Divide and conquer
Why do we need a government?
Most Americans, fooled by liberal education and the press, believe that the government’s goal is to provide them with a free and peaceful existence. But this does not always work out because some problems arise, bad people strive for power, and so on. In these challenging conditions, the government heroically protects the population and fights for the unity of our country and the rights to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. And for that, they deserve our deep gratitude. This is precisely what the bureaucrats diligently inspire us through the media. But how does this correspond to reality?
People need a bureaucracy to keep order. And most of all, it is necessary for crisis circumstances - an attack by enemies, natural disasters, an epidemic, a crop failure, etc. However, under these conditions, the bureaucracy can grow, subjugate people, and rob them ...
Bureaucracies of all times and countries needed internal conflicts and crises[1], the enmity between different groups of people, fights, skirmishes, and hatred to:
- Justify its necessity and right to receive more and more benefits from society for its selfless protection of people and country
- Protect itself from loss of power and possible punishments for what they have done by the standard bureaucracy method: "Divide and conquer" – a policy of incitement and setting people and groups against each other to prevent them from uniting against the bureaucracy.
But what if the bureaucracy wants to grow, dominate, and rob, but life is too prosperous? It's straightforward - if there are no conflicts, the bureaucracy creates them. Like the famous firefighter John Leonard Orr, who started about 2000 fires!
Man-Made Crises and Designated Enemies/Victims
The easiest way to create a crisis is to play different groups of people against each other, perhaps for little reasons. In Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels, two irreconcilable groups of little people - supporters of breaking eggs from a sharp or blunt end waged bloody wars. Catholics also fought with Protestants in Europe and Old Believers with Nikonians in Russia ... The pretext is not essential; what important is that behind each warring party were its leaders who fought for power, not sparing the lives of their subjects ...
Another method of generating crises is to single out some "internal enemies/victims,” who can be sacrificed to strengthen bureaucracy power and increase incomes. Those on whom people can direct the anger and aggression of the majority to rally and subjugate supporters. "Bringing bloody sacrifices" has been a typical way of separating people and implementing the principle of "divide and conquer" since ancient times.
Bureaucrats have constantly demonized "designated enemies,” endowed them with the most disgusting traits, and made the most senseless accusations against them - blame for natural disasters, epidemics, conspiracies, dealing with evil spirits, etc. To combat "designated enemies,” gangs of "stormtroopers" were created, and the broad masses of the population were raised to riots ...
For the Romans, the "designated enemies" were Christians; for the victorious Christians, the enemies were Jews or Muslims, witches, and sorcerers. For Catholics - Protestants, for Protestants - Catholics. The English kings systematically and purposefully provoked uprisings in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall, and then these provinces were brutally suppressed. For the Russian Bolsheviks, bourgeois and wealthy peasants (kulaks) became the "designated enemies"; for Nazi Germany – Jews; and for Roosevelt America - industrialists. In today's America, the Democrats are trying to incite "all against all"; Biden recently called all the MAGA Republicans enemies. And the forty-year-old drunken idiot Shannon Brandt responded to the President's calls by killing a teenager who defended Republican ideas ...
Small tricks with big results
Why did the ruling bureaucracies in different countries over the past 100 years, to the general discontent of most people, use Daylight Saving time? Contrary to nonsensical statements, this has practically no effect on the economy but hurts people who must change their body habits twice a year, like time to go to bed and wake up.
In 2020, Democrats in New York abandoned punishments for “crimes against the quality of life”; that is, they made it possible for people with impunity to relieve themselves and inject drugs on the streets, litter, do graffiti, etc. The same happened in many other Democrat-controlled cities, like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. And is it a coincidence that they also had the highest percentage of violent crimes, including murders? But why do the Democrats need it? Do they like living in ruined cities? Well, the Democrat leaders don't live in Welfare towns or walk dirty streets. This is the lot of their “wards.”
Another essential function of the bureaucracy and Democrats is to annoy people to force "rebels" and "troublemakers" to reveal themselves in advance and, if possible, get rid of them. In our time, they determine non-loyal people based on their attitude to political correctness, Critical Race Theory, mandatory vaccination, reports of electoral fraud, and the mental capacity of President Biden ...
