“Christianity and Judeophobia” Dmitri Talancev
Chapter “Russia”
Now unknowingly there is one thought appearing in the mind: all that time Russia has been one of the most retarded countries in Europe, all the time there was a need to push it forward (remember Peter I). What is the reason for it? Historians of the Marxists ideas (we are more used to them) will state without a doubt that all the blame is on slow “industrial development” and “industrial relations”, serfdom etc. However, it is not the answer to the question. Then an inquiry appears why exactly in Russia the “industrial authority” development was so slow? Why nobody was forcing to change “obsolete” “industrial relations”? Why all in all Russia was not able to cancel serfdom?
It may happen that the answer to this question is quite simple:
Was Russia so late blooming that from XII to XVIII centuries no Jewish lived there? Probably it was the real case of lagging from many Western countries.
Last ones in those periods of time having Jews on their territory did not have any anti-Semitism obviously were blessed by God and had the development of science, industrial technology culture, art, gain of political position and in general increasing level of civilization. There were no Jews in Russia. That is why it was so “sleepy” empire.
However, this cycle of underdevelopment started to overcome itself from the end of XVIII beginning of XIX centuries, the last considers being the “golden age” of Russian culture. One can object that XIX century was the time of development for science, art, culture not only in Russia but also in the number of other European countries. For Russia this peak was highlighted brighter than for example for England, Germany or Italy.
It is quite possible that in Russia this peak is connected with 1795 when Jews on its territories started to spread because of emerging Rzeczpospolita. Let us remind you how is the bible law formulated which we took into consideration: “I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who curse you. Everyone on earth will be blessed through you.” (Gen. 12:3)
Thus, it is obvious that Russia was blessed by God at the end of XVIII century. That is why the next era the time of recovery for Russian culture.
Apart from that, historians consider the times of Catherine II (1762 – 1796) as “golden age” of Russia. Those were times of political stabilization, permanent economic growth, and military victories. Exactly at this period mentioned above events were happening – three-phase separation of Poland and annexation huge territories highly populated by Jews.
Catherine II was probably the first among Russian leaders who did not consider Jews being “Lord’s enemies”. According to historical record, she felt some sympathy to them.
“… In the poster from 11th August 1772 about joining Belorussia, tsarina Catherine II proclaimed that “Jewish communities who live in annexed to Russian Empire territories will be saved under all those rules and laws which they have now and they will freely use all their property they possess”. Jews were incorporated into bourgeois social class and started with 1780 they got rights to record in a merchants class as well as take part in the municipal self-administration. In 1785 when Belorussian Jews made a harassment complaint, done by local government, Catherine II noted Senate that “when Jewish people appeared to be in the same status with others it means that this rule should be followed because it was stated by her majesty. Everyone who possesses some title or state has all rights to use benefits no matter law or people.”
Thus, the beginning of the life of the Jews under the shadow of the Russian scepter was not bad. During the stay of the grandson of Catherine II, Alexander I (1801 - 1825), a special committee was established to resolve issues arising from the life of Jews in Russia. In 1804, this committee worked out the "Regulations on the results of the court session", which proclaimed free access to graduates in Russian educational institutions and prospective promising measures to ensure the safety of their economic and economic activities. However, the same "Regulations ..." fixed as so called "Pale of Settlement", according to which Jews demand the right to live only in the southern and western regions of the Russian Empire.
From a Christian, biblical point of view, the establishment of this Pale of Settlement by the government is an extremely stupid decision that has neither economic justifications nor religious justification: the state thus itself deprived the Lord's blessing of its own territories that did not belong to the Pale of Settlement. The well-known Russian writer Nikolai Leskov, in his essay "A Jew in Russia", draws attention to the fact that in the area of the Pale of Settlement, firstly, the material standard of living of the population is much higher, and secondly, morals (and, in general, morality) are much milder there. Much higher than in the Great Russian provinces, where access to Jews was closed; in addition, drunkenness of the people in the Great Russian provinces was much more common than in the Pale of Settlement. Let us add in passing that the Pale of Settlement produced a disproportionately greater number of outstanding people in the field of literature, science and art than did the Great Russian provinces.
