The Ass Thought Memes | Tune up to Truth

The Ass Thought Memes

Submitted by Gershman on Thu, 08/15/2024 - 03:30


We use the innovative, patented, remote, brain γ-ray scanner for reading woke asses' thoughts, and
exercise the latest Ass–English AI translator.


Freedom !  Freedom !  Freedom !


The Ass Wokeness Gist



Our ass's experts in voter propaganda have chosen the anthem of the election campaign – the song « Freedom! ».
Like all such songs, its lyrics are a stream of meaningless screams.
But beautifully sung and pleasantly spoken, the word « Freedom » penetrates the brains and effectively attracts voters.

The song « Freedom! » is the battle cry of woke asses in the war against  WASP-elephants.

We, woke asses, demand Freedom! not for the WASP-elephants, but for the oppressed  DEI groups of people – Blacks, Natives, Latinos, LGBTQs, immigrants.
Laws limit Freedom. Therefore, we, woke asses, will reduce legal prohibitions. We strengthen «Affirmative Action» and will reduce legal prohibitions, mainly for the oppressed DEI groups of people.
The police limit Freedom. Therefore, we will defund the police. We will limit the powers and functions of the police.

Under the «Affirmative Action» policy, DEI offenders will receive lesser punishments than WASP offenders.

We, woke asses, believe that crimes committed by members of national minorities are acceptable manifestations of their national cultures.
Damages of less than $1,000 are pranks, but not crimes.
Illegal actions of teenagers under 21 are not crimes.

Homeless people have the right to live freely in any public place.
This Freedom is already in effect in California and has turned it into a cesspool.
We, woke asses, will establish this Freedom in all states and cities of the USA.

Psychopaths and drug addicts have the right to be free in any public places and in public transport.
Because of their illnesses, these people are not responsible for their damage to other people.
We, woke asses, will prohibit the police from restricting the Freedom of these people.

The need to earn a living for themself and their families significantly limits Freedom.
We, woke asses, will end this need.
As under communism, our ass state will pay all people a basic income and provide all people with housing, food, health care, education, and social interaction.

National borders cruelly restrict Freedom.
So we, the woke asses, will lift the ban on immigration to the United States.
We will fulfill the call that is engraved on the tablet of the Statue of Liberty:
«Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.» © Emma Lazarus

Dwellers of Latin America, Africa, and the whole World! Go to the USA!
Hundreds of millions of immigrants will join our ass herds.
This new electorate will ensure the eternal election of woke asses to power.

Every US household will shelter a group of poor immigrants and pay extra taxes to help them realize their American dreams.

There are currently only 20 million illegal immigrants living in the US.
They make up less than 10% of the adult US population.
So, they hide from the police, rarely attack Americans, and still fear to demand their humanitarian rights.
However, we, woke asses, will help tens of millions of migrants come to the USA.
As always happens during invasions of wild barbarians, when the number of illegal immigrants is more than 15% of residents, they will stop to fear the police, form gangs, and openly “hunt” Americans – rob, beat, rape, sell drugs, kill.
When their number exceeds 100 million, they will be the storming ass vanguard and, together with other DEI classes, will crushingly demand their rights and receive all the benefits.
The “New Mexican Revolution” will come to the USA.

Taking care of your children and families significantly limits Freedom.
Refusing to have children and create families significantly expands individual freedoms and improves life comfort.
Therefore, we, woke asses, contribute to the mass suppression of the normal, natural instinct of procreation in the minds of people and receive their electoral support for this.

One of the main ways to reduce the birth rate is mass abortion.
We, woke asses, support this practice to increase women's Freedom.
However, mass abortions cause great harm to the development of the nation and the health of women.
Therefore, in woke ass language, we coyly call the right to abortion a euphemism “reproductive rights”.
The exact meaning of these words is “the right to be born”, i.e. we falsely call the right to abortion the right to parturiate.