The strategy of little (or not-so-little) impositions of the bureaucracy on their people is an important part of proving their dominance; inconveniences, habit disturbances, incomprehensible and unpleasant rules, obviously stupid requirements and prohibitions, coercion to senseless work, rudeness, and general neglect is a way to show people who is in command, and that they should get used to obeying!
Democratic Party’s Racism
"Designated Enemies" - Indians
The American bureaucracy has always had excellent candidates for the role of "designated enemies" - Indians and blacks[2]. And the Democratic Party, which initially represented and defended the interests of bureaucrats, from the very beginning of its existence became a party of racists.
In 1830, under the father of the Democratic Party, President Jackson, the Indian Removal Act was adopted, which marked the beginning of the tragedy of the forced resettlement of Indian tribes and, later - Indian wars. However, for the prosperity of the bureaucracy, the Indians were not enough. They lived on limited territories and could not help the bureaucrats with the most important thing - their attacks on the market. Other "designated enemies" were required.
Crocodile tears
In early June 2020, Congressional Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer demonstrably knelt in honor of George Floyd, a black offender who died during being taken into custody by the police. They stood silently in a pose of repentance[3] for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The authors welcome this repentance, despite its publicity nature, but believe that it is not commensurate with the crimes committed by the Democratic Party against African Americans:
- Supporting slavery from its inception, fueling the criminal Civil War to preserve slavery
- Adoption and implementation in the South of essentially criminal segregation “Jim Crow laws”
- Extending criminal segregation to federal services, including the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Army under Democratic Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt.
- Creation of "welfare town behavioral sink"[4] under President Johnson, the suppression of African Americans, destruction of their education and families, pushing many of them into criminal activity
- Formation of "black racism" during the Obama administration, based on the semi-religious ideology Critical Racial Theory, destructive to American society and much more ...
Eight minutes of kneeling in feigned grief cannot atone for all these crimes! After all, if not for the Democrats, George Floyd could have received a good education and become a worthy person, like many other African Americans, for example, the outstanding economist and writer Thomas Sowell, the champion wrestler and brilliant television commentator Tyrus, the wonderful artist Eddie Murphy, a successful entrepreneur Robert Smith and many others. Or Floyd could have become an honest worker and the father of a happy family. But he would not have turned into a criminal and a drug addict and would not have died from an overdose of drugs under the knee of a policeman frightened by Floyd’s strength and rage! And the Democrats would not need to trash American cities in his name! True, this would not have prevented riots, the Democrats needed them as a weapon against President Trump, and they would have found some other pretext for them.
Jim Crow mystery
In the middle of the 19th century, tensions and strife began to escalate over the country’s balance of free market and slavery (bureaucratic) states. This led to the Civil War, in which the bureaucrats - the slave owners and their ideologists - the Democrats lost.
After the Civil War, the Republican federal government took measures to ensure the rights of blacks (the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution, the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875). In response, the Democrats of the Southern states began passing segregationist Jim Crow laws, which seriously limited the rights of the black minority[5], Indians, and Asians. Why did they need it? Leftist writers explain - to keep blacks out of the voting. But it is known that blacks in the South have traditionally voted (and, no matter what, many do today) for the Democrats. Why did the Democrats have to exclude them?
Quite simple: the votes of blacks did not decide anything, but the introduction of new laws, their constant development and refinement, supervision of their enforcement, and the subordination of blacks, Asians, and many immigrants from Latin American countries through them became the justification and most potent stimulus for the growth of bureaucracy, its additional capture money from the budgets.
In our history, a rare decade went without riots. They were always somehow provoked and organized (you could see the long ears of a democratic donkey in the background). We all remember the riots that swept through many Democrat-run cities in America after the death of George Floyd. And democratic officials who forbade the police to protect the law-abiding population, as well as prosecutors who refused to prosecute the rioters.
