Jews will save the World not because they are particularly clever
But because the World is moving towards Catastrophe,
And if Jews do not save the World, the World will destroy the Jews.
IRGC’s Strategic Plan
Israel's defeat in the war
The Western civilization’s folly
Break the IRGC’s trap
«Scientized Israel» Project
the Divine Plan for the chosenness of the Jews is that
Israel will show the example and method of peace and cooperation
precisely in the current era of Mankind’s movement towards the thermonuclear war
and thereby save the World.
For hundreds of thousands of years, people used this method of hunting and war.
The most desperate fighters attack a mammoth or an enemy tribe and then run away along a certain path.
An angry mammoth or an angry enemy tribe chases the provocateurs and ends up in a dug trap hole.
10 years ago, with traditional Persian cunning, IRGC strategists conceived a multi-step plan involving Iran's proxy armies .
At some point X, Hamas troops attack Israeli border settlements and kill several thousand Jews.
In response, the IDF launches a punitive expedition into Gaza.
Hamas fires on the IDF.
The IDF bombs cities and kills tens of thousands of gazats.
Propaganda multiplies casualties and destruction by an order of magnitude.
Gaza is transformed into “Gaziy Yar”.
Palestine appeals to the compassion of the World community and declares itself a victim of the aggression of Israel, which is “a vestige of the inhuman Western colonialism”.
Palestine demands to stop the aggressor and stop the genocide of Palestinians.
International support for Gaza is expanding and strengthening.
The vast majority of the World community condemns Israel and subjects it to obstruction and restrictions, and even traditional allies stop supporting Israel.
As the representative of a people-victim of genocide, Hamas will demand the creation of a Palestinian state, an end to the Israeli occupation regime of the Abu Mazen administration, and the holding of democratic elections throughout Palestine.
Hamas will win these elections, will legally establish its power in both Gaza and Judea-Samaria with the support of the international community, and will receive tens of billions of dollars for the restoration of Gaza and for the maintenance of its population.
Hamas will ban IDF activities in Palestine, freely receive weapons from abroad, and produce weapons in Palestine.
“Outraged by the thousands of victims of fellow Palestinians”, Hezbollah shells the border areas of Israel.
In response, the IDF will start a war in Lebanon.
In the mined forests and defensive areas of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah's fanatical and experienced troops would kill many thousands of Israeli soldiers.
Numerous Shiite militias from Iraq will march through Syria, join forces with local forces, and attack the IDF on the Syrian front.
Hezbollah will fire volleys of thousands of rockets at Israel.
In response, the IDF will massively bomb cities in Lebanon and Syria.
Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese and Syrian civilians, women and children will be killed.
Cities will be reduced to ruins like Gaza.
At this point, Iran will declare that Israel is the new “Nazi Reich”, destroying millions of Muslims, committing genocide, destroying Islamic countries and shrines, and committing other crimes against Humanity;
that maddened and inhuman Israel intends to destroy Islamic civilization with its thermonuclear weapons;
and that therefore, in the face of a mortal threat to all faithful peoples, peace-loving Iran, the main defender of Islam and the “slaying finger of the Prophet” is forced to create its own thermonuclear missiles to retaliate against the Zionist aggressor.
After this, Iran will detonate a thermonuclear charge underground, which will frighten NATO, and, without fear of the intimidated West, will fire tens of thousands of guided, accurate, heavy missiles at the cities of Israel from the territories of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and from its own.
Israel's missile defense system will not be able to intercept most of them.
They will kill hundreds of thousands or millions of Israelis and destroy Israel's cities, infrastructure, and economy.
At the moment, this IRGC’s plan is being implemented exactly according to the intentions of its authors.
Israel is plunging deeper and deeper into a military-political deadly “trap hole” that was prudently prepared for it.
The existential threat to the people of Israel is getting worse.
In addition to general erudition, the reliability of this speculative hypothesis is confirmed by the following obvious circumstances.
Hamas leaders could not sacrifice their main asset – the decades-long, multi-billion dollar system of bunkers and tunnels, as well as their army, just to kill several thousand Jews.
These leaders could not suicidally put themselves and all of Hamas at risk of destruction without the order of the IRGC.
The opposition of the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023 to its own objective interests and its suicidal military-political meaninglessness for Hamas was the reason for the lack of IDF defense on the border with Gaza.
