Problems and their causes
Desired state of the country
Process of transition from the current state to the desired state
Only a certain tension of the mind separates the destruction of Ukraine from its prosperity.
The results of 30 years of reforms in the countries of the ex-USSR are sad. But the main trouble is not even in the current poverty of the population, but in the tendency of worsening regression. There are no factors that could reverse the ongoing degradation of these countries and start the development of their economies.
The obvious conceptual impotence of the Presidential Administration, Parliament, Government, and all elites of Ukraine will cause further destruction of the country.
Foreign think tanks also do not offer any productive ideas for saving Ukraine.
The vast majority of the population, including the elites, stupidly believes that bad politicians are to blame for the collapse of society and the economy, and that replacing them with “good” ones will immediately ensure prosperity in the country. But “good” ones have not appeared for 30 years in all post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine. Therefore, it is obvious that the root cause of the degradation of these countries is not their political personalities, but the fallaciousness of the basic properties of their socio-political systems.
Previously, I have published articles on reforming Ukraine :
Ukraine : Scientific Alternative – 2017
Ukraine: The need to politicize the business community – 2014
Ukraine - a signal to the World – 2014
Ukraine: From collapse to capitalist flourishing – 2014
Ukrainian business community – 2015
Since then, the state of Ukraine has worsened even more.
The project of reforming the country should consist of three parts:
Description of the main problems of society and their causes.
Description of the desired state of society and the criteria for achieving this state.
Description of the transition process from the current state of the country to the desired one.
Problems and their causes
The main problem of the post-Soviet countries is the weak functioning of the economies and the insufficient production of resources for the life of societies. Effective entrepreneurship is impossible. Businessmen fear investing capital. Private property is not protected. Entrepreneurship is overly restricted by prohibitions and burdened with obligations.
The causes of this are inefficient and corrupt judicial systems, laws that are hostile to entrepreneurship, and the disunity of business communities.
The next problem is the enmity of the main financial-industrial groups, which causes aggressive and harmful struggle of political parties funded by oligarchs.
The causes of this are the following. Oligarchs created their capital through robbery, plunder, and theft of public resources, as well as the seizure of private property in the gangster 1990s. Their mentalities are aimed, first of all, at new robberies and theft. They do not realize that honest business is more profitable than robbery and theft. They are also unable to invest and produce effectively.
By now, the bulk of public resources has already been plundered. Therefore, the oligarchs are fighting among themselves to take assets from weaker competitors. To do this, they manage political parties, use the means of propaganda of the population, hire manipulators of mass consciousness – journalists, clerics, artists. They create their own combat units. The internecine strife of the oligarchs is destroying countries.
The problem is the aggressiveness of societies.
The cause of this is the regimes of demagogocracy. In such regimes, calls to fight enemies are the best way to attract political supporters. Therefore, political functionaries incite mass anger in societies.
The problem is the damage caused by state-owned industries. The causes are the objective inefficiency of bureaucratic organizations and political obstacles to the privatization of these industries.
The problem is the vulnerability of society to the arbitrariness of officials and law enforcement officers.
The causes are inefficient judicial systems and the disunity of citizens.
Thus, fundamentally vicious, aggressive, and counterproductive social systems based on false political doctrines operate in post-Soviet countries.
Political officials, experts, and activists believe they can devise social, political, and state systems with arbitrary artificial properties that do not correspond to the objective properties of such systems, without being based on knowledge of such properties.
The foolish electorate elects incompetent and corrupt politicians who do not apply scientific thinking and make harmful decisions based on false doctrines through inane rhetoric and malicious demagoguery.
Therefore, all government decisions are based on anti-scientific rhetoric, turn out to be erroneous, and cause harm.
The functioning of the political system is determined mainly by its objective properties, but not by the personal qualities of its leaders and functionaries. A vicious system appoints vicious leaders and eliminates productive ones. Therefore, replacements of political leaders in such a system are useless. Post-Soviet elites do not realize the falsity and fallaciousness of the doctrines on which their countries’ social systems are based, and the harmfulness of anti-scientific decision-making based on rhetoric.
They do not know the scientific theory that corresponds to the objective properties of social systems and is therefore capable of optimizing societies.
The cause of the elites’ stupidity and the root cause of the destruction of the post-Soviet countries are the ignorance of the classical principles of scientific methodology by the elites.