Incredible grimaces of history: in 1919, under the Democratic President Wilson, a wave of lynchings swept across America. Northern Democratic Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt actively supported segregation and extended it to the US military and public services. Roosevelt tried to prevent blacks from receiving social assistance. And Southern Democrat Harry Truman began dismantling segregation! No wonder today's Democrats and liberals hate this outstanding President!
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes[6]
After the end of the civil war, the prominent black rights activist Frederick Douglass[7] was asked what should be done for the former slaves. His response was: “Nothing! What you are doing to us has already hurt us. If the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall. All I ask is to give him a chance to get back on his feet! Leave him alone!"
No such luck! In the 20th century, no one needed to heavily exploit people on plantations - the development of science and technology, together with the "green revolution"[8] and the revival of world markets, have created a real opportunity for society to feed most of its members without requiring any physical work from them[9]. Why, then, should everyone work? Live for yourself and enjoy life! Obedient slaves are needed by bureaucrats, not for exploitation but to maintain and protect their power and large-scale theft of public money under the banner of "helping the poor."
The Democratic Party became the founder of the "new racism,” disguised but more vile and deadly than the "old.” In 1964, at the initiative of President Lyndon Johnson, the construction of the "Great Society" began, for which Congress allocated about a billion dollars[10]. Welfare programs were solemnly created to help those who really needed it - the sick, the elderly, the temporarily unemployed, etc. It guaranteed subsidies to low-income families, the distribution of food stamps, social insurance payments, assistance in obtaining housing, etc. This was a significant and valuable innovation. But…
Signing the “Civil Rights Act” in 1964, Johnson said: “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 Years[11]”. In 1965, Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 on "Affirmative Action," and in 1968, the "Fair Housing Act" aimed at a seemingly noble goal - eliminating all forms of discrimination about housing, etc.[12]
Under the guise of these and some other laws passed by the Democrats and "pet Republicans,” the bureaucracy managed to realize an ingenious plan to create new slavery for blacks, an army of "slaves - voters - stormtroopers." As a result of the “victories of democracy,” “welfare towns” were born - zones of crowded residence of “welfare recipients” or, in other words, “urban reservations,” “concentration camps,” or “ghettos.” In essence, the "welfare towns" have become, as it were, miniature copies of the socialist countries, the embryos of socialist bureaucratization.
Welfare towns became a new system of segregation, including:
- Creation of clusters of people dependent on the bureaucracy, the possibility of their effective management
- Creation of a channel of mass influence on welfare recipients through bureaucratic control of food flows, housing, education, medical care, etc.
- Formation of an internal structure that is convenient for pushing directives to the bottom layers of bureaucratic management through:
- Overt, less influential system of municipal authorities and local police
- Hidden and mighty organized crime power cooperating with the bureaucracy
- Creation of an illegal but very effective system of control and falsification of elections in favor of the Democrats using overt bureaucratic and hidden criminal power.
As a result, a terrible social situation, the Democrat-born "welfare town behavioral sink," has developed, taking advantage of intentionally poorly educated people.[13] Dismal medical care, low general culture, filth, unsanitary conditions, constant stress, fights, and murders among gangs, including groups of youngsters, fatherlessness, poor childcare, etc., turn welfare towns into centers of the practical genocide of African Americans.
The results of this - African Americans make up only 12.6% of the general population, but they account for 52.5% of all criminals who committed murders (data from 1980 to 2008). The average life expectancy for men and women in welfare towns is five to seven years shorter than for Americans living in regular urban areas. Women have a lot of sexually transmitted infections, and the number of abortions among them is almost five times higher than the national average.
All these facts have only one explanation – because educated middle-class people do not usually vote for the Democratic party of the bureaucracy, they need poor, uneducated, and embittered voters whom they can easily manipulate. The US Democratic Party, forced to abandon Jim Crow segregation laws, has found another way to use African Americans - to create obstacles to their inclusion in the country’s everyday life by luring and keeping black people in the welfare towns[14]... And today, the goals of racist politicians have not changed a bit, even though a gang of high-ranking Democrats demonstrated to reporters their grief for the deceased offender for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
Racism 21
Racism is the worldview of scum who convince themselves they are better than others they hate and thus deserve more. When life improves, the psychological basis for hatred often decreases. The general improvement in life in America, thanks to the technological revolution and the development of the market economy, has led to the fact that most Americans are not racist. And this became a problem for the Democratic Party - if there is no racism, how to separate people? How to create mass hatred in society? And without this, how can bureaucrats manipulate people?
