«New World Order»
Tightening of electoral procedures
The safety of President D. Trump
The events of the new movie «Civil War» take place in the 2040s.
In reality, the U.S. Civil War may break out as early as December 2024.
Most experts believe that the probability of doubtful results of the presidential election is quite high.
In this case, the losing party will declare these results falsified and refuse to obey them.
Half of the states will declare J. Biden as President, and the other half will declare D. Trump.
Half of the deputies, generals, judges, officials, policemen will want to obey the authority of J. Biden, and the other half – the authority of D. Trump.
In the US state system, the catastrophic dual power will emerge.
We can only hope that the leaders of the parties will somehow agree and will not bring these processes to the bombing of megacities.
However, the majority of Mankind hates the USA and will try to use the situation of its significant weakening to destroy the USA.
In Nature, hyenas and jackals fear a strong lion, but when the lion is weakened by injury and disease, hyenas and jackals jointly pounce and bite it.
The major adversaries of the USA are consolidating under the BRICS banner. Dozens of smaller countries that have not yet formally joined BRICS support it. They all have different, often opposing goals but common envy and hatred of the West's parasitic «Golden Billion».
The BRICS ruling elites intend to establish the «New World Order» with the following features:
Natural resources will be very expensive.
The USA will lose the «World Sheriff» status.
Dollar and Euro will lose their status as World Reserve Currencies. This will stop the emission rents that the US and Europe charge from the entire World.
The businesses of Western multinational corporations in anti-Western countries will be expropriated and sold to local corporations.
Many states will acquire thermonuclear missiles.
Migrants from poor countries will populate Western countries.
The West will pay the underdeveloped countries compensation for colonialism.
Objective prerequisites of the «New World Order» are as follows :
The Western civilization is weakening economically, militarily, demographically and will wither in the 2040s;
China, India, Indonesia, and some other countries are strengthening and in total already prevail over the West in terms of basic properties;
natural resources, which belong mainly to BRICS countries, are shrinking and becoming more expensive;
Western civilization seeks only comfort and consumption, and business elites are fragmented and stagnant;
the BRICS ruling elites seek to develop and enrich themselves and destroy the West.
In a catastrophic situation of dual power in the USA, BRICS leaders may dare to attack the USA and the whole West.
They will not launch thermonuclear missiles to avoid triggering the retaliatory strike.
They will employ a coordinated "thousand small bites" strategy of hybrid warfare.
Already during or shortly after the election, BRICS hackers will launch millions of cyber attacks on the USA objects.
In the process of strengthening dual power in the USA, China will begin a massive sell-off of dollars, U.S. bonds, and shares of Western corporations.
China will seize Taiwan's Penghuledao Islands.
China's proxy army – DPRK will attack Korea.
Iran will detonate a test Bomb and announce the laying of thermonuclear "waiting" bombs off the coasts of Tel Aviv, New York, Los Angeles, activate IRGC sabotage groups in Western countries, attack with its proxy armies Hezbollah and Ansar Allah, launch missiles to the US bases and Israel, block the Strait of Hormuz with mines and missiles.
Algeria will blockade Gibraltar.
Ansar Allah will block the Bab Al-Mandab Strait and bomb oil storage facilities and refineries in Sunni Gulf countries.
The Russian Federation will attack the Baltic States, hit the Beskid tunnel portal and railroad bridges over the Dnieper River with nuclear missiles, intensify its offensive in Ukraine, including through Belarus, hit with missiles to airfields in Poland and Romania from which military aircraft fly to Ukraine, and hit logistical hubs from which Western arms are sent to Ukraine.
Venezuela, along with Cuba and Nicaragua, will take over Guyana.
Many undersea cables and pipelines will be destroyed by unknown saboteurs.
Unknown submarines will launch missile attacks on the US bases in Hawaii, Okinawa, Qatar, aircraft carriers, offshore production platforms. (Ongoing Iranian and Ansar-Allah attacks show that missile defense systems do not intercept all Iranian missiles.)
Most of the businesses of multinational corporations will be expropriated and nationalized.
Migrant flows across the Mexican border will increase tenfold.
Turkey will send millions of refugees to Europe.
At the commands of the IRGC, millions of migrants in Europe will massively smash banks, stores, offices, and apartment buildings.
Plans for these attacks have long been prepared by the headquarters of the respective states.
Now, these plans are being updated and coordinated by the participants of the coming attack.
Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies are sending new targets to the IRGC for missile strikes and attacks by sabotage and terrorist groups in Western countries.
The results of these strikes will be:
The Dollar and Euro will become several times cheaper and lose their reserve status.
Yuan will become the main World reserve currency.
Investors will not buy US bonds and invest in US banks.
Shares of Western corporations will become several times cheaper.
