- The original was published in «The Jewish World» newspaper in 2020.
“It's the society, stupid !”
• “The Rednecks’ Chief” has left
• Liberal Democratic Revolution
• Democracy Destroys Civilization
• The Optimal Political System
• “The Point of no Return” – 2025
Presidents are always representatives of some political elites. Donald Trump does not represent the political elites, and he also fights against the “Washington swamp”. The election of Donald Trump was a fault of the US political system. Its cause was the dissatisfaction of half of the US society with B. Obama's liberalism. Donald Trump's charisma, his personal wealth and new web technologies contributed to his election
Trump's presidency was an unnatural, accidental, short-term anomaly.
Conservative, republican politicians traditionally represent the interests and receive support from the Big Business. However, the main electoral class, which supports the Republican billionaire Donald Trump, paradoxically, consists of factory workers, farmers, and the army. The American intelligentsia contemptuously calls them “rednecks”.
“The Rednecks’ Chief” – President Donald Trump raised and led the rebellion against the entire US establishment.
All my forecasts of the results of the presidency of Donald Trump (except for the COVID-19 pandemic), published since 2016, have been confirmed:
Make America Great – <Google translation>
The Donald Trump Phenomenon – <Google translation>
85% Chance of the President – <Google translation>
The Republican Perplexity – <Google translation>
The Incompetence Ruins the West – <Google translation>
To Reduce the Crisis in Three Times – <Google translation>
America Gone With the Craze – <Google translation>
Donald Trump does not know the fundamental causes for the degradation of the Western civilization. He has no clue of the optimal structure of a society. He does not understand the process of creating such a society. He did not have the productive expert support. Therefore, his presidency had a high probability of continuing degradation of the United States, which did materialize in the end.
Trumpists argue that the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted the economy, defeated Donald Trump. But the vast majority of experts believe that if the pandemic had not happened, the economy itself would have entered a recession in 2020. The result would have been the same.
The intelligentsia, minorities, feminists, the poor, bureaucracy, business elite, and even the army generals have united against Donald Trump. Republican party functionaries make up a significant portion of the "Washington swamp." Many of them also participated in the "Resistance" to President Trump, sabotaged his policies and contributed to his defeat in the 2020 elections.
Biologists experimented with two frogs. They put one into a container with hot water. The frog got burned and jumped out of the vessel.
They put another frog in a container of cold water, which they heated gradually. The frog calmly got used to the increasing temperature, and continued swimming until death.
If Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party had won in 2016, the US economy would have degraded at increased rate since 2017. The business elite would be frightened, indignant and concerned about countering the suicidal destruction of the economy and the country. Perhaps already in 2017, they would have begun to consolidate, establish effective business associations, and create conservative think tanks to fight against aggressive liberalism.
But Donald Trump won then. His presidency has calmed the conservative community and lessened the fight against liberalism. His supporters believed that:
Donald Trump would pass several good bills, cut taxes, relax restrictions;
The economy would accelerate and start working;
Investments would increase significantly;
Higher living standards would significantly reduce the electoral base of the Democratic Party;
Republicans will always win elections.
My friends believed that the political need for my ideas for creating effective business associations – <Google translation> , the application of scientific methodology – <Translation> , and the theory of social systems – <Google translation> was exhausted under President Trump.
But American universities produce three million new aggressive liberalists every year. The media floods the society with liberal demagogy. Political liberalism is being radicalized. Groups of leftist extremists grow and multiply. Mass local riots threaten to ignite the national civil war.
Executive orders of President Trump and other results of his presidency will be canceled out in the spring of 2021.
The Democratic Party has taken over the United States for many years, possibly until the complete destruction of the state in the 2030’s.
Thus, Donald Trump's presidency caused long-term strategic damage to the United States and to the entire West much more than temporary benefits.
Liberal Democratic Revolution
In the 19-20 centuries, in Western countries, the Big Business exercised real power through financing political, public, religious, charitable, educational, media, and cultural organizations.
Democratic institutions and rituals were the “camouflage” of this real power. They created an illusion of the possibility of eliminating bad rulers and appointing good ones, who would care about the people. The illusion weakened the anger of the masses against the authorities, reduced the scale of riots, and lowered the cost of maintaining the police and the national guard.
Thus, in the 19th and 20th centuries, the Western countries were pseudo-democratic, bourgeois republics.