Israel's defeat in the war
Israel can be the core of a prosperous and prosperous Levantine region, similar to Dubai, Singapore, Korea – https://world.kamerton.global/node/370 .
The creation of such Levant is, first of all, an intellectual, scientific task.
Therefore, a necessary and mandatory condition for this project is compliance with the principles of scientific methodology by the ruling elites – https://world.kamerton.global/node/328 .
The fundamental problem is the inability and unwillingness of Israel's ruling elites to apply scientific thinking.
All political functionaries, experts, activists are demanding to present a project for reforming the political system of Gaza.
I also recommended holding an Internet conference to discuss alternative projects according to scientific methodology –
http://linkedin.com/pulse/gaza-eugene-gershman-lytae .
But not a single team, not a single expert from Israel or other countries presents such projects for public, expert discussions.
Because they understand that all their concepts are trivial, false, and unrealizable, as Historical practice has proven over many years.
These experts are unable not only to create scientifically based policy projects but even to support discussions according to scientific methodology.
Since 2007, Israel's ruling elites have created and nurtured a “tarantula nursery” in Gaza with ideal conditions for radicalizing the population.
Democratic elections, external sources of money and other resources, external political and military support from Iran and other countries, extremist ideology, and the external enemy – Israel caused and could not help but cause the establishment of an aggressive and fanatical regime that was bound to attack Israel.
Thus, the folly of the ruling elites of Israel is the initial, root, and main factor of the tragedy of October 7, 2023.
Even in the first days of this war, I published an article «The Method of Pacification of Palestine» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/363 , in which I indicated that :
by the evening of October 7, the IDF was supposed to capture the Philadelphia corridor;
October 8 – occupy rural areas in southern Gaza;
October 9 – contact Egypt and the Arab League and jointly begin building tent camps in these areas to displace residents of Gaza cities, with fences, gun towers, minefields, food distribution points, and police control.
A week later, the IDF was supposed to launch the evacuation of residents of Gaza cities to the first quarters of these camps.
During the evacuation process, the IDF had to catch most of the militants among the displaced and seize the weapons being transported.
By the end of October, the cities of Gaza would have been depopulated.
Under the slogan «Free women and children !», the IDF could freely, without condemnation and even with the approval of the World bomb and destroy the deserted cities of Gaza.
By November 7, the IDF could have occupied all of Gaza without losing its soldiers and with the support of the whole World and even the Arab League.
But due to the folly of the generals, instead of the South, exactly according to the IRGC’s plan, the IDF has launched an offensive in the North of Gaza.
The entire strategy of this war turned out to be erroneous and a failure.
Israel is condemned by the whole World and relieves its enemies of the fear of the IDF.
All international supplies for the population of Gaza were to go only to evacuation camps under the control of the IDF, and to be distributed by the joint Arab League-Israeli administration. But these camps are not built. Therefore, Hamas continues to receive and distribute humanitarian resources to the population.
This is the main factor in the continuation of Hamas's power.
In the absence of camps, the distribution of provisions, water, and other items to civilians should take place at fenced distribution points on the border and beaches of Gaza under the IDF protection.
The teams of the joint Arab League-Israeli administration must distribute resources until the creation of a new system of power in Gaza.
This will deprive Hamas of resources and power.
The experience of 2 years of war in Ukraine clearly shows that the main modern means of destruction are drones.
Israel has a reputation as a World leader in these technologies.
Therefore, in the absence of electronic warfare in Gaza, the main type of battles should have been like this.
Thousands of girl-soldiers, in their homes or parks in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat, in slippers and virtual reality glasses, on the Internet, as in computer video games, observe a given terrain somewhere in Gaza through drones, notice enemies, and direct drones at them.
It is paradoxical, but instead, like 50 years ago, the IDF infantry runs under bullets and suffers losses.
Hundreds of geological experts report several known, mature, and effective technologies for probing and locating underground tunnels.
Instruments and mechanisms for this are available in Israeli institutes and companies or can be quickly purchased in other countries.
Instead of these technologies, as 100 years ago, the IDF soldiers search for tunnel entrances visually and with dogs and sneak into them at great risk to reconnoiter their directions.
Experts recommend drilling narrow wells from the surface into tunnels, pumping propane into them, and blasting them.