It can, of course, be objected that in practice, this law on the Pale of Settlement was constantly violated, and by the end of the 19th century, there were large Jewish communities in many Great Russian cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and others. However, even more; it is clear that it was by no means from a good life that the Jews had to violate this law. It is clear that if this law did not exist, and in general, if the Jews had more civil rights, then Russia would be blessed by God to a much greater extent; at least then a smaller number of Jews "went into the revolution", and, you see, the state would not have collapsed in 1917.
Nevertheless, let us go back to the beginning of the 19th century. The measures outlined in the "Regulations" to improve the economic standard of living of the Jews were not only implemented, but, on the contrary, in practice, decisions of a directly opposite nature were often made. Even under the same Alexander I, restrictions were introduced on trading activities (in 1815, in 1821).
The position of the Jews worsened greatly under the successor of Alexander I, Nicholas I. Under him, perhaps, the anti-Christian view that the Jewish people does not have its own national future became most widespread in the ruling circles, and in accordance with this opinion, a policy of assimilation began to be carried out; for example, the decree of May 24, 1829, outlines as the main task "the reduction of the Jews in the state." However, later, under the "tsar-liberator" Alexander II, many legal restrictions were abolished: for example, people with higher education, merchants of the 1st guild, and artisans were granted the right to live everywhere in Russia; in addition, the right to receive higher education not only in the field of medicine was granted, as was the case before.
The reign of Alexander III from the very beginning was marked by pogroms in the south of Russia in 1881-1882. Of course, it might be that the authorities were not directly to blame for this; simply, so to speak "did not follow." Nevertheless, the entire further policy of Alexander III was clearly anti-Jewish: “... the restriction of admission to some higher schools that began in 1882 ended in the establishment in 1887 of the percentage norm for Jews in all secondary and higher educational institutions. In 1884, the participation of Jews in the composition of jurors was limited, and in 1889, their access to the bar was extremely difficult. In 1891-1892, Jewish artisans and retired soldiers were expelled from Moscow. Zemsky regulations of 1890 completely eliminated Jews from participating in zemstvo institutions. By city regulation in 1892, they were deprived of the right to participate in city self-government ... Continuous evictions of Jews from various localities were carried out, for many extremely ruinous. By the boundless arbitrariness of local authorities, those rights that were still recognized by law for the Jews, in fact, were often reduced to zero." (Jewish Encyclopedia).
Under Nicholas II, the same policy continued, and he treated the Jews in the same way. For example, he gave his blessing to the "Union of the Russian People" formed in November 1905 (an organization also known as the "Black Hundred"), the program of which was introduced to him by Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich. In the future, the king was an ardent supporter of this organization and called it "a brilliant example of law and order for all people"; the queen also fully shared these views ... (W. Lacker "Black Hundred").
In general, the emergence of such an organization as the "Black Hundred" was obviously the result and the quintessence of anti-Jewish sentiments that reigned in Russian society in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the very beginning of its inception, it was supported and financed by government agencies and the ruling elite. It is known, for example, that P. Stolypin allocated 150,000 rubles to them for publications. Pogrom appeals were printed in government printing houses, and the pogroms that followed in 1906 were largely a consequence of this. The "Black Hundred" rules the country, and the government obeys it, because it knows that the emperor is inclined to sympathize with it," Georges Louis, French ambassador to Russia, wrote later.
It is also a fact that the "Union of the Russian People" was supported by many representatives of the higher clergy (for example, Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow and Metropolitan Flavian of Kyiv, Bishop Alexei of Tauride). Many prominent figures of the Orthodox Church were even its members - John of Kronstadt, founder of the Moscow branch "Union ..." Archpriest Vostorgov, Archbishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Volhynia, Archbishop Germogen of Saratov. From a Christian point of view, this is, to some extent, even a paradox: how do people who, by the nature of their profession, should know biblical truths better than others (including those truths that apply to Jews) actually do the exact opposite and join anti-Jewish, and, consequently, the godless, satanic forces?
God, of course, tolerates such "paradoxes", but, apparently, for the time being. The Bible was translated into Russian in 1876, and, in addition, the Church Slavonic Bible of the Elizabethan edition of 1757 was always available for clergy who knew Church Slavonic. Therefore, from a Christian point of view, there is no justification for the fact that throughout almost the entire 19th and early 20th centuries, the state (with the support of the Church!) pursued such a "squeezing", and even directly hostile policy towards the Jews.