Propagandists of democracy have implanted certain ideas in the mass consciousness like "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity", "the power of the people", and "the human rights". They turned the ideology of democracy into a quasi-religious cult. Any religion is an instrument of the ruling elites to govern the population.
The ideologists of democracy substantiate their postulates by God's Will – “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
However, it is amusing that the majority of modern democracy apologists are atheists.
Homo Sapience is a mammal that believes in myths. Billions of people believe in Jesus, Muhammad, Yahweh, Buddha, Perun, Krishna, Sacred Cow, socialism, nationalism, Juche, Voodoo, etc. etc. Billions believe in the myth of democracy – the best social system.
This myth was implanted in the 19th and 20th centuries, when pseudo-democracy camouflaged the real power of the Big Capital.
Such power ensured the high efficiency of the Western societies and economies, which the propaganda declared as the result of the imaginary democracy.
At the end of the 20th century, the vast majority of Western business elites studied at universities, where socialist professors brainwashed the current capitalists and instilled in them the myth about the productivity and virtues of democracy.
As a result, the zombified business elite naively gave up power and handed it over to the clans of politicians and manipulators of the mass consciousness.
Western bourgeois republics turned into social democracies.
The camouflaged pseudo-democracy has become the real demagogocracy. As a result, Western countries and economies degenerate, collapse and depopulate.
Propagandists instill in the minds of society that democracy is the best system, but sometimes bad politicians and officials accidentally fall within the system. Therefore, “the change of power” is one of “the highest values” of liberalism. Thanks to this property of democracy, a society supposedly gets rid of bad rulers and appoints good ones. In reality, democracy systematically promotes the appointment of deceitful, cynical and corrupt politicians as a result of manipulating the mass consciousness.
The objective properties and fundamental flaws of democracy are described in my article “The Principles of Reforming Civilization” – <Google translation> .
Conservative ideologues are trying to figure out how to improve the democratic system and increase its economic efficiency based on the traditional paradigm of democracy. But the fundamental flaws of democracy are the result of its fundamental, species-forming properties. Therefore, it is impossible to substantially correct and improve democracy.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, all major political parties in the West were bourgeois. They represented different business groups. Since the end of the 20th century, all parties have turned into social democratic parties of varying degrees of leftism, including parties that declare themselves being conservative.
In the 2000’s, the business communities had been equally supporting the conservative and liberal parties.
In the 2010’s, the zombified majority of the business community, including the Big Business, started to believe in liberalism and began financing the Liberal Democrats.
Therefore, in the 2020 election campaign, the budget of the Democratic Party was one and a half times higher than the Republican budget.
For several millennia, intellectuals have dreamed of a meritocracy – the state ruled by highly educated and intelligent rulers. And finally, in our time, as a result of the liberal-democratic revolutions, in all Western countries, clans of professional politicians, ideologists and lawyers with academic degrees from the best universities exercise the power.
The causes and consequences of this pseudo-intellectual revolution are described in my article “The Incompetence Ruins the West” – <Google translation> .
As a result of this pseudo-intellectual revolution, the three century-old dreams of the communists – the domination of Marxism, the “rot” of the West, and the overall victory of communist China, has finally become a reality.
After the liberal democratic revolutions took place in the West in the 21st century, the adherents of liberal democracy, like the Bolsheviks in the 20th century, believed in their historical mission of building the liberal Paradise throughout the Earth.
Democracy destroys the Civilization
In a democracy, the population influences the formation of the government. Therefore, rival political clans seduce voters with rights and benefits. As a result, democracy exaggerates the humanism of the state.
Due to excessive hyperhumanism, society is being corrupted and deteriorated.
People do not work well, consume a lot, and often do not repay loans.
Government agencies are ineffective and withdraw too many resources from the economy.
The economy does not develop and is not even capable of ensuring the long-term existence of society.
The courts pity criminals and sentence them to light penalties. Western prisons are more comfortable than Soviet nursing homes. Therefore, many people break the laws. Participants of mass riots remain unpunished. Therefore, riots and pogroms will expand and escalate.
Biology and sociology have proven that the unnaturally comfortable existence of individuals causes the extinction of populations and societies. Therefore, the Western countries depopulate by quarter–third for each generation. Migrants with alien and often hostile cultures populate the West.
Public elites are traditionally guided by demagogic rhetoric and ignore scientific methodology. Therefore, they are confident that it is possible to create a social system with some arbitrary properties. They believe that its productivity and wholesomeness is determined by the ingenuity and humanism of the drafters of its Constitution, as well as by the conscientiousness and foresight of the current rulers.
