Lies, vile lies, and ideology
We learned to understand the language of bureaucratic ideology back in the former USSR. The rules are straightforward: listen carefully to what the villainous ideologists say most persistently, using the techniques of suggestion and manipulation, and understand precisely the opposite.
The communists in the USSR brought ideological persuasion to brilliance. Constantly intimidating the world, occupying half of Europe, creating a hydrogen bomb of incredible power, invading Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Afghanistan, supporting bandits in Asia, Africa, and South America, and filling the world with spies, they were constantly and loudly declaring their love for the piece. And when history threw them into the dustbin, their "ideology of peaceful aggression" was picked up by the US Democratic Party. These “peace lovers” dragged America into two unnecessary World Wars, the Cold War and the Vietnam War, and many local conflicts in various regions worldwide. They provoked the bloody "color revolutions,” the "Arab spring," and the most recent Russian-Ukrainian war.
To whom is war, and to whom is mother dear
Ancient bureaucracies (aristocracies) arose as the power of the military elite over the population, which they turned into their servants. And throughout history, bureaucrats have used wars to strengthen their power to seize valuables, first from their people and then from their enemies.
Wars became especially attractive to the bureaucracy after the technological revolution took place in the nineteenth century, and the bureaucracy faced the perplexing challenge of capturing an avalanche of growing flows of wealth in the face of a general increase in the education and intelligence of people unfavorable for bureaucratic manipulations. Wars bring three benefits to bureaucracies:
- War propaganda rallies the people around their "friend and protector" - the beloved government, and allows the bureaucracy to grow almost uncontrollably
- Martial laws allow the bureaucracy to suppress, and even imprison disaffected, or send them to the army
- Most importantly, the ability to directly seize people’s property both in one's own and in other countries, and quickly and safely profit from tax increases, military contracts, indemnities, supplies of aid and weapons to allies and third countries, etc.[1]
All wars in which America has participated over the past hundred and fifty years are divided into four groups:
- Wars with quick wins - the Korean War[2] and both "Republican" wars in Iraq[3].
- Deliberately protracted "democratic wars" - where bureaucrats have made efforts to stretch military action (and thus profit time) as long as possible, for example, under the pretext of fighting for peace, justice, democracy, or reducing casualties. A typical feature of such wars is to support the weak side but not too effectively to prolong the war. This dramatically increases the deaths and destruction, but it allows the bureaucrats to milk the state budgets for a long time. Such were both the World Wars and the Vietnam War.
- Pseudo-wars. This is the most favorite bureaucratic project to extract money from society. The primary example is the Cold War between the "Eastern" and "Western" worlds. The bureaucracies on both sides cooperate, competing to see who can steal more from their people and who has the bigger club. The destruction of the socialist "Warsaw Bloc" was a tragedy for the bureaucrats of the socialist countries and the Western bureaucracies. Other modifications of pseudo-wars were invented to replace the Cold War. There was no war between America and Afghanistan; it’s ridiculous to talk about a fight between heavyweight Mike Tyson and a five-year-old child. In 2001, there was a bombing of empty mountains - just getting rid of ammunition to write off money and start a new production. And then, for 20 years, a state of pseudo-war was maintained, allowing the military and political bureaucracy to write off and steal vast amounts of money. There was a concise victorious war in Iraq in 2003, and then the bureaucracy “played war” for 13 years to fatten vast flows of funds.
- Wars - provocations to ensure the profit of bureaucrats, on foreign territory, by alien hands. Extreme provocative wars unfolded under the presidency of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama. Support for "color revolutions" in different countries, the destructive "Arab Spring,” the creation of ISIS and then the war with them, the civil war in Syria ... Monstrous money was written off for weapons supplied to hot spots and mysteriously disappeared (sometimes resold, and sometimes did not exist in reality), on the training of insurrectionists, which made them simply more dangerous trained bandits. Today, a new cold war is in full swing, to the delight of all bureaucracies.