Blast waves along the tunnels indicate their directions, hit militants, and destroy mine traps.
Instead, at great risk, sappers descend into the tunnels, carry explosives, scout, mine, and blow up the tunnels.
Instead of effective and relatively cheap guided missiles, the IDF makes extensive use of expensive bombing, artillery, and tanks, the use of which is not required at short ranges in Gaza and in battles with guerrillas.
The ineffectiveness and unreliability of computer battle management systems caused 20% of the IDF losses from shots from neighboring units – “the friendly fire”.
The IDF’s weaknesses exist even in a war against a small, weakly armed, and poorly trained enemy but they will have a much greater impact in battles with stronger opponents, such as Hezbollah.
Thus, due to the folly of the generals, not only the war strategy is wrong but also the IDF tactics are very outdated and ineffective.
It is obvious that the IDF generals are not the culprits of this situation.
They are very elderly people, whose brains have been subjected to severe stress for many decades and have physiologically degraded with age.
Israel's flawed political system, which maintains the powers of these generals despite their obvious incompetence, is responsible and to blame for the IDF's failures in this war.
In general, gerontocracy is a natural symptom of society’s loss of perspective, its degradation and decline.
In the 20th century, the main cause of the Middle East conflict was the struggle between the USSR and the West.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, its main reason is the folly of the ruling elites of Israel.
This folly leads the country deeper and deeper into a hopeless dead end – http://world.kamerton.global/node/363
In a couple of years, the main factor in the Middle East conflict will be a global clash between the West and China.
Israel could be turned into a theater of military operations by China's ally Iran with his proxy armies.
China gave thermonuclear bombs to the DPRK and will give or has already given such bombs to Iran.
At China's command, Iran will announce the possession and deployment of thermonuclear missiles.
Today, the main results of the war in Gaza are already there.
The IDF has shown itself to be obsolete, ineffective, and weak.
The myth of his omnipotence has been destroyed, and the enemies’ fears of his power have been weakened.
The destruction of Hamas leaders, the defeat of its battalions, and the capture of Rafah are of little importance.
The main circumstance is that the factors for the development of Hamas – democratic elections, external sources of money and other resources, external political and military support from Iran and other countries, extremist ideology, and the enemy–Israel have been preserved and continue to operate.
This will inevitably revive Hamas-2 within a year.
In political publications and on networks, the possibility of Michelle Obama being nominated for the post of the US President by the Democratic Party Convention in August 2024 in Chicago is widely discussed.
Taking into account the fact that the Democratic Party's budget is significantly larger than the Republican Party, polls show that Michelle Obama will win over D. Trump by more than 20%.
In the case of President Obama-2, already in February 2025, the USA, Britain, and the EU will recognize the state of Palestine and admit it as a full member of the UN.
The UN, the US, and others will demand elections in Palestine in April 2025.
If Israel submits, Hamas-2 will win all of Palestine and, with the support of the entire World, will prohibit the IDF from operating on its territory.
The revolutionary political crisis will paralyze Israel.
If Israel impedes these elections, the UN, the US, and the entire World will impose a moratorium on trade with Israel and subject it to global ostracism.
Israel's economy will grind to a halt.
Even if D. Trump wins and strengthens support for Israel, the guerrilla war in Palestine will be activated.
A few years later, Palestine will be recognized by all countries.
The UN will hold elections there, as a result of which Hamas will quite legally seize Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.
Due to many casualties in Gaza, anger against Israel spreads and intensifies in Islamic countries and throughout the World.
Israel's economy already slows down and will continue to do so due to new attacks by Hezbollah and other Islamist armies.
Highly qualified specialists will emigrate abroad.
Thus, based on the sum of losses and gains, Israel is defeated in this war.
The consequences of this defeat will worsen.
As a result of new attacks, in 2-3 years, Israel will suffer huge losses and may cease to exist.
Contrary to the legends about Israel's progressiveness, the folly of its ruling elites deprives society and the army of efficiency and causes enormous damage.
In this context, “folly” means the lack of intellectual abilities of political functionaries to make optimal, productive decisions.
This folly causes the instability of the political system, in which the Knesset is elected sometimes even twice a year.
It causes a long-term, systemic conflict between the Knesset and the Supreme Court, which significantly weakens the state, and the inability of the political system to reform the judiciary.