In reality, the main properties of social systems are their immanent properties, but not artificial ones, established by the Constitution.
Correct correspondence of artificial properties to immanent properties causes the productivity and well-being of the social system. The artificial properties of Soviet socialism did not correspond to the immanent properties of society in the era of machine technologies. Therefore, socialism inflicted a great many casualties and destructions, and was unable to efficiently produce commodities and resources for development. Therefore, socialism collapsed and disappeared.
The artificial properties of social democratic states also do not correlate to the immanent properties of society in the era of machine technologies. Therefore, they are unable to function effectively, to provide for their own needs, and to develop successfully. Therefore, they will also collapse in the 2030’s and 40’s.
We know the consequences of the inconsistencies between the artificially established features of a society and its immanent properties. These consequences are revolutions, wars, devastation, torments, and genocide. Americans are unaware of this objective reality. Their historical experience of 150 years of calmness and well-being of the United States under the rule of the Big Business has instilled in them an illusion that their society is inviolable. They don't understand the fragility of social systems.
In the 20th century, in different countries, democracy caused Communism and Nazism, revolutions and wars, the World nuclear danger.
Until the end of the 20th century, the common fundamental interests of the US ruling elites ensured the stability of the society.
The Liberal Democratic Revolution split this commonality. Different groups of elites have fundamentally antagonistic interests. This fundamental conflict destroys, brings chaos, and implodes the society.
Conflicts between the elites are the main factor in the destructions of states.
The leftist riots in the summer of 2020, the threat of the storming of the White House and the pogrom in the building of US Congress have shown a weakening of the taboo on mass violence and attacks on government bodies in the public consciousness of the United States.
Radical liberals promote the revolutionary idea of “The Direct Democracy” – <Google translation> .
After 2030, most Western megapolises will become the state of today's ravaged Detroit. The processes of “detroitization”are already underway in New York, California and Oregon. Hundreds of thousands of wealthy taxpayers are fleeing liberal cities. City budgets are being cut. Infrastructures and housing dilapidate. Public safety declines. School education deteriorates.
Low-hazard COVID-19 has paralyzed the ineffective West. Possible much more dangerous events – highly lethal pandemics, explosions of supervolcanoes, falling asteroids and other global catastrophes – will quickly destroy the Western civilization. Bourgeois China, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan are effectively fighting the current pandemic and are capable of surviving large-scale disasters.
The Western political clans impose democracy in underdeveloped countries, often by violent and military means.
Half of the functionaries of these clans and special services naively believe in the benefits of democracy, and want to make the peoples of these countries happy.
The other half know the real destructiveness of democracy, but they cynically force these countries into democracy in order to weaken them and to seize their resources.
In the 20th century, the USSR, Germany, Japan, China, Iran were monster countries that planted their destructive ideologies around the world and harmed many countries in various ways, from sabotage and revolutions to the World War. In the 21st century, the United States is becoming such a global monster. America itself does not live normally, and does not allow other countries to live.
The New Democratic Administration and the US Congress will strengthen the expansion of the liberal democracy in the World.
The false ideology of the liberal democracy dooms the United States to repeat the fate of the USSR, which was destroyed by its false ideology. In the 2030s, the Russian Federation and the countries of ex-USSR will be colonized by China. In the 2040s, the US will also collapse and fall under Chinese control along with the rest of the West.
The Liberal West is the malignant “tumor” on the body of Mankind. It metastasizes in most countries of the World. But the global “surgeon” – China is already accumulating strength for the future destruction of this tumor.
Optimal political system
A political system that conforms to the immanent properties of a modern technological society functions in Singapore. This system is the bourgeois republic. In it, the political influence of each public association is proportional to its contribution to the state budget.
Such a system causes the maximum efficiency of society, the optimal speed of its development and high competitiveness.
In reality, in Singapore, this system informally functions like this. Leaders of the wealthiest financial and industrial groups gather at a golf club, to which they invite senior government officials, and give them draft laws to be passed, in order to optimize investments and economic development, and also they suggest names of persons for certain government positions. The government adopts these laws and appoints the suggested candidates.
According to sociological polls and ratings of “happiness” of countries of the World, the population of Singapore is happier than the population of democratic countries.
So, supporters of the optimal organization of a society, who do not want to study the theory of social systems, can simply see how this model of society functions in Singapore.