American Bureaucratic Wars
Spanish-American War
The first "bureaucratic war" for the United States was the Spanish-American war of 1898. President McKinley sought a peaceful settlement of differences, but the bureaucracy used the influence of William Randolph Hearst's "yellow media" and the explosion on the battleship "Maine,” organized according to most historians by the same Hearst, to force Congress to declare war to its advantage. It is believed that the name "Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)" was first forged by Eisenhower in the late 1950s. But this MIC in America began to develop as a state-funded monopoly precisely during the Spanish-American War.
The bureaucracy liked this experience, which was apparently the main reason for America's involvement in the First World War.
World War I
America did not care about the numerous conflicts between European states. Still, the bureaucrats, allied with the Democratic Party, could not miss such an excellent opportunity to increase their power and rob their people who had become too rich.
The first term of President Woodrow Wilson, marked by the creation of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), strong market restrictions, and heavy systematic intervention in the affairs of Latin America, especially Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, Panama, and Nicaragua, caused very great discontent in the country. Wilson won his second term election with great difficulty and a slight advantage, and he needed the war to strengthen his position. Before the election, he solemnly promised that America would not enter the war - and began preparing for it immediately after his inauguration. And two months later, in April 1917, the United States entered an unnecessary war.
Under the demagogic slogans "to declare war to end all wars,” "save civilization,” etc., with the active support of the socialists, he increased federal taxes, created censorship, and passed the Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918) through Congress, strengthening the power of the bureaucracy over the people. Closer to the war’s end, he drafted a thoroughly utopian and demagogic peace treaty known as the Fourteen Points of Wilson based on his theory of bureaucracy.
When the war ended due to the revolution in Germany, Wilson went to Europe, where he spent six months enjoying general admiration. Well, it was nice to feel like the Ruler of the Minds deciding the world’s fate! The stupid bureaucrat-theorist was played like a child by the sophisticated bureaucrats-practitioners Clemenceau (France) and Lloyd George (England). The rich fool was presented with a brilliant toy - the Nobel Peace Prize[4], and together with him, they bungled the Versailles Peace Treaty, which gave rise to the Second World War 20 years later.
And while the President was having fun in Paris, the most challenging problems of the post-war development of the country for which he was responsible, the issues of employment of four million soldiers who returned home and the dismantling of the military industry, were left to their fate. Difficulties arose in agriculture, many farmers went bankrupt, and depression was growing in the industry. In 1919, dangerous unrest began, including attacks by radical anarchist groups in New York, Chicago, and other cities ...
What deserves a soldier who abandoned the combat post for a fun party? And what if the Commander-in-Chief fled from his post? America hated its president. And Congress refused to ratify his favorite offspring - the treaty establishing an international bureaucracy - the League of Nations. In his last years, Wilson took his failures hard, believed that he had deceived the American people, and needlessly dragged the country into the First World War. God is his judge.
World War II
The bureaucracy created the Great Depression, destroyed the economy, and, on its ruins, again brought the Democrats to power, led by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He, in gratitude, dragged the country into the Second World War, which was much bloodier for America than the First. And it’s not that he wanted to fight; he just wanted to retain power for a longer possible time and bring his socialist experiments to a victorious end.
The threat of war was the only way to be reelected, contrary to tradition, for a third presidential term. As President Wilson once did, he swore that only he could save the situation and would never send the American fellows to any foreign war. It was not complicated at all - back in 1935, before the outbreak of wars in Europe and Asia, the Congress, correctly assessing its militant President, adopted the “Neutrality Law,” according to which the United States was forbidden not only to join the warring powers but also to provide them with assistance, as weapons and money.
Having become president for the third time in 1940, Roosevelt, like Wilson in 1916, began to prepare for war immediately. Congress would not allow war, but Roosevelt was an unsurpassed intriguer - manipulator and found "his moves."
For starters, in March 1941, he signed the Lend-Lease Act, which ended US neutrality. The second blow was very witty. In September 1940, France and Japan signed an international agreement on stationing Japanese troops in Northern Indochina. This happened a month and a half before the elections in America and did not attract any attention. However, six months later, in July 1941, for some reason, Roosevelt suddenly remembered this, became very angry with the Japanese, and decided to punish them. A complete embargo was imposed on the supply of oil and petroleum products to Japan, a naval blockade was established, all Japanese assets in American banks were frozen, and American troops in Hawaii were placed on alert.