This policy will cause the extinction of our nation in two generations.
By the 2070s, the living space of our civilization will be populated by other nations of other cultures and civilizations.
But we, woke asses, do not look to the future and focus our interests on our victories in the next elections.

The most reliable and effective way to get full Freedom and maximum joy is to use psychotropic, hallucinogenic substances.
Therefore, we, woke asses, love to use “grass”, “powder” and all sorts of funny pills.
We welcome new achievements and products of psychopharmacology for universal Freedom and joy.


The Ass Wokeness Gist

For many decades, “sleepy” asses invented fashionable games.
Because of satiety, aimlessness, and boredom, they dyed their manes blue, their tails green, their hooves orange, and then dyed them the other way around.
They made the sexual revolution, created new types of arts, and cheered at sports competitions.

Like natural asses with tails, our liberal asses are stupid.
However, unlike their natural namesakes, in addition to their stupidity, they also believe in stupid myths and utopian doctrines.
Therefore, in 2010, our most talkative fighting asses – university professors invented the fashionable mass game –
“The Ass Wokeness”, which woke up the “sleepy” asses and made them “woke”.
Then, ideologists of ass herds turned this game into a pseudo-religious cult “Liberal Assism”.
This cult is a progressive development of Marxism in the 21st century.

Five ideas form the Gist of the «Liberal Assism»:
Society functions efficiently according to a multitude of detailed laws, regulations, and rules.
Bureaucracy manages resources much better than their private owners.
Businessmen are evil exploiters and harmful enemies of the people.
Therefore, the state must strictly regulate their activities.
The state must relieve all weak and handicapped asses from their griefs at the expense of the resources of businessmen and the whole of society.

According to this fundamental doctrine of the cult of «Liberal Assism», the state must take resources from citizens, communities, and corporations and administer them.
First of all, the bureaucracy must take resources from businessmen and use them for public purposes.
State bodies must eliminate and even prevent the distress of DEI asses and satisfy their needs.

The enemies of woke asses – WASP-elephants arrogantly assert that our doctrine is false, that reality is just the opposite, and that the real effectiveness of legislation and bureaucracy is too low –

They slander that senseless chatter and malignant demagogy replace knowledge and scientific thinking among our ideologists.
Allegedly, not a single woke ass professor is capable of following scientific methodology and thinking logically –
All their verbose opuses are as meaningless as the lyrics of the democratic anthem «Freedom».

Our enemies claim that the best way to control asses is to wave a carrot in front of their faces!
Allegedly, ass ideologists advise our leaders: “Promise lots of sweet free carrots!”.
Promise! Promise! Promise! Flatter them that woke asses are very smart and beautiful! Therefore, they deserve lots of free carrots.
The main thing is the crosses on the ballot papers.
No one can punish the leaders of the ass herds for their false promises.

WASP elephants accuse our ass thinkers of a utopian desire to legislatively regulate all processes in society.
The overwhelming majority of lawyers are members of our ass herd.
WASP elephants accuse the writers of laws of a desire to complicate the legislation to increase lawyers' fees.
Ass lawyers “inflated” the US legislation from the Constitution with 7 articles to an endless, absurd volume.
Due to its excessive size, cumbersome complexity, and inconsistency, its application is ineffective and counterproductive.
The absurd cumbersomeness of the legislation is significantly exacerbated by the archaic precedent doctrine of interpretation of laws and events.
The ineffectiveness of the “inflated” ass legislation causes excessive complexity in the application of regulatory rules, excessive timeframes and costs of litigation, and low predictability of court decisions.

Naive WASP-elephants claim that bureaucracy can supposedly manage only primitive systems effectively.
Medieval agrarian economies were simple. Feudal bureaucracies could manage them. Therefore, states were authoritarian.
Modern oil economies are simple. Bureaucratic systems can manage them. Therefore, their states are authoritarian – the Gulf States, Russia, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Nigeria, etc.