There are three main types of social systems in modern countries:
social democracy, characteristic of Western countries;
dictatorship based on the export of natural resources, for example, the Russian petro&gas-cracy, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran;
bourgeois republic, for example, Singapore. Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea are evolving from socialist dictatorships to bourgeois republics.
Until the 1970s, Western countries were pseudo-democratic, bourgeois republics.
Therefore, they functioned effectively, grew rich, and developed rapidly.
By the 2000s, these countries have evolved into social democracies and are moving towards direct democracies.
Therefore, their effectiveness has significantly decreased.
They are impoverished, destroyed, chaotic, dying out, and will be colonized by China in the 2040s.
Social democracy also operates in modern Ukraine. Its fundamental defects have been added to the post-Soviet problems – poverty, destroyed industry, weak republican and civil institutions, lack of competent and responsible elites, and a corrupt judicial system. Therefore, Ukraine is collapsing much faster than Western countries.
Already in the coming years, the depletion of resources will stop social democracy in Ukraine. A possible forceful seizure of power by some chauvinistic dictatorship will cause a civil war throughout the country. In this case, Ukraine will quickly disintegrate into several new countries like Yugoslavia.
Ukraine does not have much oil and gas. Therefore, a dictatorship like Russia cannot be created in it. But a latifundist feudalism can be created in Ukraine. It will arise when selling agricultural land to foreigners. The clique that seizes the function of selling land will establish its dictatorship in the country. Such a regime will not develop the country. Ukraine will beg for the next 50 years, until a new civilizational epoch.
Desired state of the country
The only productive choice that the post-Soviet elites can make is to create republics like Singapore – the "Asian Tiger", the most efficient, progressive, and prosperous country at the moment on Earth.
President V. Zelensky calls the founder of modern Singapore Lee Kuan Yew an example to follow.
Many ex-USSR politicians like the effective functioning of Singapore, but none of them understand the causes of its effectiveness and the main features of its political system.
According to both ordinary people and experts, the main cause of the effectiveness of Singapore is the honesty of the ruler Lee Kuan Yew, who convicted several of his friends in the government and, thereby, eliminated corruption.
However, the real cause of the effectiveness of this country is the optimal political system – the bourgeois republic.
Its governing principle is "The influence of each political party on the state governance is proportional to the party’s contribution to the state budget".
Therefore, the business elite govern Singapore. It establishes laws that are maximally conducive to economic development. As a result, despite the complete absence of natural resources, even sweet water, Singapore’s GDP per capita is $101,458. Successful Taiwan, China, and Vietnam are evolving into bourgeois republics.
In the 1960s-80s, South Korea was also a bourgeois republic, in which financial-industrial groups – “chaebols” exercised power. But under pressure from the West, from the late 1980s, South Korea became a democracy. As a result, the efficiency of its economy decreased, and development slowed down.
Therefore, Singapore should become an example for the inevitable transformation of the political systems of post-Soviet countries.
An effective legal system is a necessary and mandatory condition for the efficiency of the economy.
Therefore, a bourgeois republic ensures the supremacy of the law in society. A consolidated business community promotes legislation that is good for business. Therefore, in a bourgeois republic, businessmen, including foreign ones, invest large amounts of capital. The economy functions very efficiently and grows rapidly.
Ukraine's GDP will begin to rise from the beginning of the judicial reform and will grow by 10% per year.
The welfare of the population will improve accordingly.
The fundamental institution of a republic is an effective judicial system based on:
computer technology of legal proceedings;
election of judges by legal communities;
public control over the judiciary through the Internet.
An effective society must be structured, i.e. consist of many different associations (communities) that protect their members, help them and regulate their behavior.
Taxes are a vestige of authoritarianism. A normal republican state does not rob its citizens with taxes. The sources of state budgets at all levels – national, regional, and municipal – are payments for natural resources and environmental pollution.
Therefore, an optimally arranged country does not have the institution of taxes and charges high environmental fees.
Citizens receive social assistance mainly from their communities.
The criterion for achieving the desired state of society is the maximization of investment.
The process of transition from the current state to the desired state
The basic principle of productive transformation is the evolutionity. That is, during this process, the old and new parts of the social system coexist and operate in parallel. This process takes a long time – 10 or more years.
The business elites are much more interested in the productive transformation of a society than other social classes.