It was an apparent provocation - Japan had no other sources of oil, and the country could not do without fuel. As a result, on December 7, the Japanese fleet attacked Pearl Harbor. The naive Japanese General Staff hoped to push back the American fleet several thousand kilometers to make it possible to bring oil from Indonesia. Many publications claimed that the President knew about this imminent attack in advance, but no action was taken - Roosevelt needed the "Casus belli" - a formal reason for declaring war. On December 9, 1941, Roosevelt delivered a radio address to the people in which he accused Hitler harshly of encouraging the Japanese attack on the United States - pure fantasy. Hitler fell for the provocation and declared war on the United States, which was what the President sought to bypass Congress[5].
The American bureaucracy gained unlimited access to the country's wealth, and Roosevelt received a third term in power. But that wasn't all!
In 1943, a brutal war came closer to victory. Russia defeated the troops of the German Field Marshal Paulus near Stalingrad, and the British and American troops defeated the army of Field Marshal Rommel near El Alamein and landed in Italy. There was an opportunity to end the war quickly. Churchill stubbornly sought this - and Roosevelt resisted together with the obedient Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, Eisenhower. After all, new elections were coming in 1944, and if the war ended earlier, Roosevelt would have no chance of continuing his career as President ... The war dragged on for at least a year, leading to substantial additional losses on all fronts, especially during the Normandy landings. Roosevelt had a terrifying influence on the world’s future, giving Stalin half of Europe and a large chunk of Asia. It is impossible to imagine what tricks he would have played to win the fifth, sixth, etc. elections ... Fortunately, God had other plans for him!
President Truman, who succeeded Roosevelt, destroyed the criminal power of the democratic bureaucracy, and stopped the offensive of Stalinism on the world. In particular, thanks to the Korean War. Of course, this one allowed the bureaucracy to make much money like any other war. But it was needed to protect America from squadrons of Soviet TU-4 bombers (stolen and degraded by copying the Boeing B-29 Superfortress), armed with nuclear weapons, which Stalin concentrated on the coast of Chukotka, opposite Alaska. The Korean War stopped Stalin by proving that none of his aircraft could overcome America's air defenses. And that the air defense of Moscow has no chance of stopping the American carrier of the atomic bomb.
Сold war
After the Second World War, there were no such significant wars. And why? Earlier, bureaucrats, sitting in their cozy bunkers and risking nothing, sent millions of people to their deaths. The advent of nuclear weapons changed everything - the bureaucracy became vulnerable, and they chickened out! They had to find another, safer way to embezzle money and hide their crimes. The "Cold War,” which began as resistance to Stalin's aggression, already under Eisenhower,[6] quickly degenerated into the "Bureaucratic Cold War,” which was collusion (not documented, but no less harmful for both countries) between the Soviet and American bureaucracies for " milking" budgets both in the USSR and in America by the military-industrial complexes and bureaucracies of the State Department, various intelligence agencies, the UN, etc.
Helping each other, the state, party, and business bureaucrats of different countries shared huge public funds among themselves. Russia is developing a new missile - America is investing in anti-missiles; America is developing new tanks - Russia gets anti-tank weapons; America is creating GPS, Russia is coming with its navigation system, GLONASS, etc.
In the 21st century, the “bureaucratic/democratic military-industrial complex” has been supplemented by what today can be called the “bureaucratic/democratic information complex,” including monopolies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.
At the same time, a new political phenomenon emerged. The money collected from taxes goes through the budget to defense contractors, mainly located in the states of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Some "money pump" is operating, fueling money from all over the country into these "military states." And in addition, huge cash from all over America and the whole world flow to California for the production of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. As a result, Californian and other "pump states" governments receive huge taxes from businesses and individuals who work for them[7]. This creates the effect of wild inflation of the state bureaucracy and their ever-greater "bureaucratic democratization" (or democratic bureaucratization, generally the same thing).