No problem! The method is the same - cultivating a split in society, creating an atmosphere of anxiety and dependency on "justice by the bureaucracy." Ideological manipulations that make conscientious, educated but not necessarily too intelligent people feel guilty that black slaves were brought from Africa 200 years ago... By the way, while lamenting about that and segregation, it is not recommended to remember that all this was Democrats doing. And that they continue to segregate blacks today, locking them up in welfare concentration camps.
The average American has got rid of racism, so Democrats invented a witty move: if whites do not want to play racist games, they can involve more obedient welfare town residents in these games! White vs. black racism is being replaced by black vs. white racism. Here are a few easy steps:
- Sponsored the creation of BLM[15], emphasizing that only "Black Lives Matter,” vehemently denying that white lives can matter too...
- Came up with the idea of "systemic or institutional racism,” which, like original sin, is inherent in every white person and overall American culture, and therefore justifies any antisocial actions of people of the black (but only black) race[16]
- Invented the “Clinical” Race Theory, the main goal of which is to hurt and insult white people as much as possible, to provoke their hatred of blacks and, accordingly, conflicts
- Gangs of rioters were brought out into the streets, not only blacks but also white scum - fascists (Antifa), allowed them to smash businesses, and attack people - to cause hatred and repulsion from ordinary people. They forbade the police in democratic cities to stop the scoundrels. The onslaught of the rioters weakened only when the inhabitants began to resist them. A gang of aggressive youngsters were frightened and fled in the face of the gun in the hands of lawyer McCloskey and a pistol in the hand of his wife ... Weapons in the hands of law-abiding citizens are the biggest headache of the bureaucracy!
Bureaucrats cynically use racism for their purposes. Its object has changed, but its vile goal - "divide and conquer" - has remained. But racism is not the only way to create internal crises in favor of the bureaucrats. Another approach is the social stratification of people, provoking class strife.
Democratic Party of Leftism
Under the banner of Marxism
The first half of the 19th century passed under the banner of capitalism, as a combination of market development and scientific and technological revolution. And in the middle of the century, a powerful counteroffensive of the bureaucracy against the market began, aimed at preserving its power and confiscating the largest possible share of market wealth in its favor.
The technological revolution, having formed a fairly strong working class, significantly raised the importance of the labor movement. And the bureaucrats rushed to take it under control and sicken it on the middle class (the "bourgeois" and "capitalists"), which was dangerous for them. Anti-market sentiments became highly demanded, and two nimble Germans, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels[17] were the first to quickly concoct the theory of "scientific communism," mixing the fragments of various philosophical and economic teachings. Unfortunately, the actual scientific nature of this theory was reduced to scientific errors - violations of logic and outright lies. Marx declared the market and marketers (bourgeoisie) to be the source of all social troubles, “not noticing” the role of the bureaucracy at all, as if it had never existed. His writings revealed the "bright future of all mankind" as a gigantic socialist utopia, with the full power of a "good bureaucracy" in the spirit of Confucius and the Jesuit reservations in Paraguay.
Marxism addressed illiterate and not-too-smart people with a straightforward, understandable idea: “The bourgeoisie is rich, but you aren’t because they expropriated your money. So, you have the right to "expropriate the expropriators[18].” A worthy successor to Marx, Lenin translated Latin into the language of ordinary people: "Rob the loot." And their followers reduced it to the extremely simple: “Rob!” And to avoid responsibility and punishment, you get together in big gangs and seize power. Despite numerous reservations and "special points of view,” this simple idea of robberies has been and remains the main "beacon" for all leftists, from the legendary Robin Hood to the fanatical Bernie Sanders...