In the 20th century, the political systems of Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong were also close to the bourgeois republic. Praised for the efficiency of their economies, they, like Singapore, have earned the title of "Asian Tigers". But the democratization of these countries, carried out under pressure from the West, reduced their effectiveness.
Modern China evolves into a bourgeois republic. This results in high efficiency and rapid development of Chinese society and economy. The government adopts laws that improve conditions for entrepreneurship, increase investment and accelerate economic development.
The influence of large business groups on the political system increases.
Chinese corporations increase their expansion on all continents.
By 2030, China will get rid of the remnants of communism, turn into a huge "Singapore" and further accelerate its development.
Similar transformations take place in Vietnam and, most likely, in Cuba and North Korea.
Like the elites of all countries, Chinese elites are unaware of the theory of social systems. But, unlike the elites of democratic countries, they are guided by common sense. They operate on the principle of “one step forward, half a step back”.
Currently, the West is weakened, and reduces the consumption of Chinese goods. China is forced to rebuild its economy. It will be reoriented towards increasing consumption in the domestic market.
In conditions of increasing uncertainty of reforms, the ruling elite temporarily strengthens the authoritarianism of the regime. Authoritarianism will worsen the efficiency of China's economy. This will ease its pressure on the West.
This restructuring will probably last for 5 years. It weakens the main competitor of the Western economy, gives a head start for the West, and slows down its destruction. This increases the chances of the West for its preservation and restoration.
Democracy establishes the dominance of the interests of an individual in the system of public priorities. The society declares freedoms and human rights as “the highest values” and provides them in the first place. The state reduces resources for development of the economy and society and spends enormous resources on ensuring the rights and needs of people.
The bourgeoiscracy sets the priority of the interests of communities over the interests of individuals, as well as the interests of society over the interests of communities.
The dominance of those interests determines the criteria for making political decisions.
The main criterion that democracy uses is the amount of resources consumed and wasted by society. This amount constitutes the bulk of GDP and determines the standard of living. Therefore, decisions that maximize these resources are considered optimal and take place.
The main criterion that the bourgeoiscracy uses is the amount of investments in the development and restoration of industries and infrastructure, on science, education, and culture. Therefore, political decisions that maximize these investments take place. This maximizes development of society.
Therefore, strategic answers to the sacramental questions “What is good? And what is bad?" are as follows. Anything that increases investments is good. Anything that lowers investments is bad.
The overwhelming majority of the population naturally and normally want to work minimally, consume maximum resources and not spend them on production, restoration, infrastructure, development, and science. Therefore, democracy inevitably loses the competition to the bourgeoiscracy. Due to the defeat in the competition and the reduction of available resources, a democratic society is not able to exist for more than 20-30 years, and will turn into chaos after the exhaustion of resources and the bankruptcy of the state.
In the 20th century, the efficient bourgeois West competed with the ineffective USSR and its satellites, and it easily won this competition.
In the 21st century, the ineffective social democratic West is forced to compete with efficient China and other bourgeoiscratic countries. The West naturally loses this fight. It loses chances even for the future equal coexistence. The West dooms itself to the status of China’s colonies by 2050.
"Point of no return" of the West – 2025
The destruction of the West visibly grew from 2000 to 2020.
From January 21, 2021, the degradation and destruction of the US economy and society, as well as the entire Western civilization will accelerate significantly. The standard of living of the population will decline. Ultra-left groups will beat the police, rob shops, smash banks and offices. A decline in living standards will intensify leftist pogroms. Democratic governments will not effectively suppress socialist riots.
In the years to come, the destruction of the West will accelerate faster and faster.
Democratic the US Congress will legalize tens of millions of immigrants, increase the number of liberal states, expand the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, and simplify electoral procedures.
These changes will reduce the likelihood of GOP victories nearly to zero.
Democrats will increase taxes, emissions of dollars, and government debts. They will increase business regulations. This will worsen the efficiency of the economy, reduce investments and increase the exodus of capitals and industries from the United States. Democrats will “improve” the economy with additional taxes, debts, emissions, inflation, and regulations.
The weakening of social stability will greatly reduce the volume of investments and accelerate the flight of capitals. The economy will slow down even more. The standard of living will drop.
The rate of destruction of the United States and the entire West will increase until the complete destruction of these countries.
With some degree of destruction of the state, chaos develops irreversibly in a society. The civil and economic methods of restoring the republican institutions can no longer work.