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War also became a mutually beneficial "business" of the American and Soviet bureaucracies. It allowed everyone to expand control over their society and create and grow many bureaucratic organizations (in the USA, in the State Department, the Pentagon, and various government agencies; in the USSR, in the party, the military industry, and the armed forces). It gave profitable contracts to “their companies,” got rid of too active young people, drafted into the army, or scared them with conscription, etc.
This war resulted from the young and charming President John F. Kennedy coming to power. His tragic death turned him into a national hero, and many things fell into the shadows behind this halo. For example, his strange duplicity. In his book Why England Slept in 1961, he wrote: "Democracy must be strong and combat-ready to endure the hardships of a long, hard struggle against the growing communist world." And in real life, he tried to negotiate with the bandits; he thought that they could at least be trusted in some way and that yielding to them could save the world. The old story of gradual concessions by European leaders to Hitler was repeated, only inflaming the enemy’s pretensions.
On April 15, 1961, the operation planned earlier under President Eisenhower to liberate Cuba from the pro-Soviet Castro regime began. The new government hopelessly failed the operation, more concerned about its "image" in the eyes of foreign liberals than the actual security of the country. By that time, Castro had received a lot of weapons and military advisers from the USSR, who not only trained "barbudos" but also participated in the battles. Formed and trained by the Americans, a tiny (only 4,000 people) Cuban liberation army faced a stiff rebuff. The support for American aviation promised by the President was not provided. Kennedy betrayed his allies and demonstrated US weakness to the whole world.
For any bandit, a manifestation of weakness is a signal - you need to hit harder! In June 1961, Khrushchev began bluffing Kennedy in Vienna, threatening the young president with another blockade of Berlin and nuclear war, followed by the purposefully provoked Berlin Crisis, and the construction of the Berlin Wall began. The communists planned this under Stalin but did not dare to start for a long time. They were afraid that Truman, unkind to the communists, and then Eisenhower, after all, a military man, would demolish this wall with tanks ... Kennedy, however, “swallowed” a deliberate insult to America, replacing the actions with loud speeches and demonstrations harmless to the communists. So, it was possible to increase the pressure even further safely!
Unexpectedly and sharply, the communist partisans in South Vietnam became more active, and the regular troops of North Vietnam began to penetrate the South massively. They did not receive a worthy rebuff: the small, poorly armed contingents of Americans sent by Kennedy to Vietnam looked pathetic. The uprising of Buddhists provoked from the North, and public self-immolations began. Kennedy, continuing his liberal policies, renounced the "bloody regime of Ngo Din Diem,” practically sanctioning his assassination. Betraying allies in difficult moments became his habit...
Under Kennedy, perhaps the most insane achievement of modern liberalism was born - the doctrine of an adequate military response. "No to the politics of power dominance!" A liberal, that is, a soft, uncertain, cowardly response to aggression, necessarily generates an increase in aggression; this causes an increase in the response (within the framework of the doctrine of maintaining adequacy) and, again, another round of aggression’s rise ... There is a chain reaction of growing conflict, an avalanche of deaths - and an avalanche of bureaucratic gain.
After Kennedy's tragic death, democratic President Lyndon Johnson continued this same policy of "slow war" for the profits of the bureaucracy. The allies of the bureaucracy in the media got the sensations they needed, supported leftist bureaucracy, and helped the civilian bureaucracy keep the military on a tight leash.
And all this "bureaucratic splendor" was destroyed by President Richard Nixon. He blew up the country by fulfilling his campaign promise withdrawing American troops from Vietnam. Moreover, he canceled the mandatory army conscription, cutting off their important channel of bureaucracy’s collective influence. Now what? Where to look for sensations, what to write in newspapers, broadcast on television, against what to organize demonstrations of leftist demagogues ... And how would bureaucrats build their careers (for whom this war was almost the primary source of career growth)?
But Nixon's didn't stop there! Here is what he also did:
- To a large extent, his works in 1971-1978 led to the replacement of the Bretton Woods system by the Jamaican monetary system, based on free market trade in hard currency. This has severely reduced the playing power of the Federal Reserve and its associated banks and funds.