Marx presented his theory as a "prediction of inevitable events" based on the laws of history[19]. His theory proved very useful for bureaucracies, providing them with a basis for rebranding as "progressive political forces" and "fighters for justice and the happiness of all humanity." Marxism has become a banner for manipulating the uneducated and discontented masses of the lower classes, forming detachments of "militants of the revolution,” its "cannon fodder,” unleashing riots, etc. All for the sake of preserving the power of the bureaucrats.
True, along with the pleasant “peaceful Marxism” of the bureaucracies, criminal organizations of left-wing extremists, such as the Russian Bolsheviks, arose, striving for power. What is very characteristic is that political criminals have always and everywhere actively cooperated with regular criminals, mainly organized crime. The Russian Bolsheviks went the furthest, declaring the entire criminal world "socially close to themselves" and their ally in the fight against the bourgeoisie.
The bureaucracies of Europe, in alliance with the left parties, started the First World War, but they played too hard and weakened in many places. And where it happened, left-wing extremists allied with criminals attacked the authorities. Russia, the Bavarian Soviet Republic in Germany, the Hungarian Soviet Republic, and attempts at uprisings and coups in other countries. In most cases, the "leftists" failed, but unfortunately, in Russia, extremists and criminals seized power and ruled for 70 years ... The same happened in China with the victory of Mao, in India with the triumph of Gandhi - Nehru, and closer to our time, left-wing extremists seized power in Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc.
Socialism in America
Socialism was born much earlier than Marxism as the idea of bureaucratic management of life. We mentioned the socialist theories of the first pilgrims; it is worth remembering one of the ideologists of the Civil War - the Southern lawyer - the socialist George Fitzhugh. He denounced capitalism as a product of "the war of the rich against the poor, and the poor against each other" and argued that the ideals of socialism are best realized in a society built on the example of slave-owning and, at the same time, very democratic ancient Athens. He argued that it was slavery that was the key to a harmonious society that provided social protection for "feeble-minded blacks" and that it was beneficial not only in America and not only for blacks but throughout the world for all workers. According to Fitzhugh, this was the only foundation to build a fair democratic society. He was (perhaps) dumber than Marx, but their main ideas and arguments are the same... Bureaucratic slavery is the goal of Marxism, only usually carefully disguised.
Labor movement
The British, German, and other bureaucracies gladly supported the leftists of various types and sects[20], who justified the hatred of the scum for the "bourgeois" and the middle class and their subordination to the bureaucrats through the left leaders bought by the bureaucrats. As a result, a mass labor movement arose. Trade unions began to appear and gain serious strength on its basis, often reviving the traditions of extremely bureaucratic medieval artisan crafts and guilds sometimes closely associated with organized crime.
In America, the Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, became the leader of the left labor movement, organizing strikes, riots and arsons, killings of police officers, and those who disagreed with their plans to seize power. The alliance of trade union leaders with leftist demagogues forced the old bureaucracy to share with them part of the power and the benefits associated with it, provided the leftists with the desired opportunity to sit in parliaments, receive high government posts, have their newspapers, propagate their ideas ... And, of course, receive their share booty from bureaucratic corruption.
Fortunately for America, with the economy’s improvement and the spread of information about the nightmarish “best practices of the Russian revolution” for workers, the influence of extremists quickly weakened. This was primarily facilitated by the fact that the American bureaucracy was able to "separate" criminals from political criminals, allowing the latter to make huge profits with the help of Prohibition.
But in the 1930s, socialism as the state’s absolute power was reborn again under the presidency of Roosevelt - and was buried (unfortunately not forever) by President Truman. Then it tried to revive itself under presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Carter, and most of all, raised its head under President Obama. The vilest thing is not the cries of socialism by people like Bernie Sanders but the bureaucracy's daily activities to increase the government's influence on people's lives.
Identity politics
Icebreakers of bureaucracy
During its long existence, the bureaucracy has used many methods to implement the principle of "divide and conquer" and various "social icebreakers."
It all started with religions, persecution of heretics, crusades, and riots, but in the 19th century, this card lost its significance in the most developed countries. The movement towards market globalization has also weakened the card of nationalism. However, in America, these cards have never been particularly strong. But there were other dangerous attacks by the bureaucracy against the nation’s unity.
