The optimal political system
Consequences of the USSR disappearance
The way to save the West
The optimal political system is the «Federal Communal Republic» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364
A similar system operates in Singapore.
Elements of such a system operate in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Indonesia.
The political systems of different countries differ from the theoretically optimal system.
The greater these differences, the worse the country functions and develops.
The worse a country functions, the weaker it competes with other countries to acquire resources.
Political systems in Western civilization also differ significantly from the optimal system.
Their artificial, invented properties do not correspond to the objective, immanent properties of social systems.
Such political systems are “utopias”.
Many people who could not learn physics at school love to invent “perpetual motion machines”.
Inventors and designers of utopias – so-called “thinkers” also do not bother to study the objective properties of social systems in order to design social systems based on them.
They stupidly ignore these properties and design social systems based on their intuitions and good intentions, with which, as we know, “the road to Hell is paved”.
Pseudo-thinkers and political ideologists are unable to comprehend and apply scientific knowledge because they ignore and even deny the principles of scientific methodology – http://world.kamerton.global/node/328
Rudyard Kipling fictionalized a parody of Western political elites – the Bandar-log troop.
In developing this analogy, the Western political system is the power of “the Bandar-logs over the Bandar-dolts”.
The main idea of the doctrine of social liberalism is individualism – the primacy of the interests of the individual over the interests of communities and the hypertrophy of the rights of individuals.
All natural science theories claim that social systems based on the primacy of individuals have little effectiveness.
They lose competition to more efficient systems that are based on the primacy of communal interests, and even degrade and die out.
Societies based on individualism create poor legal and tax environments for businesses.
Their states take a lot of resources from businesses and residents through excessive taxes, fees, and money overissues.
Enterprises are deprived of investment resources and reduce their development.
Government bodies are fundamentally unable to use resources effectively. They waste a lot of resources to no avail. Officials plunder resources.
Societies based on the primacy of communities are collectively governed by sensible community leaders and therefore create an enabling environment for businesses.
Their states do not take away many resources and give businesses the ability to invest and grow the economy.
Therefore, businessmen and corporations of individualistic societies prefer to move their enterprises to communal countries.
In long-term, strategic competition, nations that spend little and invest a lot beat nations that consume a lot and invest little.
Individualism promotes selfishness, consumerism, and parasitism.
It suppresses the maternal instinct in women.
Therefore, individualistic societies have few children and die out.
Thus, the idea of individualism is erroneous;
the doctrine of social liberalism based on this idea is false; and
a political system based on this doctrine is harmful and self-destructive.
In the absence of scientific knowledge of the properties of social systems, Western ruling elites turned the doctrine of social liberalism into a pseudo-religious cult and instilled sacred belief in liberalism into the population of Western countries through mass propaganda.
Despite the fundamental falsity and depravity of Western political doctrine, many Western countries functioned and developed relatively effectively in the 19th and 20th centuries.
«The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/324 explains this fact by the informal financial influence of business elites on political institutions, propaganda means, and political functionaries, which compensated for the harmful effects of the fundamental defects of real Western political systems.
As a result of this compensation, Western countries had average parameters of efficiency, welfare, and development and won competition with ineffective socialist countries and underdeveloped countries.
The ideologists of social democracy demanded that the business elites cease their informal influence on political systems and public administration.
However, the business elites realized that weakening their influence would worsen the functioning of their countries and deprive them of their defense capability against the aggressive expansion of the USSR and its satellites.
Therefore, Western business elites continued their informal political influence until the end of the 20th century.
Consequences of the USSR disappearance
The main, fundamental, and universal property of Being is the cause of development as a result of the counteraction of various factors.
In economics, this property is manifested in competition among producers.
A monopoly weakens competition and slows down the development of the monopolist and the entire economy.
In international politics, this property is manifested in competition between different countries.
The World hegemony weakens the rivalry of countries and the effectiveness of the functioning and development of the hegemon.