- He began to improve relations with China and the Soviet Union. He conceived the policy of détente, and the signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Arms (SALT-1) dealt severe blows to both the American and Soviet military-industrial complexes. He stopped the development of biological weapons and initiated an international convention to ban them entirely. There was a danger of stopping the Cold War, and this would be a loss to all bureaucracies.
- He effectively supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War, which began with the attacks of Egypt and Syria. Despite the doubts and direct opposition of his aides, Congress, and European allies, who were afraid of the Arab oil embargo, the President ordered that Israel be provided with everything it needed on an emergency basis. American transport aircraft made 567 flights to Israel, delivering more than 22,000 tons of military supplies. And when the Soviet Union threatened to intervene on the side of the Arabs, Nixon ordered the United States military worldwide to be on high alert. Moscow took the hint and retreated. Another blow to the Democratic Party, which has always supported the Arabs, and lawmakers whom the Arab lobbyists paid.
Undoubtedly, the bureaucracy had to take revenge on the President, who once actively helped Truman clean out the “bureaucratic Augean stables” Now, with every new step, he deprived them of income! The pretext was the petty and absurd Watergate case. Initially, no one paid much attention to this ordinary event (both parties practiced eavesdropping on rivals, and everyone knew that). This did not prevent Nixon from winning the reelection with a crushing score of 520 electors to 17. And then, at someone's command, wild persecution of the President began by the media, the growth of bitterness in the ranks of the Democratic Party and the left intelligentsia, the efforts of the Democrats to paralyze the activities of the Presidential Administration, despite the harm done to the country. What happened then was reminiscent of the events in 2017 after Trump's election victory. The same role the FBI played in organizing provocations and even the same provocative journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were involved.
We don't know how much Nixon was really to blame. If he was, he paid the price by resigning despite winning 49 states. But the Democratic presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, and Bill Clinton got away with much more severe transgressions before the law; they did not offend the bureaucrats! And hardly anything else could do more harm to the country than the extrajudicial reprisal of Nixon by the bureaucracy and, more than 40 years later, the attempts of such reprisal against Trump.
President Obama's Wars
The actual "big fun of the bureaucracy" began after the Democratic Party and its President - the peacemaker Barack Obama, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize[8] in advance in 2009, came to power. Obama immediately began to “work” for his award - destabilizing the international situation almost worldwide. In 2016 alone, the US dropped 26,171 bombs on seven countries[9]. We wonder how much each bomb cost and what was the bureaucrats' share of the profits from each of these bombs, from each plane flight, artillery blast, and other "peaceful missions.”
Most importantly, the cooperation between Presidents Obama and Putin made it possible to restart the Cold War, which was beneficial to the American and Russian bureaucracies, and to launch their military-industrial complexes at full capacity as systems for pumping money out of the country into the pockets of bureaucrats. An essential part of this process was the "color revolutions" - mass protests and uprisings carefully prepared by experts from the CIA and the State Department with American money against the legitimate authorities of different countries.
According to direct cynical reports from the American press, the Obama government actively sponsored and supported anti-government protests in Russia and "color revolutions" in the former Soviet republics that became independent of Moscow - Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan. As a rule, unsuccessful "color revolutions" lead to the destruction of the economy of the affected countries and the death of people. And the successful ones almost always would bring to power bandits and scoundrels under the conditional name "democracy fighters."
But it does not matter; the main thing is that it allows the bureaucracy to steal the billions advanced by Congress "to protect democracy." And in most cases, it is also helpful for Putin's bureaucracy, strengthening its support in Russia and helping it to penetrate the "crisis regions” following “American footsteps."
The Arab Spring of 2010-2011 belongs to the same measures beneficial to many bureaucracies - from the US and EU countries to Iran and Russia. - a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed insurgencies that swept most of the Arab world - 20 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. As well as the bloody and very beneficial for the bureaucracies civil war in Syria and the war against the Islamic State (ISIS).