Industrial economies are too complex and cannot be managed by the state with acceptable efficiency. Therefore, they consist of private, independent enterprises. Therefore, industrially efficient countries are republics with very limited functions of state bodies.

The stupid WASP-elephants claim that the expansion of the state functions and increase of the state resources always and inevitably worsens the functioning of industrial society and slows down its development to the point of degradation and collapse.

These disgusting WASP-elephants claim that the objective properties of social systems cannot be changed, and that the artificial, invented, political properties of these systems must correspond to their objective properties.
Countries whose artificial political properties counteract the objective properties of social systems are called «utopias».
Such countries function ineffectively and develop slowly or even collapse, for example, the USSR and its satellites.

But we, kind and optimistic woke asses, believe not in objective properties, but in Liberal Assism, and we love to dream.
We dream of replacing harmful oil with “perpetual motion machines”.
We dream of replacing tiresome and boring capitalism with a cheerful and carefree socialist utopia like “Barbieland”.
We will supply the surrounding world with inspiring rhetoric about “equality”, “democracy”, “individual rights”, etc.
In return, the World – China, Africa, India and other nations will have to provide us with goods and resources.

“If the facts do not fit our doctrine, so much the worse for those facts.”

These greedy WASP-elephants claim that investors are the foundation of the economy and the entire society.
Countries that are governed by investor communities function effectively and develop rapidly, such as the «Asian Tigers».
Countries where investors have little political influence and bureaucracies govern the economy function poorly and stagnate, such as modern Europe.
In the 20th century, various countries and peoples on all continents tried hundreds of times to build socialist utopias.
All these attempts destroyed economies and countries and caused wars and genocides.
In our time, socialism in Venezuela, which has the largest oil fields in the world, destroyed the economy, established a dictatorship, and worsened the life of the population to the poverty level of 1945.
Nicolas Maduro is an example of a progressive people's leader (and a disgrace to World Jewry).

However, we, woke asses, believe not in facts, but in Liberal Assism.
Russians, Chinese, Europeans, Cubans, Africans could not build socialist utopias.
We, American woke asses, are smarter than all of them and will be able to do it.
Our ass state will oppress businessmen and take away their capital.
Our ass bureaucrats will manage these resources and manage the economy.
We, woke asses, will print even more dollars, take loans for 100 trillion, ignore the restoration and development of public infrastructure, and increase taxes to 101% of income
This is the ass economy – Assonomics.
It will cause inflation of hundreds of % per year.
But inflation does not bother us, woke asses.

We will organize and lead the World Socialist International with the participation of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, South Africa, and North Korea.

For 5 centuries, evil white colonialists have oppressed the unfortunate peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America and prevented their development.
We, the brave and proud woke asses, are taking revenge on their descendants – the arrogant WASP-elephants.
Our ass state will take their money and give it to poor, oppressed countries.
We welcome the liberation of poor nations from the oppression of US corporations by expropriating their factories and mines in these countries.
We, woke asses, are contributing to the extinction of Western civilization and the seizure of its living space by other nations.

Until the end of the 20th century, under the guise of pseudo-democracy, evil WASP-elephants ruled the USA according to their Credo – «Direct resources to the future development of the nation» – by funding parties, universities, media, churches, Hollywood.
This caused the effective functioning and successful development of the country and the dominance of the USA in the World.
In the 2000s, our most talkative fighting asses – university professors indoctrinated the malignant virus of political masochism into the brains of new generations of WASP-elephants
As a result of this mass zombification, most WASP-elephants turned into woke asses and joined our herds.
The remaining WASP-elephants tore out their tusks, cut off their testicles, and became rams.

These processes caused the social revolution.
Big Business lost power in the USA –
The most talkative demagogues – the leaders of the ass herds seized power in the USA.

WASP-elephants are greedy, calculating, rational, and demand maximum efficiency from businesses, government bodies, and the entire society.
Greater efficiency ensures that society's needs are met and that society develops successfully.
This enables the country to successfully compete with other countries for the acquisition of the world's natural resources.

