Good News... from an engineer.
"And coming to the end of the path to sigh and joyfully leave!"
In my homeland, in Azerbaijan, I was already an aksakal and I can afford to forget the name of the asshole who wrote this nonsense.
But only his foal delight cannot solve the issues of old age.
I offer my own, biological view of this problem.
We all know the vague word Placebo.
Placebo is the self-healing effect of a person when they are told about their illness.
The key to placebo is information. Why?
Yes, because!
All mysterious healing processes begin from the moment of receiving Information about this problem.
Some physicists, waving the Boltzmann formula, believe that Information is energy and even calculated its value.
And the father of cybernetics, Wiener (a science that grew out of biology), believes that information is neither matter nor energy. This is Information. That is something separate.
On the issue of Information and Life, such people, such people, have already spoken!
As an engineer, I'm not allowed to step on their shadow either. Some academicians Kolmogorov A.N. and Lyapunov A.A. what are they worth!
But they still had a suspicion that the information it's a separate entity! Like matter and energy!
Like it or not, there is already an Information Theory of Life.
Which shows that life is an information process. Regardless of what nature: material or non-material, then the information itself will turn out to be.
Information is what does not disappear and connects two worlds: material and non-material.
If you guys want to live in the world of science, you will have to live in the world of hypotheses!
How is our biological shell, containing the brain and ass, healed? How do these couples interact? This is a good question, but to the Creator.
In practice, we have such an incredible number of cases of placebo effects that we have to pay tens of billions of dollars a year for trials to exclude the effect of a placebo on the effect of a drug.
And the placebo, after all, scoffs.
It's already taking over surgery! Yes, there is even a surgical placebo. Only one imitation of the operation gives complete healing!
And the manifestation of the "beyond" biological capabilities of a person is also It.
The most famous "walking on coals" was studied for all the laws of science for more than 10 years and remained an unexplained miracle.
Against the background of earning money on speculation on this topic, the practice of accumulating facts by scientists continued.
There is already a lot of scientific literature written by the researchers themselves.
Everything has been used successfully as a placebo. From material things to spiritual practices.
What the hell do we need to know?
The fact is that the lifetime Placebo effect has an informational nature, that is, this Information does not disappear and has a posthumous aftereffect! The information theory of life does not yet kick against this.
How to use it?
Today, our old age is already known to us, and we somehow adapt to it.
But for "after old age" you can come up with your own Placebo!
Personally, I persuade myself that after death, my placebo will turn me into complete non-existence. In nirvana.
Some will persuade their placebo not to feel the physical pain promised by religions.
Someone will persuade him to know 70 virgins with a placebo.
And to wish to meet with relatives and friends is worth it!
That is, there is enough fantasy for everyone.
And when your thoughts spoil your life, turn on your information filter and drive them to deal with your future Placebo.
Your contemporaries, David.
Video about scientists doing placebo.
Sources: Scientists whose websites are linked to sources in order to evaluate their contribution to science for people far from biology, and to be able to get acquainted with their materials.
1. Church Dawson The Genius in Your Genes : Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of
Intention. (collection)".
2." The biology of faith. How the power of belief can change your body and mind. The author is considered one of the founders of epigenetics.
3. About the Information Theory of Life. Anatoly Nikiforovich Barbarash . "Code. Life. Universe. (Theories and hypotheses)" .
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