In 1991, the USSR and its socialist bloc ceased to exist.
The threat of Soviet aggression against the West has ceased.
Western civilization, led by the United States, has acquired monopoly dominance over the rest of the World.
The disappearance of the USSR threat removed the incentive for Western ruling elites to strain and manage the maintenance of productive order in Western countries.
Under the slogan “The End of History !”, they succumbed to the persuasion of pseudo-intellectual liberals to relax, cease their political influence, and transfer power to clans of professional manipulators of mass consciousness.
This caused a social revolution and the transfer of power to political clans in Western civilization in the late 20th century.
The productive system of power of the business elites, which was modestly, cynically, but proudly called “democracy”, turned into an ochlocracy.
Its political elites are part of the people and are just as stupid, irrational, and counterproductive as the majority of the population.
In the absence of a normal, effective system like the «Federal Communal Republic» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364 and scientific knowledge about the properties of social systems, in the conditions of an ineffective social-liberal system, the political influence of business elites was a necessary factor in maintaining sufficient efficiency of society.
As a result of a significant weakening of this influence, Western Civilization has lost the vital instinct for the continuation of its existence, the systemic immunity, and the political will, the carrier and executor of which the business elites were.
Pseudo-intellectual carriers of social liberalism spread their injurious, suicidal ideology like infectious cockroaches spread the plague.
As a result, the principle “After us, even a flood !” dominates the mass consciousness of the ruling elites.
The main problem that worries Western political leaders is a victory in next elections.
The future development of their countries is of little interest to them.
The mentality of modern Western elites is similar to thoughts of a castrated boar. Today, there is feed in his trough, and the boar is happy. A slaughter of him in a month does not bother him. The fate of his cubs does not concern him. Moreover, he also devours food intended for his offspring.
However, the real World History not only did not end but even took a sharp turn.
Under the influence of suicidal social liberalism, Western economies rapidly collapse, populations decline, and defense capabilities weaken.
At the same time, China has become the most powerful country in the World.
India accelerates development.
The total productivity of the BRICS countries significantly exceeds that of the Western Community.
Russia produces new thermonuclear missiles.
Iran wages the religious “hybrid” war against the West.
The majority of Humanity hates the parasitic Western “Golden Billion”.
Western countries have reduced their armies and military production.
In the minds of aggressive autocracies, the weakening of Western civilization makes it easy prey and provokes an attack on it.
Autocrats consider the modern West to be a herd of effete, obese, coward impotents, transgenders, and perverts who are unable to defend their countries.
The West forcibly implants the ideology of social liberalism and liberal political systems in other countries.
Liberalism is alien to traditional cultures and ways of life and causes damage to the population of these countries.
This causes an aggressive response from this population.
In earlier times, the cooperation with the West brought benefits to other countries.
The benefits prevented these countries from aggressiveness against the West.
Today, the benefits from the weakening West have significantly decreased and no longer prevent aggressiveness against the West.
The BRICS ruling elites intend to establish the «New World Order» with the following properties :
Natural resources will be very expensive.
The USA will lose the “World Sheriff” function.
The Dollar and Euro will lose their status as world reserve currencies, which will stop the emission rent that the USA and Europe charge from around the World.
The enterprises of Western multinational corporations in anti-Western countries will be expropriated and sold to native companies.
Many states will acquire missiles with thermonuclear charges.
Migrants from poor countries will populate Western countries.
The West will pay compensation to underdeveloped countries for colonialism.
BRICS elites are confident that eliminating the parasitic West, ending its emission rent, and taking over Western enterprises will increase their future incomes.
In a catastrophic situation of dual power in the US, which could arise as early as January 2025, BRICS leaders could attack the US and the rest of the West in the hybrid war with the coordinated strategy of “thousand little bites”.
As a result of this, Western civilization may collapse as early as 2025 – http://world.kamerton.global/node/373
After the Western social-liberal revolution at the end of the 20th century, a new generation of business elites has already grown up.