President Biden's War
A precious “gift” to Russian President Vladimir Putin from President Obama and Chancellor Merkel was America's sponsorship and support of illegal anti-government demonstrations in Ukraine in 2013-2014. (“Maidan”[10]), which ensured the transition of power from the corrupt but legitimate President Yanukovych and a gang of oligarchs focused on doing business with Russia to even more corrupt, illegal President Poroshenko and a bunch of oligarchs focused on doing business with the West.
But the worst thing was that as a result, nationalists came to power in Ukraine with their very first decree banning the use of the Russian language as the second state language. This hit hard both the population and the bureaucracy in Russian-speaking regions like Crimea and Donbas, where few people spoke Ukrainian. This led to the overwhelming support of the Crimean population for accession to Russia, as well as to the proclamation of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in the Donbas and the beginning of a civil war between the Donbas and the rest of Ukraine.
For Russia, this meant a radical weakening of the neighboring competitor country and the possibility of capturing with impunity the "pearl of the Black Sea" - the Crimean Peninsula[11], which also ensured military control of the entire Black Sea. But most importantly, Vladimir Putin's ratings, which by that time had fallen after an extended stay in power (almost 14 years), almost instantly soared to an incredible 86%. A pleasant opportunity arose to strengthen bureaucracy and suppress dissidents ...
American bureaucracy also benefited from this - there was another push to increase world instability, strengthen the position of the Democratic Party, which had significantly lost the sympathy of the Americans, and, of course, increase the profits of the bureaucracy. Well, it was also an excellent opportunity for the children of big bureaucrats, like Hunter Biden, to “make some extra money”[12].
Earlier, Trump stopped some of the bureaucratic antics, but with limited success. While he managed to build relationships with China, Russia, and North Korea, his bureaucracy - the State Department, the Fed, the CIA, and the media encouraged by the Democrats “put spokes in the wheels” wherever they could. But still, Trump was the first President after Reagan who did not allow a single new war to flare up!
And when the Democrats and bureaucrats managed to get rid of Trump (we are sure - only for a while),
"Obama's Maidan" was creatively developed further by its former vice-president, President Joe Biden, who was just as peace-loving, but in addition, judging by the actions and statements, visibly mentally incapacitated. Through his administration’s efforts, the Russian-Ukrainian war was provoked by the participation of the European, Russian, and Ukrainian bureaucracies. Everyone benefits:
- Putin's bureaucracy cashing in on sanctions that drive up energy prices
- American and Western European bureaucracies capitalize on the supply of military equipment and aid to Ukraine
- The Ukrainian bureaucracy picks up the remains of aid not stolen by the "owners" and resells weapons...
And everybody is happy. It is only bad for the people being robbed and the soldiers dying so that the bureaucracies of all countries can profit. But who listens to these unhappy people?
How bureaucratic wars end
The story of the panicked withdrawal of the American army from Afghanistan on August 31, 2021, shows incredibly frankly the methods of making money in the war. The press, even the democratic one, was puzzled - why was everyone acting so incompetently? Why was it necessary to flee Afghanistan overnight, abandoning expensive equipment and dooming thousands of residents who helped America to death? Stupidity or accident?
No, to both. On the contrary, a beautiful "bureaucratic mind" was in action! The situation is not new. In the same way, abandoning and betraying allies, American troops fled from Saigon in 1975 and Somalia in 1994. In the same way, Russian communists withdrew from Afghanistan in 1988 and the former "countries of people's democracy" in the 1990s. In all cases, this "panic flight" was used to conceal crimes - all the equipment was abandoned, there were no documents, the winners would kill the witnesses, and it would be impossible to blame the thieves ...