By 1917, apparently, the cup of the Lord's patience was overflown, and they decided to liquidate this atheistic state. In addition, the Pharisaic religiosity of pre-revolutionary Russia seemingly only aggravated the matter.
Thus, pre-revolutionary Russia perished because of anti-Semitism - as well as many other states cited here as an example. God, and all the historical events that led to the death of the state in 1917 - all these Solzhenitsyn’s so-called “knots” – were only a consequence, the realization of this curse, cursed it.
Interestingly, anti-Semites, as a rule, also blame Jews for the death of the state in February 1917. Let us consider this point in a little more detail. It is argued, for example, that the percentage of Jews in the revolutionary movement was much higher than their percentage in the general population of the country. This is true, but the reason is quite clear: the lack of civil rights and sufficient opportunities for economic activity, the Pale of Settlement, restrictions on education and the choice of professions – all this, of course, contributed to the revolutionary mood among the Jews.
History, however, testifies that the overthrow of the monarchy was carried out by the inner circle of Nicholas II, among whom there was not a single Jew; moreover, the outlook of this environment was clearly anti-Semitic. In order not to be completely unfounded, I will give at least a few quotes from Aron Simanovich's book "Rasputin and the Jews", which quite clearly shows the picture of the anti-Jewish views of the then ruling elite:
“... Maybe it did not want my idea to be carried out at all, since it belonged to the highest Petersburg society, which was always hostile to the Jews ... Rasputin repeatedly said that the tsar was set against the Jews by his relatives and ministers. The tsar himself told him that his ministers, during their reports, constantly spoke out against the Jews and thus set him up against them. He was constantly being bombarded with stories about the so-called “Jewish dominance”. Not surprisingly, this bullying had its consequences.”
“... If Rasputin had joined the reactionary leaders who were very busy about this, then the last times would have come for the Jews. After a long hesitation, he took our side. His healthy human mind won. He became a friend and benefactor of the Jews and freely supported my efforts to improve their situation...”
"... When Rasputin appeared, everyone begged for his help against the Minister of Justice Shcheglovitov. He replied, “How can I help you! Shcheglovitov is so stubborn that he does not even carry out the royal orders, if they speak in favor of the Jews.”
“... It is known that the tsar, immediately after taking command of the army, abolished the inhuman oppression of the Jews practiced by Nikolai Nikolayevich.”
From the last quote, and from many other sources, it is known that Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich was a convinced anti-Semite. After all, it was he who was the supreme commander of our troops in the period 1914-1915, and it was under his leadership that our troops suffered one defeat after another from the Germans, which led the country to a disaster and served as one of the causes of the catastrophe of 1917. But weren't these defeats a consequence of the fact that an anti-Semite was at the head of the army – a "damned", according to the Bible, man? Apart from that, he participated in the act of betrayal of the king by the commanders of the fronts - when they spoke in favor of the abdication of the king from the throne.
And here is an interesting testimony about General Ruzsky: “... During the retreat from the Carpathians Ruzsky, persecution of Jews was perpetrated, which in their cruelty had no examples in the past. The actions of soldiers and Cossacks are beyond description. The Jewish population was simply exterminated there.”
So, General Ruzsky was an ardent anti-Semite. However, it is known that he played one of the most important roles in the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne, and it was precisely this abdication that caused the subsequent catastrophe. According to the recollections of some eyewitnesses of those events, General Ruzsky was the main protagonist of the coup d'état that forced the king to abdicate.
It is worth mentioning another interesting personality - V.V. Shulgin. In the days of the February Revolution, he was a deputy of the State Duma, a representative of the monarchist party. Judging by his recollections of those events (“Days”), as well as his book “What we don’t like about them”, he was a staunch anti-Semite. After all, it was he, together with Guchkov, who went from the State Duma to persuade Nicholas II to abdicate the throne. And, if the tsar did not trust the Social Democrat Guchkov too much, then the opinion of the monarchist Shulgin was undoubtedly of great importance for him - therefore V.V. Shulgin is also among those who are responsible for the state catastrophe that happened in February-March 1917. After that, in his books and articles, he strenuously argued that the Jews were to blame for the death of the state.