The republican mechanisms would gradually phase out. In the country, mass violence would be on the rise. It’d turn into civil war, dictatorship and / or foreign colonization.
The ongoing destruction of the West may come to “the point of no return” by 2025.
By 2025, China will reform and strengthen its economy. By 2030, China will rid itself of the remnants of communism and establish a bourgeois republic. This will maximize its economic and political influence in the World.
The Yuan will become the World Reserve Currency.
China will dump its reserves of dollars, euros, and the US and EU government bonds on the World market. All countries, corporations and individuals around the World will exchange their holdings of dollars and euros for yuans. The Dollar, Euro and the US and EU government bonds will be depreciated.
It is highly likely that India will also evolve into a bourgeois republic.
In India, the bourgeoiscracy can be created easily and quickly based on its caste system and communal structure.
The bourgeois republic will contribute to the rapid development of the economy.
In the 2030’s, under this condition, India will become an economic and political giant similar to China; and will double the pressure of the World to the West.
The Indian Rupee will also become the World Reserve Currency.
By 2035, the US and the rest of the Western countries will lose the ability to service their debts and will go bankrupt.
Most of the productions in the Western countries will be discontinued.
Most of the operating enterprises will be owned by the Chinese, Indian and other foreign corporations.
To write off debts of the Western states, China and possibly India will force the states to open the immigration of Chinese and Indians to the Western countries.
By 2050, China and possibly India will effectively colonize the Western countries.
Successful Western scholars and experts will move to Chinese universities and corporations.
The most lucrative industry in the West will be sex tourism for foreigners. Perhaps this industry uses the concepts of dozens of genders and will finally build toilets for them. This will solve “the crucial problem” of liberalism.
In movies about 19th century China, rickshaws pull white gentlemen. After 2035, in Central Park in Manhattan and in many other Western cities, American and European rickshaws would be riding Chinese, Indian and other gentlemen. Yuans and rupees will replace "the human rights", "the personal freedom" and other "the higher values" to them.
In modern Asia, the fashionable norm for plastic surgery is to enlarge the eyes. Young Asians want to be like Americans and Europeans. In the 2030’s, Americans and Europeans would be getting plastic surgeries to narrow their eyes, in order to gain the favors of their Chinese bosses.
Children and grandchildren of the current US and West elites will serve the new masters of the World.
The victory of the Democrats in 2020 gives the US business elites a small chance to have time to be horrified at the sad fate of their descendants, to strain their brains and take action.
Businessmen must realize that by sponsoring Democrats, they finance the destruction of the Western civilization, which will perish in the 2030s and 40s and bury the well-being of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The devastating pandemic of liberal democracy based on the false quasi-religious cult, can be defeated quickly and easily.
The falsehood, semantic insignificance and suicidal destructiveness of the farfetched quasi-religious ideas of liberal democracy can be easily proven to the sane members of the social elites, first of all, of the Big Business on the basis of the scientific methodology – <Google translation> and the theory of social systems – <Google translation> .
To do this, only several smart people with scientific thinking – <Google translation> should be found and involved in the new type think tank based on the scientific methodology.
The materials of this center will be published in «The Wall Street Journal» and other conservative media.
The main cause for the current destruction of the Western civilization is the stupidity of the zombified elites. They do not realize the political suicidality of the ongoing social processes. They don't know the way to restore the West.
Real life refutes the false ideas instilled in them. Therefore, the elites are demoralized. But only enlightened business elites will be able to productively reform the Western countries.
Therefore, it is necessary to look for reasonably thinking businessmen, explain to them the objective state of the West, its causes and its prospects; and to suggest them to create think tanks based on the scientific methodology.
In the 21st year of the 21st century, facing the growing threat of extinction of the Western civilization, the pernicious myth of virtues of democracy can and must be debunked at last.
Conclusions :
The business elites must wake up, come to senses and realize the following:
In 2025-30, the Western Civilization will cross the “point of no return”, after which the social destruction will develop irreversibly and turn into chaos and civil wars, which will end with the establishment of dictatorships controlled by China in the 2040s.
The traditional quasi-religious demagogic rhetoric is anti-scientific and counterproductive – <Google translation> .
It is necessary to apply the scientific methodology – <Google translation> for creating and adopting decisions.
It is necessary to find experts who are able to follow the scientific methodology – <Google translation> , and to involve them in think tanks of business associations.
Only the sane part of the business community is able to consolidate and form effective associations to save and reform the Western societies – <Google translation> .
E. Gershman
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