It causes bureaucracy and monopolism in the economy.
Israel is a part of the Western civilization.
The fundamental defects of its political system are common to all Western countries.
Proportional to the scale of civilization, they cause much greater damage to it.
The Western civilization’s folly
In the Paleolithic, Evolution created the intelligence of hominids of the species Homo sapience with functions that were sufficient for hunting deer and mammoths and for collecting roots and fruits.
The average weight of their brains was 1600 grams.
Under the influence of natural selection, predominantly smart, healthy, and beautiful hominids survived and left offspring.
20 thousand years ago, hominids formed tribes, mastered primitive agriculture and cattle breeding, and learned to collectively resist Nature.
As a result, the impact of evolutionary selection on hominids of the species Homo sapience weakened many times over, and weaklings, freaks, and fools with brains less than 1000 grams gave birth to offspring in tribes.
As a result, 20,000 years later, at present, the average brain weight of male hominids has decreased to 1350 grams, and that of females to 1200 grams, i.e. by 13%.
By now, Humanity has accumulated a lot of knowledge and become smart.
However, individuals of the species Homo sapience individually have become, although much more talkative than their paleo-ancestors – hunters-gatherers, but significantly dumber than them, and become even dumber with each generation.
Information technologies – computers, the Internet, smartphones – have significantly accelerated the worsening stupidity of the Homo sapience population and, as a result, from 2000 to 2023, reduced the average IQ of the population of Western civilization by 5%.
All pack animals create collective intelligences.
Notorious examples include swarms of bees, anthills, flocks of birds, flocks of sheep, herds of deer.
Humanity is developing its collective intelligence as a result of the narrowing of the specializations of its individual, increasingly stupid members and the development of means of storing and exchanging knowledge between them.
Among the billions of descendants of paleo-hunter-gatherers with degraded brains, a few mutant-brainiacs with effective intelligence are rarely born.
Some of them receive an education and get into intellectual environments.
They are the ones who come up with scientific theories and invent technologies that develop Humanity.
The “Founding Fathers” – the inventors of democracy designed the political system so that sensible people – mainly businessmen who know how to count money, understand its value, and know how to increase it – would actually influence political decisions.
They established laws and created political conditions favorable to business, investment, and economic and social development.
This mechanism operated until the end of the 20th century and ensured the efficiency of Western societies – http://world.kamerton.global/node/324 .
In the 2000s, a social liberal revolution occurred in Western civilization.
Previous effective political mechanisms have broken down.
In modern political systems, mainly representatives of clans of manipulators of mass consciousness participate and spread false, irrational, and harmful ideas of social liberalism – http://world.kamerton.global/node/379 .
As a result of this, the problem of the folly of the ruling elites of Western civilization has risen to a qualitatively new level and has significantly worsened.
In a social liberal system, the electorate influences political processes.
The overwhelming majority of citizens are unable to find optimal, productive solutions even to their personal and everyday problems.
They ruin their health, create conflicts in their families, and spoil the upbringing of their children.
Moreover, they are incapable of understanding the properties of highly complex social systems and processes in them and electing competent and conscientious politicians who would be able to make productive decisions in the optimal management of society.
Therefore, the population elects lying and thieving politicians, who are as stupid as their voters.
Worse, most of these politicians believe in the utopian, harmful ideas of social liberalism.
Their main goal is limited to winning the next election through deception of voters and distribution of public resources – http://world.kamerton.global/node/377 .
Therefore, legislative, judicial, and executive government bodies in Western civilization function very ineffectively and slowly.
All political decisions turn out to be wrong and cause damage to societies.
Societies are accustomed to this inefficiency and consider it the natural norm, but, in reality, this is the social-liberal state pathology.
The legal and tax conditions of Western economies are unduly harmful to businesses and force them to reduce investment and move productions to other, often hostile countries.
Therefore, Western economies are stagnating and losing competition to China.
Social liberal societies are overly wasteful and squander natural resources that belong to future generations.
The ideological, class struggle between communism and capitalism determined the events of the 20th century.
In the 21st century, the global struggle for dominance and control of the Earth's dwindling and more expensive natural resources intensifies between Western civilization and the anti-Western conglomerate BRICS.
In it, China dominates, and Russia and many underdeveloped Asian, African, and Latin American countries participate.