In contrast to the WASP-elephants, we woke asses demand not efficiency, but first and foremost, «Diversity, Equity, Inclusion».
«Diversity, Equity, Inclusion» (DEI) is the motto of our Liberal Assism.
The method of implementing DEI is «Affirmative Action».
According to this method, managerial and expert positions and university places are given to members of weak and disadvantaged social groups, but not to the most competent and productive people.
However, “paradoxically”, the leaders of woke ass herds do not trust their health to DEI doctors, their capital to DEI financiers, their legal affairs to DEI lawyers, their businesses to DEI managers, the direction of their herds to DEI propagandists, etc., and prefer to hire WASPs, Jews, Chinese, Koreans, Indians.

Therefore, implementing DEI significantly reduces the efficiency of enterprises, government agencies, and the entire society and turns offices into sinecures and the entire country into a huge almshouse.
The DEI politics spends and squanders enormous resources that the state withdraws from the economy and borrows.
As a result, the satisfaction of society's needs worsens, the speed of its development slows, and the country's international competitiveness is significantly weakened.

In 2020, prominent ass herd leader, Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz promoted the DEI riot and mass riots and hailed the nationwide spread of the violent and abusive ritual of DEI asses' foot washing by WASP-elephants as the symbol of the defeat and surrender of the WASP-civilization.

DEI significantly reduces the effectiveness of especially technology and weapons corporations.
The Pentagon is forced to lower general standards and requirements so that weak DEI soldiers can comply with them.
As a result, the US defense capability is significantly deteriorated and deprives the US of the ability to protect its interests in the World.

In the 2040s, the economic capacity of the DEI-USA to support the functioning of society will cease.
More efficient states, first of all China, will colonize North America.
The living space of the US will be filled by other, more productive nations.
However, we, woke asses, ignore the problem of the efficiency of the country and the existence of the next generations of US residents.
Our way of life is to devour everything today and squander the resources of our descendants, and "After us, even the deluge!"

A synonym for the DEI motto is «Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite».
This motto has been proclaimed in hundreds of revolutions and attempts to create socialist utopias.
All of these attempts ended in catastrophic national collapses.
It is significant that «Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite» is the state motto of Haiti.
Evil WASP-elephants claim that our woke ass goal is to ruin the WASP-USA, and that by 2050, the policy of Liberal Assism «Diversity, Equity, Inclusion» will bring the USA to the condition of modern Haiti.

The increase of DEI population and multiplication of their public benefits increases the anger of WASP elephants against DEI.
The forced and unnatural equalization and mixing of WASPs and DEIs, rich and poor, smart and stupid, men and women, citizens and immigrants multiplies anger in the whole society and leads to civil war.
Therefore, we, woke asses, will preemptively strengthen our armed troops against the aggressiveness of WASP elephants to prevent or win the civil war.

The US election commissions are made up of woke asses and count votes according to the “ass arithmetic”.
The lazy and arrogant WASP elephants are not going to control the election commissions.
Therefore, the probability of dual power in the US is growing

The war of woke asses against WASP elephants is a struggle between bureaucrats and investors, the cognitive clash between stupid utopianism and common sense, and the civilizational conflict between current waste and future development.

The social causes and conditions for the dominance of Liberal Assism in society are the following:
Disunity of the business community.
Refusal of the ruling elites to adhere to the principles of scientific thinking.
General stupidity of most ass herds.

The national business community can be consolidated and organized
The ruling elites can be trained in the principles of scientific thinking
The stupidity of the next generations can be reduced by the mass bearing of embryos from healthy, intelligent, and beautiful donors.

Therefore, to strengthen Liberal Assism and secure the power of the woke asses forever, we, woke asses, will :
prevent the business community's consolidation,
hinder the spread of scientific thinking, and
prohibit artificial insemination.

E. Gershman