The business elites have much stronger sanity and therefore less vulnerability to the inculcation of false doctrines than other social classes.
The business elites have sufficient resources to finance and implement the transformation of society.
Therefore, only the business elites are able to productively reform the social system.
The business elites will be the main subject of these transformations.
The most intelligent and enterprising businessmen will create new type effective business associations based on the following principles :
Direct and permanent self-management of an association by its members through the Internet;
Decision-making according to the principle «A vote weight is equal to the contribution»;
Designing and making decisions and monitoring their implementation based on the principles of scientific methodology.
The high efficiency of such associations will attract most of the national business communities within one year.
These associations will weaken the enmity of the oligarchs.
They will lobby for bills to optimize business conditions, to accelerate the privatization of state-owned enterprises, and for the gradual exit of states from economies.
They will finance the creation of new, effective judicial systems.
They will support programs of gradual tax cuts and increase of payments for natural resources and damage to nature.
The root fundamental cause of the degradation of the ex-USSR countries, as well as the entire modern West, is of a purely cognitive nature – ignoring the principles of scientific methodology by the elites and making decisions based on rhetoric.
Therefore, new business associations, first of all, will create effective think tanks based on the principles of scientific methodology.
To work in them, it is necessary to attract intellectuals capable of scientific thinking.
These centers will:
propagate the need and obligation to observe the principles of scientific methodology in the governance of society, as well as to elucidate anti-scientificity and harmfulness of traditional rhetoric;
detect and publish errors in political doctrines, in bills and laws, in documents of political organizations and business associations;
create political projects for parties and associations.
Also, these centers will propagate the fundamental necessity to consolidate the national business community to establish the supremacy of the Rule of Law in society. They will convince the national business community that the production of goods and services is much more profitable than a ruinous internecine struggle for resources. The realization of this fact is one of the foundations of the civilized World.
The favorable legal business climate and an understanding of the objective prospects for the successful development of the country will attract large flows of investment, including foreign ones.
Already within one year, the national economy will increase GDP by 5-7%, and in following years it will grow by 10% per year.
The standard of living of the population will begin to rise.
Inter-regional hostility will stop.
After 1.5 years, Donbass will return to Ukraine.
Crimea will begin to regret its departure.
New business associations will propagate the creation of diverse communities of the population – territorial, housing, consumer, and others.
These communities will gradually begin to help their weak members, resolve internal disputes, and support their young talents.
They will participate in strengthening the rule of law in their territories.
Not only officials, but also competing contractors and concessionaires, consumers, and leaders of communities should participate in discussions of the terms of tenders of government agencies, tender applications, and the results of contract executions.
They are objectively interested in optimizing the results of government orders and concessions, and therefore they will detect and publish the real properties of tenders and violations of contracts.
This minimizes corruption in public procurement and in obtaining concessions.
To minimize corruption in law enforcement agencies, all valuables recovered and confiscated from convicted criminals and organizations should be transferred to the budgets of the bodies that exposed them.
All damages inflicted by authorities on guiltless citizens and organizations, including moral damages and lost income, must be compensated to them from the budgets of the relevant authorities.
An effective judicial system will ensure that these payments are fair.
This project corresponds to the objective properties of social systems. It involves the natural forces of society. Therefore, its implementation does not require significant costs and resources.
As a result of this project, by 2030, Ukraine will become a huge “Singapore” – the investment, innovation, and technology center of Eurasia.
By that time, Europe will be in a deep political, economic, and demographic crisis.
Tens of millions of migrants in Europe will cause radical chauvinism and mass violence.
Transformation Project Plan
Creation and development of a new type business association –
Propagation of scientific thinking –
Funding for the reform and equipment of the judiciary –
Propagation of the theory of social systems –
Creation of the National financial system –
Reforming the Patent system –
Structuring of Society through mass creation of communities –
The project implementation period is 1 year. The result of the project is favorable legal conditions for investment.
Such conditions will increase the volume of investments dozens of times and the rate of economic development up to 10% per year.
To start the project, it is necessary to form an initiative group of highly intelligent businessmen who will establish a new type business association.
The project launch does not require external costs.
After the implementation of the project, the business association of Ukraine will initiate similar projects in the countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the subsequent formation of the international space for effective investment.
I can provide scientific support for this project.
E. Gershman
Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism –
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