BRICS aggressively competes with Western civilization, appropriates planetary resources, and deprives the West of these resources.
In addition to natural resources, China and other BRICS countries are luring highly competent experts from all over the World.
Therefore, Western civilization will not be able to calmly and gradually degrade and fade away but will collapse more and more quickly.
In the early 20th century, the rapid weakening of European empires caused World War I, then Communism, and World War II.
At the beginning of the 21st century, Western civilization is rapidly weakening and losing its ability to contain the aggression of China, Russia, and other anti-Western countries.
These circumstances can cause the World Thermonuclear War with a high probability.
All the main troubles and problems of Western civilization are the result of the folly of its ruling elites.
The main reason for this folly is the neglect of scientific methodology by these elites – http://world.kamerton.global/node/328 .
Compliance with the procedures of scientific methodology is the necessary and mandatory condition for productive, scientific thinking, which will enable the ruling elites to make optimal political solutions to all problems of Western civilization – http://world.kamerton.global/node/365 .
Organizers of expert discussions of hypotheses and projects will attract only discussants capable of thinking scientifically.
The criterion of scientific thinking is the formulation of “quanta of knowledge” – brief descriptions of the elementary properties of the objects under consideration – and operating with these descriptions – identifying errors in them, comparing them, and establishing semantic connections between them.
New Artificial Intelligence technologies can be used to detect possible errors in economic and social projects.
Expert discussions based on scientific methodology will give public elites the opportunity to realize the falsity, utopianism, and harmfulness of social liberalism.
Also, public elites will have the opportunity to understand the naturalness and optimality of a social system like the «Federal Communal Republic» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364 .
As a result, they will launch the construction of republics of this type in Western countries.
Within one generation, the number of intelligent people will be significantly increased by teaching schoolchildren to adhere to the principles of scientific thinking, as well as through the widespread practice of carrying embryos from highly intelligent and healthy donors.
Break the IRGC’s trap
The IRGC's plan to spark a major war is based on Israel's instinctive and predictable reactions to the provocative actions of Iranian proxy armies through massive bombings with mass civilian casualties.
Hamas easily recruits new fighters from the million men in Gaza.
His troops are restoring their positions in urban ruins after the IDF left them.
Therefore, to escape the IRGC’s trap, Israel must stop instinctively and expectedly reacting to Hamas and Hezbollah attacks with excessive but ineffective strikes.
Israel's victory in this war will not be the extermination of the leaders and 20 thousand fighters of Hamas, but the rapid and natural creation of the communal republics of Gaza and Judea-Samaria, which will cooperate with Israel – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364 .
Therefore, in the scientific way to bring Israel out of the current military defeat and political deadlock, the first action should be to hold an expert Internet conference on the political transformation of Gaza according to scientific methodology –
http://linkedin.com/pulse/gaza-eugene-gershman-lytae .
An organizing committee created by some business associations from Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and other countries can prepare and hold this conference.
Its participants will discuss the possible mistakes of alternative projects for the political systems of Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
The materials of this conference will be presented to the UN, USA, Arab League, EU, and other international organizations.
Based on its results, its organizing committee and participating business associations will initiate processes for the creation of communal structures in Judea-Samaria and Gaza and the formation of natural and productive institutions, bodies, and systems based on these structures.
This conference will provide an example of the productivity of applying scientific methodology to political projects.
Based on the materials of this conference, Israeli elites will have to realize and publicly acknowledge their political responsibility for their long-term actions that caused the artificial formation of the fanatical Hamas’s regime and possible continuation of its existence if the previous political situation continues, and democracy is maintained in Gaza.
Israel will begin building fenced and guarded camps for the Palestinian population in southern rural areas of Gaza.
Israel will launch the construction of secure distribution points for food, water, and other supplies to the population on the borders and beaches of Gaza.
Israel will invite Egypt, Jordan, and the Arab League to participate in these constructions, as well as in humanitarian actions and police control at these sites.
Israel will stop bringing all resources into Gaza, except for controlled points and camps, to prevent them from getting to Hamas, up to the creation of a new political system of government in Gaza that will cooperate with Israel.
The IDF will destroy the remnants of Hamas and other extremists together with the new communal militias of Gaza and Judea-Samaria.
As the number of extremists decreases and communal militias and new institutions of government become stronger in Gaza and Judea-Samaria, the IDF's involvement in maintaining security and public order there will diminish.