The economies of the USA and Europe will shrink substantially.
Social Security and public health care systems will go bankrupt.
Tens of millions of hungry people will riot and smash stores and offices in the USA and the rest of the Western countries.
The modern economies of Western countries do not provide for the needs of their societies. Western nations only survive by increasing their debts. Once the Western economies are destroyed, they cannot be rebuilt.
Political leaders who consider themselves worthy of being presidents are in all the US states. Therefore, the USA will disintegrate not into 2-3 parts, but into dozens of warring "splinters". Moreover, some states will also split into parts.
The US Armed Forces will be abolished, divided, and replaced by the armies of the new American states.
The destruction of Western Civilization will cause enormous damage to the entire World, including the BRICS countries.
However, the BRICS ruling elites are willing to bear these damages as the cost of historical revenge against the West for centuries of ongoing racist humiliation and robbery.
They act according to the biblical aphorism "If my neighbor gets twice as much, I will poke my eye out !”.
The telling model of the BRICS elites’ psychology is Palestine.
Although Israel increases the standard of living of Palestinians by three times that of neighboring Arab countries, Palestinian leaders want to destroy Israel.
BRICS elites believe that eliminating the parasitic West, especially its emission rents, and taking over Western enterprises will multiply their future profits far beyond the losses incurred.
Western societies naively believe in the inviolability of Western Civilization and, especially, its core – the USA.
Even professional experts do not realize the fragility of social systems, even of such huge and strong ones as the USA.
However, recent historical experience shows that the mighty and supposedly "indestructible" USSR quickly collapsed as a result of a weakening of the internal system and the pressure of external factors.
Traditionally, the USA elections are like movie festivals and sports championships and are conducted negligently and irresponsibly.
In the past few elections, my friends have worked the polls. I helped them. Thus, I was indirectly involved in the polling stations and observed some of the processes from the inside.
Precinct election boards hire their temporary workers, most of whom are elderly housewives.
They are paid meager wages, have no responsibility, and consider the job as entertainment that brings fresh experiences into the routine of their lives.
Election boards give formal and ineffective training to these workers.
During the election, the workers did not know their functions.
They made long phone calls to the city election board asking how they were supposed to troubleshoot problems.
Some of the equipment – scanners, computers, video cameras, etc. did not work. The precinct boards reported technical problems to the city board. Waiting and replacement of equipment lasted several hours.
The number of party representatives and public observers was too low.
In the 2020 election, mail-in ballots accounted for almost half of all ballots.
I do not claim that mail-in ballots were fraudulent, but in some "swing" states, mail-in ballot procedures provided opportunities for massive ballot fraud.
My life experience proves that if flawed systems provide opportunities to do evil, usually the evildoers take advantage of those opportunities.
Since the 2020 election, election procedures have been tightened.
However, still, in some "swing" states, laws allow voters to cast ballots without showing IDs and without residency registrations.
This gives anyone, even non-citizens, the opportunity to vote multiple times and represent multiple votes.
Moreover, it gives millions of illegal immigrants the opportunity to vote.
Enterprising political technologists can organize so-called “voting carousels” – driving thousands of pseudo-voters on buses to different polling stations and receiving hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.
It is traditionally believed that violations of electoral procedures in favor of one party are compensated by violations in favor of another party and do not affect the results of elections.
However, in today's reality, this balance has broken down in favor of the Democratic Party. The doctrine of social liberalism provides for an increase in the number of officials, resources, and powers of the bureaucratic apparatus. Therefore, the vast majority of the bureaucratic class of all the U.S. government, state, and local agencies support the Democratic Party and are intent on harming D. Trump.
They interpret questionable inaccuracies in laws and regulations against D. Trump and the Republican Party and in favor of the Democratic Party. They ignore Democrat violations but exaggerate Republican violations. They promote Democrats and oppose Republicans.
The support of officialdom gives the Democratic Party a significant advantage.
Therefore, county Republican Party organizations should mobilize their activists to observe votes, train them, and organize their operational interactions with lawyers.
By 2024, the political situation in the USA and the World has changed dramatically, may explode due to dual power in the USA, and therefore requires the implementation of election procedures absolutely according to the law with full public control.
The ruling elites of "swing" states of the USA, which can radically affect the future existence of the USA and the whole Western civilization, should take extraordinary actions to minimize the possibility of the national and global catastrophe.
Deputies, senators, governors, party leaders, judges, and prosecutors of such states should issue joint declarations about their special responsibility to ensure the legitimacy of elections in the current political circumstances, about the extreme danger of questionable election results, and about special measures to prevent possible doubts of citizens about the absolute legitimacy of the elections held.
They should declare that they will undertake not only the normal activities necessary for the conduct of elections but also redundant, duplicative, and cross-cutting actions to guarantee that any errors, much less fraud, will be prevented.
