carnot's first theorem.
Again. This means that the efficiency depends only on the temperature difference between inside and outside and nothing else. That is, it is useless to upgrade the engine housing or nozzles. All that remains is an increase in the temperature in the combustion chamber.
Well, what are we waiting for? Go Russia!
You can't go ahead. The design of the hull and tanks from "Satan" are designed only for 200 tons of amyl and heptyl. You won't put another one in there. How can you raise the temperature in the combustion chamber?
And by adopting their own laws of physics. And for the hypersonic " Avangard ", and for the plasma, and for the Perpetual Motion Machine!!!
Let's spend a little time describing his patent No. 2 467 456:
"The technical result of the invention is the ability to obtain an energy level that exceeds the energy expended by the primary source."
Officially numbered and sealed in front of you: Perpetuum mobile of Russia.
What did a very well-mannered person, Academician Evgeny Aleksandrov, Head of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences, say?
“We have before us an example of the collapse of the examination system in the Russian Federation. This can lead to catastrophic consequences, since the lack of conscientious expertise in isolation and the lack of contacts with the world expert and scientific community will inevitably lead to the promotion of pseudoscientific projects in various fields of activity"
"Sight. affairs newspaper"
I am a rougher person; I am more and more with hoses and valves: this patent for me is the stigma of the technical shame of Russia. And if you still doubt everything Russian, then get out of "Satan" from you, get out!!!

The Soviet Union looked into the future for a long time!
After the successful development and operation of "Omega-2" in the army, in the mid-80s, the Special Design Bureau received a new Terms of Reference for the development of the Omega-U dispenser. Universal. With a fueling range from heavy rockets and upper stages to satellites, and with all types of fuel. And a sharp increase in the technical and metrological reliability of the installation. To improve technical reliability with more new features, it was necessary to abandon both its mathematics and dual-channel redundancy. Three channels instead of one - and we have ensured technical reliability. When we managed to teach the installation of three channels to choose the most probable result, then we had metrological reliability.
Now this is not a problem. Microprocessor and large memory. But then they were not on the secret list of those allowed for use in military equipment. Even then there was a big lag in the element base from the whole world. This is how the Omega-U prototype was built through a stump-deck.
In December 1989, I returned with a signed act of testing the new "Omega-U" from the " Mail/Box " in the village of Iudino.
Today it is widely known: "Scientific Testing Center of the Rocket and Space Industry".
And two weeks later - on January 20, 1990, the Soviet government with Gorbachev washed Baku with blood. The collapse of the Soviet Union began with the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. But "much knowledge" was my lifeline in all further events.
So, the Sarmat gas station is also a fake? Not at all.
Not so long ago, an article was published in the journal "Rocket and Space Instrumentation" about "VDU-65 high-precision dosing unit for refueling Breeze-M booster units (RB) of the Angara-A5 rocket."
“Currently, to measure the mass of rocket fuel components when refueling upper stages (US) of launch vehicles (LV), the Omega-2 dispenser developed in the USSR by the Azerbaijani SKB Neftekhimpribor is used.
Most of the Omega-2 dispensers in operation have exhausted their service life, and their maintenance in working condition is ensured mainly by repairing or replacing failed units with serviceable ones removed from decommissioned dispensers. Thank you for your kind words about SKB Neftekhimpribor! But their dispenser is still a successful repetition of the old. So why will there be no Russian "Sarmatians"? Due to the lag in technological structures. Humanity in antiquity already had such a technological order. It's called the Silicon Age. These were flint tools: spearheads, knives, and axes. Russia just overslept the appearance of the second "epoch of silicon"! These "pieces of silicon" are now everywhere and in the tools of labor, and in the tools of war.
Confirmation of this somewhat impudent conclusion of mine was found on the fields of war in Ukraine. Conflict Armament Research (CAR) wrote about this based on the results of its recent study.
The team of experts returned to Ukraine and, by July 16, documented additional facts regarding Russian equipment captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war. Among other things, they studied components of Ka-52 helicopters, cruise missiles, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), drones, communications, and navigation equipment, all of which were produced in Russia. Russia uses components from at least 144 foreign manufacturers in its equipment.
About Alma mater. How could an oasis like SKB exists?
The main thing is that it was the General Designer Aziz Kiyasbeyli. Behind the eyes of Aziz - Muallim. It was he who created the "school of flow measurement" in Baku, as Paton created the "school of welding" in Ukraine. All practical types of flow metering were developed in his SKB.
The authority of his name was so high that when my colleagues and I created a private scientific and technical Bureau in Baku and its branch in Los Angeles, our recommendation was that we worked for Kiyasbeyli.
1. SKB Neftekhimpribor https://oneclick.az/company/senayecihaz-elmi-istehsalat-muessisesi?hl=ru
2. "Rocket and space instrumentation"https://spacedevice.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/7_p56_0203.pdf
3. Patent No. 2 467 456 https://yandex.ru/patents/doc/RU2467456C2_20121120
4. Look. Del. Newspaper https://m.vz.ru/news/2022/4/25/1155472.html