A particular meanness of the Afghan debacle - fleeing in secret, the Americans did not disable the abandoned military equipment. It is hard to doubt that in the end, the military bureaucrats did a good job - after all, some were undoubtedly well paid for getting all this to someone intact - the Taliban, who control the flow of drugs to Europe, had enough money ... Here is one example. Twenty-two thousand military Humvees have been deployed in Afghanistan. Many were recently delivered (although some might have never been produced, they existed only on paper - the bureaucracy loves this trick). Our son, a US Army sergeant who served in Afghanistan, cursed rudely when he heard about this - they were forbidden to use these vehicles because of the flat bottom, which was dangerous when a mine exploded under it on the road. Humvee is the military version of the civilian Hummer - a primitive design of tubes and sheets of iron, not much different from the Jeeps of the Second World War (80 years ago) costs the government $200,000. It's much more primitive than the fancy and luxurious Hummer that costs $80,000. The comparison shows that the military vehicle should be two to three times cheaper than the civilian one. Who appropriates the money allocated for their production? The cost of all Humvees abandoned in Afghanistan was about $5 billion. Who received the money for handing it over to the Taliban safe and sound? The situation is the same with all other types of weapons - several times raised prices, theft in the production process, delivery and sale of equipment to enemies ...
Helicopters, armored personnel carriers, tanks, drones, and an incredible number of various weapons and equipment partially went to Iran, where the "pro-American" troops went; the rest fell into the hands of the Taliban militants and will be used in civil wars and aggression against neighbors - the former Soviet republics, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and so on. Undoubtedly, the Americans will hear from the terrorists, who probably got a large part of these weapons just as it was after the withdrawal of the Russian army from Afghanistan in 1988, when American-trained militants, including Osama bin Laden, turned the weapons that America supplied to them against their former sponsors.
According to data from the Accounts Chamber, US military property worth $84 billion fell into the hands of the Taliban during the withdrawal of troops. Such money does not "disappear in the air"; it is settled in someone's pockets and offshore accounts. But few people realize that the bureaucrats got much more than this miserable $84 billion in various ways!
For example, according to SIGAR (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction), approximately $146.08 billion has been appropriated for Afghanistan relief and reconstruction since 2002. This money was not included in military spending.,in%20multiple%20locations%20throughout%20Afghanistan.
More than $21 billion has been spent training the national police in Afghanistan, and SIGAR estimates that this has led to a sharp increase in crime… And that's not all!
It was all Donald Trump's fault, of course! He had a plan for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, with verification and accounting down to every tent. And if this happened, it would become clear what gigantic money was stolen and by whom ... There would not be enough prisons to accommodate the figures of the Pentagon, other corrupt departments, and the top management of many military-industrial complex enterprises[13]!
Well, the bureaucrats managed to get rid of Trump, but the danger of the audit remained - what if the Republicans win Congress in November 2022? What if Trump comes back to power in 2024? And then retribution will overtake the thieves ... The stampede from Afghanistan eliminated the possibility of accounting checks. But the bureaucracy lost its regular permanent income ... To compensate for this injustice, the Russian-Ukrainian war was provoked as a new feeder for bureaucratic pigs!
"Bright Future of the Democratic Party" against wars
About eight years ago, this is how the mainstream media enthusiastically called a newly elected congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard. An energetic, well-articulated young woman, partially Samoan-American, a veteran of the Iraq War, and a United States Army Reserve officer, she became a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
And she opposed the policy of US military intervention in the affairs of sovereign states and harshly criticized American policies in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. She argued that the Americans, who supported and supplied weapons to Al-Qaeda affiliates, have contributed to the creation of ISIS, tried to remove the legitimate Syrian President Assad, and thereby “invited” Russia to Syria, were most of all to blame for the enormous casualties of these wars ...
Gabbard dared to place her sympathy for the people being destroyed by wars above the profits and power of the democratic bureaucracy! In October 2019, she told Hillary Clinton, who attacked her in Congress, to her face: “You, the queen of warmongers, are the epitome of corruption and destruction that has permeated the Democratic Party for a long time.”
As a result of all this, the former idol of the Democrats has become an "outcast" in the Democratic Party, like President Truman used to be - hated by the Democratic Party. And in early October 2022, Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party with a brutal announcement, explaining that the party was now controlled by an "elite clique of war instigators." She also called on her colleagues to join her demarche.