Leftism and Marxism are techniques for dividing people based on the proletariat, those who, according to Marx's formula, "have nothing to lose except their chains." But as technology develops and business grows, proletarians disappear as a class. All those willing to work and learn quickly enter the upper level of the working class and often merge into the middle class, now more numerous than the lower classes. That is, leftist ideas cease to serve the bureaucrats reliably.
Racism is a technique for separating people, implemented through the social scum of any skin color. With a general rise in the standard of living and education, the Democrats began to experience a lack of the scum to fragment society and create hostility in it effectively. Welfare, BLM, and CRT games were not helping the Democrats much anymore.
The bureaucracy in the second half of the 20th century tried to use as "social destroyers" young people rebellious out of boredom - hippies, punks, rockers, etc. But young people get smarter with age, and this card of bureaucracy failed. They tried to use intellectuals - but although those serve the bureaucracy’s interests very well through the media and education systems, they are no better than a pile of warm dung in the fight.
The new icebreaker of bureaucrats!
The development of society always goes through the formation of various groups, and there are two main types of collectivism:
- Market-based collectivism: The market is focused on producing goods; it unites people for mutual benefit so that, acting together, they achieve better results than separately. In theory, this is called a positive-sum game. As a result of the technological revolution, the middle class, based on market collectivism, is gradually becoming the most powerful social class
- Bureaucratic collectivism: Bureaucracy is focused on managing the distribution of goods produced by someone else; it unites people by force or deceit for the possibility of their massive subjugation and robbery while dividing people and inciting enmity between them to prevent resistance. The bureaucracy needs to fragment the middle class into warring factions.
The middle class is made up mostly of individualists, and this leaves hope for the bureaucrats. The main idea behind the new "social icebreaker" built by the Democratic Party is Identity Politics. It is aimed at fragmenting society into many separate groups that are relatively weak and, therefore, dependent on the bureaucracy. Democrats sponsor the creation of groups based on gender, sexual orientation, age, education, religion, language, culture, occupation, social background, origin, location, affiliations, or other determining factors.
Each such “special group” is the seed of a bureaucracy. Leaders necessarily appear there (often installed by the bureaucracy that created them), who, as the group grows, are overgrown with sycophants and militants, from whom the local bureaucracy managing the group is formed. Bureaucrats run the group for their interests, passing them off as the group's desires and actions necessary for survival. And they establish contact with other bureaucracies, forming a network that binds society.
Each of these “special groups” is told that they are suppressed, somehow deficient, unappreciated by society, and victimized, and therefore have special rights. They are justified to demand that society satisfy their wishes and solve their problems without considering the interests or problems of the whole society or other "special groups.” Instead of a “game with positive results,” it is a game with “negative results” when each group seeks to snatch benefits from others as much as possible. Eventually, these benefits are inevitably destroyed in fights, and the “fighters” become weaker, presenting easy prey for the bureaucracy.
On the whole, these "identity politics” reaching the point of absurdity and causing repulsion by the majority of sane people is another failure of the Democrats, who are losing social support. But one of the directions of democratic demagogy remains truly dangerous - it is aggressive feminism.
Long live feminism without democrats
One hundred years ago, in 1920, women won the right to vote. It was a natural growth of freedom in society. But as a result, a mass of new, naïve, and politically illiterate voters came to the ballot boxes. And this allowed the bureaucracy, relying on lower-class women who suffered from the alcoholism of their husbands, to implement Prohibition, which was beneficial for it and its ally - organized crime.
Now Democrats would like to re-play the card of feminism. They are trying to destroy society most unnaturally - setting women against men, destroying the possibility of equal practical cooperation between them, given by physiology and reason. And the allies of the Democrats in this are power-hungry women, who, for one reason or another, hate both men and women that seem happier than them ...
The frenzied campaign of democratic Mass Disinformation Media targets mainly middle-class women, especially the numerous "suburban housewives" – often bored in their homes during the day, glued to televisions, from which they are explained that they deserve more. For this, they need to vote for the Democrats and force their husbands to vote for them ...