These elections will have to be conducted similarly to a military strategic operation with appropriate authority, control, and responsibility.
Legislators in "swing" states should pass laws to increase penalties for election fraud and equate them to those for treason.
Governors, legislatures, senates, courts, and prosecutors' offices in swing states should establish special election prosecutors' offices and courts to promptly investigate and determine possible violations of election procedures.
Governors should establish special expert inspectorates that will test election technologies and procedures in advance and identify opportunities for equipment breakdowns, violations of election procedures, and fraudulent results.
The number of workers and resources of election boards, as well as the number of party representatives and public observers, should be significantly increased.
Instead of hiring random, incompetent, and irresponsible workers, local authorities should assign their officials to election boards during the preparation and conduct of elections.
By October 1, 2024 or earlier, all voters must be re-registered in person based on their IDs, residency records, and SSA and IRS databases.
In past elections, the names and data of deceased people have been used for massive ballot fraud.
Therefore, the names of deceased people must be removed from the voter rolls.
Voters may receive ballots only upon presentation of their ID cards.
When each ballot paper is issued, representatives of the major parties in the election boards must stamp and sign it.
Ballots without these stamps and signatures should be considered fraudulent.
When a ballot is issued, an election worker, in the presence of observers, must place a mark in paint on a certain finger of a voter and certify the absence of such a mark from a possible previous, duplicate voting.
Voters who will not be able to go to the polls on election day must be pre-registered and will be able to complete election procedures earlier than election day.
Voters who require ballots to be delivered to their homes for legitimate reasons must be registered in advance.
Before election day, election officials will deliver ballots to the homes of such voters and perform election procedures there, accompanied by observers from the major parties.
Ballots received before election day are stored in separate special sealed boxes.
Before adding ballots from these boxes to ballot totals, election boards must separately count a number of ballots in these boxes and confirm that this number does not exceed the number of voters who participated early in the election.
A number of ballots in boxes used for mobile voting in voters' homes should be counted with special responsibility because the possibility of stuffing falsified ballots in these boxes while they are outside polling stations is high.
Seals on ballot boxes should contain stamps and signatures of representatives of all parties participating in election boards and should be removed under the supervision of party and public observers.
The experience from the 2020 election campaign has shown that postal voting procedures provide opportunities for mass ballot rigging. Therefore, in "swing" states, to prevent public doubt, mail-in ballots should be banned altogether.
State election boards should create computer programs to identify voters with the same SSN.
Election boards should be given the military-level means to protect election systems from cyber-attacks.
Polling stations should be equipped with redundant video cameras to record voters receiving ballots, ballot collection boxes, procedures of opening ballot boxes, removing ballots from boxes to processing tables, and processes of sorting, counting, and packaging ballots.
In past elections, in many polling stations, technical machines, scanners, and computers often broke down. Therefore, in "swing" states, election boards should provide polling stations with back-up equipment in advance and have the capacity to quickly deliver such equipment to polling stations during elections if necessary.
Election boards and party organizations should establish party supervisory teams with excess numbers of observers.
District and precinct election boards and party organizations should repeatedly conduct training sessions with simulated voting processes and procedures with party and public observers.
In "swing" states, party organizations should establish their teams of private detectives to investigate alleged fraud.
Because the 2024 U.S. presidential election is of extreme importance, state governments and party leaders in "swing" states must prevent cases of " faithless electors”.
To do so, they should pass laws requiring electors to publish their votes and submit their open ballots to the governors, and state party organizations should replace electors who violate their duty to vote according to the election results in their states.
Also, such state governments should impose heavy criminal penalties and ruinous fines on electors who violate the states' elector laws.
Authorities in "swing" states should enact laws stating that in cases of court rulings of election irregularities and false election results in certain districts, such results should be nullified, and the elections in those districts should be re-run.
President D. Trump's importance in World History may surpass that of Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln prevented the disintegration of the United States through the Civil War. Opponents or supporters of D. Trump may provoke another Civil War and the breakup of the United States.
Half the country hated A. Lincoln, and he was assassinated.
The number, power, and hatred of D. Trump's enemies are far greater than that of President J. Kennedy. Today, they do not need even to bring in some fake “Oswald”. Science knows thousands of ways to covertly disrupt a person's health and incapacitate him.
President D. Trump's staff is vastly underestimating the likelihood of physically or functionally removing him before the election.
His security must be beefed up more than the incumbent US President.
The number of D. Trump rallies should be minimized. They should be held only in "swing" states. In most public events, D. Trump should participate virtually, on large monitors.
Liberal state courts may try to arrest D. Trump. Therefore, he must stay in Texas under the protection of the National Guard. He can only fly out to rallies in "swing" states with strong security.
E. Gershman