Beware of Republicans In Name Only (RINOs)
Talking about American wars, we focused on Democrats for the reasons described above. Unfortunately, this subject is one of the very few bipartisan issues. Some Republicans, including prominent ones, support the Democrats in their efforts to interfere in other countries affairs. These “hawks” vote for wars and provocations following ideological (false interpretation of “democracy”), mercantile (to please their donors), or both considerations. They were so eager to get rid of Trump’s wars-ending policies that they sacrificed the most important Republican values, including small government, low spending, energy independence, and overall middle-class prosperity, becoming Republicans in name only (RINOs). If not stopped, they will help continue Democratic Party policies, like political correctness, critical racial theory, queer and transgender theory, censorship, etc. Together with the Democrats, RINOs form an officially unrecognized, but very real "Party of Bureaucratic Power" that today rules America and wants to keep this power forever.
Other parts to read:
Democratic Party of Bureaucrats - Part 1
Democratic Party of Power – Part 2
Democratic Party of Corruption – Part 3
Democratic Party of Discord - Part 5
[1] Russian commander A.V. Suvorov said: "Any commissary after three years in office can be shot without trial or investigation." This is generally a slight exaggeration.
[2] President Truman was a Democrat, hated by the Democrats; he destroyed the power of the bureaucracy, developed the market, and began the battle against the segregationist politics of the Democrats ... And his war was essentially "Republican" - fast and powerful. And this seems to be the only war that was needed not so much by the bureaucracy as by the people of America - it stopped Stalin, who was seriously planning to attack America with atomic bombs from Alaska ...
[3] It seems absurd - President Bush Sr.'s "Desert Storm" was an almost instantaneous victory, but President Bush Jr.'s Iraq War lasted 13 years! However, this is a lie of the press, a typical play with words! The war was won in less than a month. And then the post-war tragedy of Iraq began - a bureaucratic pseudo-war.
[4] Unlike the Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, and literature, the Peace Prize, from the very beginning, became a tool for encouraging bureaucrats and their faithful servants. Its nominees were Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and many other criminals. Its laureates are the anti-Semitic bureaucracy fanatic President Jimmy Carter, the terrorist Yasser Arafat, the racist Nelson Mandela, who destroyed his country, and many other scoundrels. And in 2009, President Barack Obama, the most peaceful warmonger, received it.
[5] The authors, Russian-born Jews, understand that perhaps it was America's entry into the war against Hitler that saved their parents' lives and allowed them to be born. But America absolutely did not need this war, just like the First World War!
[6] The philosopher Hegel wrote that history repeats itself twice - the first time as a tragedy and the second time as a farce. The Democrat Truman destroyed the power of the bureaucracy and weakened its ally, the Democratic Party. And the bureaucracy for its revival used the Republican Party, which nominated the Democrat Eisenhower, who was urgently repainted as a Republican, to the presidency, an obedient puppet of Roosevelt, who, along with him, bears the blame for prolonging the war and transferring half of Europe to Stalin.
[7] And on the top of it, California is the only state in America with a sales tax of over 7%.
[8] After Obama's "peacekeeping feats" in the Middle East and other regions of the world, the chairman of the Nobel Peace Committee, Geir Lundestad, said that the members of the committee were "like drunk" on the day they cast their votes for Obama and politely asked the President to return the medal handed to him. This Obama, of course, did not hear.
[9] A report by Micah Zenko, an American specialist in foreign policy and national security, published on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations.
[10] The word "Maidan" in Ukrainian has many meanings, including a market square, a gambling den, a place for a secret card game, or a secret sale of vodka in prison. Maidan was the square where in 2004 and 2014, people gathered who rebelled against legally chosen administrations and defeated them with the help of America.
[11] Russia conquered Crimea from the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire in 1783; it had nothing to do with Ukraine until Nikita Khrushchev, the former leader of the communists of Ukraine, in a fight with other accomplices of Stalin for the position of "godfather of all communists" transferred Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 payment for supporting her powerful mafia.
[12] The $83,000 a month that Hunter was getting was peanuts for a vice president's son, but why not if he didn't have to work for it? By the way, there were press reports that the children of Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry also moonlighted in Ukraine.
[13] However, this issue is entirely solvable - block the windows in the Pentagon with bars, take out valuable furniture from the offices and put standard cots - and prison is ready at the former place of work for budget embezzlers.
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