Friends, colleagues, men… We, middle-class people, are mostly initiative individualists, but for us, there is a vital element of collectivism - this is our families, our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. Don't just talk with them; involve them in your life and be included in theirs! Help them be as strong as you would like to be.
And then no "harpies[21] of feminism" will be able to destroy your family, and this will be the best answer for the evil democratic bureaucracy that is doing just that. And please, come to the polls with the whole family! Your votes are essential to tame the bureaucratic-democratic monster!
Other parts to read:
Democratic Party of Bureaucrats - Part 1
Democratic Party of Power – Part 2
Democratic Party of Corruption – Part 3
Democratic Party of War - Part 4
[1] Rahm Emanuel, former Obama’s Chief of Staff said no crisis should go to waste...
[2] Later change of their status from “enemies” to “victims” was not less harmful to these people.
[3] It seems to us that Pelosi and other Democrats, on their knees, all these 8 minutes and 46 seconds, imagined with pleasure that they were crushing Trump and that they would get up from their knees, and Trump would remain to lie...
[4] The "Behavioral sink" effect was discovered by ethologist J. Calhoun in a series of experimental "rat utopias" – enclosed spaces where rats were given unlimited access to food and water, enabling unfettered population growth. And in all cases, this utopia led to the emergence of various perversions and developmental disorders, up to a complete societal collapse.
[5] It was the Democrats who "decided" that anyone with a small amount of African blood is colored. And they continue to insist on it. Based on true facts, Sinclair Lewis's novel Kingsblood Royal shows how the life of a normal white middle-class man was ruined when it was revealed that his very distant ancestor had been black. This is real racism, worse than Hitler's - in Nazi Germany only full-blooded Jews and, in some special cases, half-blooded Jews were persecuted.
[6] In Virgil's “Aeneid”, the phrase "be afraid of the Danaans who bring gifts" is a warning against the insidious gift of enemies – the "Trojan horse".
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Douglass
[8] The real green revolution was agrotechnical, greatly increasing agricultural production.
[9] It is possible to estimate the average person’s power growth by the number of pseudo-slaves “working” for this person. If we divide the total energy production by humanity by the number of people, then the amount of energy per person today corresponds to the hard work of 50-100 slaves ... Moreover, slaves - machines do not need to eat; they are obedient, very specialized, and intelligent in performing their functions. With their help, 10-20% of the population, without much effort, can provide all people on Earth with high-quality food, comfort, a lot of valuable products, education, entertainment, health maintenance, etc.
[10] Approximately 6 billion for today's money, a trifle compared to the cost of even a petty war
[11] Disgusting, but not very significant, that Johnson was a racist. Worse, he acted in the interests of the racist US Democratic Party.
[12] "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - this is said mainly about the intentions of "big bosses,” those who claim to "make people happy,” albeit against their will.
[13] A form of racism practiced by the Democratic Union of Teachers.
[14] According to the principle of the Russian Bolsheviks, “We will drive humanity to happiness with an iron hand.”
[15] Black Lives Matter.
[16] Unlike many other Democrats’ fake claims, systemic racism exists - it is a huge part of the historical activity of the Democratic Party. Its most obvious manifestation is the welfare towns’ schools.
[17] Thomas Sowell wrote: "Most readers of The Communist Manifesto are hardly aware that it was written by two young men, Marx and Engels, who never worked a day in their lives, but nevertheless spoke shamelessly on behalf of “all working people”.
[18] "Expropriation" in Latin means "deprivation of property".
[19] The laws of history do exist. But they have nothing in common with Marx’s compilation.
[20] Left teachings include Marxism of various kinds, social anarchism, anarcho-communism, socialism of various modifications, i.e., social democracy, social liberalism, laborism, environmentalism, green politics, reformism, progressivism, fascism, Nazism, Maoism, Baathism, Juche, the world theory of Muammar Gaddafi, etc.
[21] Harpies in ancient Greek mythology are predatory and vicious half-women half-birds, kidnappers of children, and human souls.
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