The System of Social Liberalism
The Doctrine of Liberalism Falsity
The perniciousness of Social Liberalism
Destruction of Western Civilization
Eliminating Social Liberalism
The nationwide left-liberal community in the United States is based on the following business model.
Liberal organizations and parties promise benefits to the poor, gain their votes, win elections, take money away from society, squander and steal public money, encourage parasitism and multiply poverty, attract poor migrants, again get the votes of the poor, and win elections, again take money away from society, squander and steal it, and so on.
This cynical and harmful "perpetuum mobile" has been in operation for several decades.
The political system of modern social liberalism includes three main classes – clans of politicians-manipulators of mass consciousness; low-income population groups; and pseudo-intellectual intelligentsia.
The main motive of politicians is power – the strongest quasi-drug.
The function of distributing state and public budget money gives liberals and their bureaucrats the opportunity to steal part of this money.
However, they waste many times more money than they steal.
They convert their political influence into their own money.
The most common way is to get high-paying positions in corporations after a political career.
Liberals also use their political influence for routine corruption.
In addition to the business system, liberalism uses a second mechanism. The pseudo-intellectual, especially humanitarian, intelligentsia believes in socialist utopias. Therefore, they support liberal politicians who distribute benefits to the poor.
The main, insurmountable flaw of left-liberalism is the discrepancy between its doctrines and the objective properties of an optimal social system.
Artificial social constructs in which invented properties do not correspond to the objective, immanent properties of real social systems are called "utopias".
The unnaturalness of utopian social systems hinders their productive functioning and effective development.
Liberal organizations promote the writing of false, unnatural doctrines, such as multi-genderism, feminism, weakening of punishment for criminals, etc., propagandize them, and distribute budget money for the implementation of projects based on these doctrines.
These organizations, parties, and their preachers instill in different classes – women, the disabled, homosexuals, transgenders, minorities, etc. – the imaginary roles of suffering victims, promise them protection and compensation, and call on them to vote for them.
The doctrines of social liberalism have no scientific basis.
Liberal ideologists have never been able to even clearly and meaningfully define the basic concepts of their doctrines – "freedom", "right", and "justice".
They replace their specific definitions with demagogic cries and slogans.
Liberal ideologists, as a rule, use quotes from the works of other liberals as alleged postulates of their doctrines and believe that these quotes prove the truth of their doctrines.
They claim that God himself allegedly established the postulates of their doctrines, for example, "natural and inalienable human rights".
Although most liberals are atheists and do not believe in God.
The root, original cause of the writing of all utopias, including left-liberalism, socialism, communism, etc., is the disregard and denial of the principles of scientific methodology by their authors, the so-called "thinkers" – world.kamerton.global/en/node/328
Therefore, all the works of liberal ideologists are abundant streams of rhetoric, demagogy, and verbiage.
The heap of verbosity dilutes the small amount of their meanings to almost zero.
They do not contain concrete and correctly formulated statements.
Most of their important, meaning-forming words are used in meanings that do not correspond to their definitions in explanatory and terminological dictionaries.
Therefore, the paucity of the semantic content of liberal doctrinal texts means their intellectual insignificance, and the abundance of semantic errors – incorrect words, logical contradictions, and inconsistencies with facts – causes their total falsity.
Liberal laws and governments take huge resources out of society.
This deprives businessmen of the motivation and investment to develop production.
Liberal laws force corporations to take unprofitable actions – raising wages, improving conditions for women and minorities, etc.
Therefore, corporations move their businesses to other countries.
Because of this, the economy stagnates and degrades, and the resources of society are reduced.
The liberal state generously finances huge social programs.
They deprive tens of millions of people of the motivation to work and earn a living.
Therefore, the economy suffers from a labor shortage and attracts foreign migrants.
Liberal governments waste huge resources.
Therefore, public infrastructure is not developed, not restored, and becomes dilapidated.
Public safety and the country's defense capability are weakening.
Due to excessive social spending, the liberal state exists under constant threat of default.
It sustains its existence through monetary emission and borrowing huge loans.
This places the burden of multi-trillion dollar debts on future generations.
The liberal state reduces the birth rate of the population.
It attracts tens of millions of migrants.
As a result, the living space of the nation is filled with people of alien, antagonistic cultures.
Until the end of the 20th century, the political influence of business elites restrained harmful liberal laws and governments.
By the end of the 20th century, world communism had been destroyed and ceased to threaten Western civilization.
The vast majority of business elites underwent left-liberal indoctrination in universities.
Liberal ideologists convinced business elites to stop influencing the political system and hand over all power to the clans of politicians - manipulators of mass consciousness.
As a result, a social revolution took place in Western civilization at the beginning of the 21st century.
The power and harmful influence of left-liberal parties резко increased.
As a result, the efficiency of Western states has significantly decreased.
Therefore, Western economies and societies are stagnating and degrading at an increasing rate.
The rise of China's power increases its competitiveness and exacerbates the degradation of the West.
Current military conflicts show that Western civilization is losing its ability to counteract the aggressive expansion of the new anti-Western bloc of China, Russia, Iran, South Africa, Brazil, and dozens of underdeveloped countries.
As a result of these global processes, the weakening Western civilization may be destroyed already in the 2030s and then colonized by China.
The aggravation of the political conflict in the US significantly increases the probability of a split, dual power, and violent conflict between conservative and liberal states.
These events will significantly aggravate the weakening of the US and bring closer the destruction of Western civilization.
They may already happen as a result of the 2024 elections – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/373
Left-liberal organizations and strata of society ignore the destructive consequences of their policy, which is leading the US and the West to a catastrophic collapse in the foreseeable future.
Their main goal is to win elections and retain power even at the cost of the future destruction of the state.
The credo of modern liberalism is "After us – even the flood!" – world.kamerton.global/en/node/339
Left-liberalism is a political "drug" for this part of society.
The principle of a drug addict is "Today – drug high, tomorrow – even death".
The liberal community is guided by a similar principle "Today, we want to rule, even if our power will destroy the country in 5 years".
Therefore, healthy, conservative strata of society should urgently consolidate and effectively counteract the destructive liberalism.
The business community must restore its political sanity, understand that financing liberal organizations and parties is complicity in the suicidal destruction of the US, and realize its historical responsibility for its country and the entire Civilization.
To restore their social influence, businessmen must create effective business associations of a new type – world.kamerton.global/en/node/326
First of all, these associations will promote scientific thinking and create think tanks based on scientific methodology – world.kamerton.global/en/node/365
These centers will effectively discuss with liberal ideologists and convincingly prove the falsity, intellectual insignificance, and harmfulness of their doctrines to society.
As a result of effective discussions of the liberalism consequences according to scientific methodology, after 3 months, the vast majority of voters will know that liberal parties, organizations, and authorities annihilate society's resources like a deadly “cancer”.
E. Gershman