(An engineer's forecast.)
The scam of my countryman Nasreddin, with learning to read the Koran with a donkey, was based on the ignorance of the participants. On ignorance of what will happen tomorrow with the donkey, the shah and him. And here the handicap is 25 years!
The big climate scam is no exception.
So, we will understand not what we know, but what we do not know.
Praise to the thermometer - our savior from the coronavirus epidemic.
Finally, you can chat about climate warming with people who know what temperature is.
Hundreds of millions of people saw the thermometer and learned how to measure temperature.
Now we know that taking your temperature correctly is saving your life! After all, only two degrees of error is the gap between life and death.
Now we are afraid of new troubles. Again degrees! But not ours, but the climate. Also, plus two more, and we will perish from our disbelief in the UN Climate Forecast.
A description of the horrors of what and when awaits us can be heard from every iron.
The main culprit has also been identified: it is us, PEOPLE, who do not want to live in caves.
I'm not one of those who skipped classes at school. And once, to earn a living, he contracted to take part in the creation of the very meter that measures this warmth and makes you pay for it.
But you're not a burdock immediately give your money. You need guarantees, proof.
And for such guarantees, a voluntary international organization ICO was created. There are agreements for everything. And on standards, and on meanings. There, a cat is called a cat.
And what kind of evidence and guarantees are those who scare today with a forecast for a hundred years ahead?
So, these "scientists" studied the picture of the past climate for all 66 million years. They now know everything: when and how hot it was, when and how cold it was!
Napoleon where is your thermometer?

Let's start with the cold. Only the lazy did not reproach Napoleon for not knowing the peculiarities of the fierce Russian land. Couldn't you look at the thermometer? Could not!
And Kutuzov could not, not because he was one-eyed, but because there was no thermometer yet. And there was only a "hot" scientific dispute between Fahrenheit, Celsius and Lord Kelvin. Friendship won in their dispute, but only in 1848!
That is, when asked what kind of weather it was outside, then it was possible to answer like Pushkin: "Frost and sun. It's a wonderful day!" And no nonsense about the then unknown degrees.
These "scientists" decided to find out from bacteria and shells - dead organisms for millions of years, from those who cannot keep the bazaar for themselves.
Wow, what playful hands climatologists have! For these millions of years, everything that they predict for us in the future has been on earth. And the same heat, and glaciers, and lava from a volcano.
My genome is at least two million years old, and during all this time the climate has not coped with it?! Didn't kill!!!
Another trick is pocus": Heat unknown to us from the Earth.
All physical processes in the Universe and on our Earth really depend on temperature. And storms, and earthquakes, and CO2.
We cannot predict our temperature fate, because the heat that comes to us from underground is not known!
How is it not known? Decide for yourself.
In the world, there was only one Research and Exploration Kola Mine with a depth of 12.262 meters. The measured temperature at its bottom is 220 degrees Celsius.
This is the only thing that has been strictly and directly measured. No ICO will reproach. All work was carried out under the guidance of the authoritative academician David Huberman.
Of course, they tried to measure the temperature in other wells, and in mines, and at the bottom of the oceans. But these depths are still less than the depth of the Kola!
Next come the geophysicists. They gouged the Earth with various explosions and waves. And to search for all sorts of fossils, and to predict earthquakes.
Somehow, they find oil, but they cannot predict earthquakes. And for depths of more than a couple of hundred kilometers, geophysicists are left with only their fantasies.
But we can also imagine!

Let's take a round green watermelon, so like our Earth. Let's cut it in half. Thin rind and cold, tasty red flesh. But this is watermelon.
And you, under your "crust" of the planet, will have a huge raging chaos of lava, which warms us all, no one knows how ... But on the other hand, we know everything about the farting of each cow.
Another Ignorance. Unknown Heat from the Sun. What are you!
How much heat the Earth receives from the Sun is measured and measured!
Here climatologists ignored one small thing.
We have known since Egyptian times the main cause of climate change. The priests determined this by the sundial! According to them, they also predicted eclipses!
Our everything, heat, cold depends only on the angle of inclination of the Earth to the Sun!
And who controls this corner? The laws of celestial mechanics. According to these laws, the Earth spins, spins, and sways like a top. There are two seasons here. One is our "earthly" year and the second is "Platonic". This is the year of our spinning top and it lasts 26,000 years!!!
He also intervenes in this corner!!!
This climate change is very slow and spread out over 26,000 years. If we consider this additional change, the forecasts will not be the same as those of the UN climatologists.
Astronomers know all this, but they do not study their own land.
Only five hundred years ago we figured out who revolves around whom: the Sun or the Earth!
Only 170 years ago, humanity learned how to handle a thermometer correctly!
And they climbed so far into space, as if we were already hot on earth.
It is more important for us to know the earth than to know space. There would be money and technology!
I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories. Human stupidity is capable of more.
This is one of the consequences of the dominance of liberal education over technical education.
Therefore, all political leaders today are idiots who bow to science as an Idol.
I would like to advise relatives and friends: do you want a good future for the Earth? Choose those who are at least familiar with the history of the thermometer!!!
David Neporent.
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