The generation is indoctrinated with social liberalism in socialist universities and is unaware of the former political responsibility of their predecessors for the functioning and development of their nations.
It is accustomed to carefree and conflict-free comfort and does not want to acknowledge reality and take responsibility for its countries.
Even people who consider themselves conservatives actually profess individualist ideas of social democracy.
Modern Western conservative parties are “lite versions” of social democratic parties.
Western elites do not understand the nature, causes, and consequences of the ongoing weakening of Western civilization.
They realized the loss of their dominance in the World.
However, they still stupidly hope for the continuation of their comfortable existence and do not realize the possibility of its catastrophic end in the near future.
The trigger factor that broke the “backbone of Civilization” – the business elites at the end of the 20th century was the end of the strategic threat from the disappeared USSR.
By now, new, even more powerful and dangerous geopolitical threats – China and its anti-Western allies in the BRICS bloc have emerged.
However, modern Western business elites are too depraved and indoctrinated by social liberalism and therefore, they are not capable of spontaneously mobilizing, consolidatingб, and restoring the defense capability of Western civilization against new threats.
The way to save the West
The main weakness of the modern West is the disunity, demotivation, and loss of sanity of the business elites.
Therefore, Western civilization can only be saved by overcoming this weakness.
To start this process, it is necessary to create an initiative team of politically active businessmen.
This team will create an effective pilot business association of a new type using this technology – http://world.kamerton.global/node/326
The pilot association will create a new type think tank that will scientifically prove the falsity of social liberalism – http://world.kamerton.global/node/365
The Association and its think tank will promote scientific evidence of the harmfulness of social liberalism in the media.
This agitation will reduce the sponsorship of democratic parties and liberal organizations by 10 times.
The pilot association will promote the consolidation of business communities by creating effective associations of a new type – http://world.kamerton.global/node/326
Also, this association will contribute to the creation of people communities of different levels.
The communal structure minimizes conflictness, stabilizes society, and increases its efficiency.
Such structures will become the basis for the future constructions of the «Federal Communal Republics» – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364
The Association and its think tank will promote the application of the new productive meritocracy technology based on scientific methodology in corporate and social management.
According to this technology, top managers, owners, officials, etc. make decisions based on materials from formalized discussions of projects between their proponents and opponents and identifying errors in them.
This technology reduces the likelihood of erroneous decisions tenfold.
The traditional indicator of a country's success – annual GDP shows, first of all, the amount of the country's resources used, but not the speed of its future development.
The productive criterion for the optimal governance of society is the national annual amount of investment.
This parameter determines the development and future welfare of the country.
The Association and its think tank will promote the application of this criterion in social governance.
Only laws that maximize investment should be established.
After 1 year of this project, the vast majority of scientific, technocratic, and business elites realize the falsity of social liberalism and the harmfulness of liberal political systems.
Business communities will be consolidated and organized into effective associations that will financially influence political institutions.
Under this influence, legislation will gradually change according to the criterion of maximizing investment.
Individuals' rights to receive state resources will gradually be reduced to optimal levels.
The powers and functions of communities of different levels will expand and strengthen.
The majority of the population will participate in communities that will effectively control and regulate social processes – assistance to their members, upbringing, education, dispute resolution, treatment, etc.
Optimizing individual rights will significantly reduce the required state budgets.
Taxes and other resource withdrawals will decrease.
Fiscal and legal business conditions will be favorable for investment.
Instead of implanting social liberalism in the countries of the World, Western civilization will demonstrate the beneficialness of the «Federal Communal Republic» system – http://world.kamerton.global/node/364
Widespread distribution of this system will stop aggression between countries.
The vast majority of countries in the World will coexist peacefully and cooperate.
Thus, the primary task of the modern Historical moment is the search and involvement of politically active businessmen into an initiative team that will create the effective pilot business association for this project.
E. Gershman
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