In 1 year, the communal republics of Gaza and Judea-Samaria, friendly to Israel, will maintain law and order in their territories on their own.
The next step in breaking the IRGC’s plan will be preventing a bloody and destructive Israeli war in Lebanon.
To this end, already during the creation of communal structures and new institutions of power in Judea-Samaria, the next similar conference on the construction of communal republics in other countries of the region, primarily in Lebanon, will be held.
This conference will launch practical design for the construction of such republics to benefit the development and well-being of the entire Levant – http://world.kamerton.global/node/370 .
As a result of the implementation of this project, in just a few years, Arab countries will develop peacefully and prosperously around Israel and cooperate with it.
Instead of anger against Israel, the elites of the vast majority of countries in the World will be grateful to it and will strive to cooperate with it.
Widespread international discussion of the conceptually new project for the development of the Levant would eliminate Iran's political justifications for attacking Israel and minimize the Iranian regime's ability to incite mass anger against Israel among its population and its allies.
As a result of this, the IRGC's strategic plan to spark a major war in the Middle East and create the political conditions for arming Iran with thermonuclear weapons will be completely destroyed.
«Scientized Israel» Project
1 Billion hominids inhabit Western civilization.
1 million of them are its public elites.
The overwhelming majority of these people believe in the quasi-religious cult of sacred utopian social liberalism and are incapable of rational thinking.
It is impossible to convince them of the falsity and harmfulness of their blind faith in abstract conversations.
Until now, even the intellectual elites have not realized that the root cause of the wars and disasters of the 20th century was the revolutionary democratization of the European empires.
Even the coming thermonuclear war will not convince them of the suicidal destructiveness of social liberalism.
However, the example of the successful transformation of Israel and the Levant will clearly show the elites of Western civilization the benefits of applying scientific thinking and transforming the liberal social system into a «communal republic» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364
Israel has the “window of opportunities” of several years before China's global offensive against the West and, on its orders, Iran's attack on Israel, to prevent the thermonuclear Holocaust.
However, the traditional anti-scientific method of thinking completely deprives Israel's ruling elites of the ability to understand the way to lead the country out of the current dead-end state of defeat and impending disaster.
To find this way in such a situation, public elites are forced to realize the fundamental inconsistency, futility, and harmfulness of their usual method of searching and making decisions through meaningless demagogic cries, and the vital necessity and obligation of using scientific thinking.
Since the elites want to preserve themselves and their country and prevent the thermonuclear Holocaust in the foreseeable future, they must create and use qualitatively new intellectual communities capable and willing to apply scientific thinking and adhere to the principles of scientific methodology – http://world.kamerton.global/node/365
A side effect of the widespread dissemination of scientific methodology in Israel will be a significant increase of the efficiency of intellectual activity of all types – from scientific researches and medicine to corporate governance and legal proceedings.
The processes of creating natural and optimal communal republics by the public elites of the Levantine countries will minimize conflict between them and launch cooperation between their business communities.
This cooperation will end the age-old Middle East conflict.
Abundant flows of investment from all over the World will flow into peaceful, stable countries of the Levantine region and turn it into the huge “Dubai”.
The social elites of Western civilization will see the convincing example of the fruitful widespread application of scientific methodology and will also disseminate it.
In the Levant, Western elites will see that replacing utopian, destructive social liberalism with natural and optimal communal republics significantly increases the efficiency of functioning and speed of development of societies and economies.
They will also launch the creation of communal structures and the establishment of institutions and bodies of federal communal republics in their countries.
Due to the natural correspondence of the properties of federal communal republics to the objective, immanent properties of social systems, their structures, institutions, and bodies will be created under the influence of internal forces and mechanisms of societies effectively, without costs, and with increasing speed over several years.
The widespread application of scientific methodology, the elimination of social liberalism, and the creation of communal republics will significantly strengthen Western civilization.
The West will gain the ability to effectively compete with China and resist its expansion and plans for domination.
The qualitatively new political, economic, and military power of Western civilization will deprive China and its satellites of hopes for an easy victory over the West and prevent the World Thermonuclear War.
Thus, the «Scientized Israel» project will save Israel, Western civilization, and all of Humanity from the prevailing folly and the global Holocaust.
E. Gershman
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