Russia | Tune up to Truth


Useful Idiots (part 5 of 5)

Submitted by Leon Weinstein on Tue, 01/18/2022 - 04:19

At the end the KGB lost. They re-grouped and re-conquered Russia and some parts of the ex-Soviet Union, but they lost in the big Geo-political game. They lost a battle... however we shall be aware that the WAR is still on. So why we won? Who led us to the victory? Why America shall trust it's instincts, not politicians. And especially not the "smart" educated class of easy manipulated globalists. I am afraid that "progressive" now means "regressive" and "liberals" now means "closet socialists".

Useful Idiots (part 3 of 5)

Submitted by Leon Weinstein on Fri, 01/07/2022 - 04:13

Soviets engaged Western media and liberal part of the western population in order to weaken the US and Western Europe and organize constant state of chaos in the "enemy camps". And (as Vladimir Lenin once suggested) to make capitalists sell the Soviets the rope which will be used to hang them (capitalists).

Useful Idiots (part 2 of 5)

Submitted by Leon Weinstein on Wed, 01/05/2022 - 04:01

Starting immediately after WWII American and European elites began to work with or on behalf of the Soviets against their own countries. Some were stealing secrets and transferring them to KGB. Others were agents of influence on behalf of the Communist Party of the USSR. Still others sold their soles for money or KGB's help in their personal agendas. All of them thought that "end justifies means" and were ready to cheat, lie or kill to achieve their honorable (in their pinion) goal.