As follows from the above-mentioned book by L. Simanovich, G. Rasputin defended the interests of the Jews before the tsar. Perhaps it was precisely because of this circumstance that while he was alive, God still protected Russia. In general, judging by the activities of Rasputin from a Christian point of view, apparently, God appointed him as an adviser to the tsar precisely for the salvation of the latter and for the salvation of Russia. As an example, it can be recalled that Rasputin was resolutely against Russia's involvement in World War I, and many of his other tips led to the good of the royal family. His saying, which became prophetic thanks to his Christian intuition, is known: “The heir is alive as long as I am alive. My death will be your death”. So it happened: just some two months after the murder of Rasputin, the tsar was forced to abdicate the throne, which ended a year and a half after that with the execution of him along with his family. But who killed Rasputin? Purishkevich, a Black-Hundred anti-Semite...
The myth, which is often exaggerated by anti-Semitic propaganda - that the Jews initiated the February and October revolutions – does not hold water and is absolutely ridiculous. Of course, there were more Jews in the left revolutionary parties than in the right and moderate ones – but how could it be otherwise in a state that has been treating the Jews for no reason for more than a hundred years?
Still the main thing is not in this. The fact is that if some Jews “went into the revolution”, then this was only a consequence of their acceptance of socialist and revolutionary ideas, with which the entire Russian society was infected by that time - and these ideas were formed long before the Jews began to take any part in the social and political life of the country. Herzen, Ogarev, Chernyshevsky, Belinsky, and others were by no means Jews, but it was precisely their views that largely reflected Russian public opinion, which eventually led to the revolution. We can already find these views in our literary classic A.S. Pushkin, who sang the "feat" of the Decembrists and highly idealized the Pugachev rebellion.
That is all, gentlemen, Pushkin, a poet, in the upbringing and formation of whose not a single Jewish view took part.
On the other hand, remember F.M. Dostoevsky, who himself personally took part in the revolutionary movement, received several years of hard labor for this, and then launched the well-known aphorism "the Jews will destroy Russia." Amazing logic!
Here again V.V. Shulgin, who personally did a lot for the death of the state in March 1917, and then argued all his life that the Jews were to blame for this death.
Thus, it was not the Jews who were to blame for the February Revolution, but the Russians themselves. The spiritual leader of the left, revolutionary camp was the Russian noble and various ranked intelligence, and the leader of the right, conservative camp was the ruling anti-Semitic elite, headed by the tsar. It is obvious that both sides professed a clearly anti-Christian ideology: the first - because the Bible requires respect for existing authorities (“...there is no authority except from God, the existing authorities are established by God.” – Romans 13:1), the second - because she professed anti-Semitism, thus falling under the curse of God (Genesis 12:3). It is clear that such a state could not exist for a long time; and in February 1917 it collapsed.
Bolshevik Russia.
As for the October Revolution, it is true that the percentage of Jews in the Bolshevik Party was large. Many Bolshevik leaders - Trotsky, Uritsky, Volodarsky, Lunacharsky, Sverdlov and many others were Jews. But... actually, what is wrong with that? Now it is fashionable to stigmatize the October Revolution and the Bolsheviks and redeem the February Revolution in every possible way, but this is due to a misunderstanding of the essence of historical events associated with our lack of a clear Christian, biblical worldview.
The Bolsheviks took power and assumed all the responsibility of power at a time when there was actually no power in the country – or it did not function, which, in essence, is the same thing. Having rather irresponsibly destroyed the tsarist power structures, the State Duma and the Provisional Government failed to form sufficiently effective executive and judicial branches of power for almost the entire 1917 year.
Anarchy in the country, under which the peasants, with complete impunity, began to burn the landowners' estates and kill their owners, reigned precisely after the February Revolution. But people cannot live without state power, they begin (because of their sinfulness) to physically exterminate each other – this is the same law of history as Newton's laws in physics.
Therefore, according to the Christian worldview, the presence in society of even the most godless government is still better than anarchy; No wonder the epistle of the Apostle Paul, which says that “there is no authority except from God, but the existing authorities are established by God” (Romans 13:1) was written during the atrocities and persecutions of Emperor Nero.
It is also a historical regularity that if during anarchy any political group takes political power into its own hands, then it often has to shed quite a lot of blood to suppress political competitors – this has always been the case, at all times, among all peoples – and the Bolsheviks, of course, were no exception here. The biblical king David, after being chosen by God as a king and anointed to the kingdom, had to shed a lot of blood, fighting with the surrounding nations and suppressing rebellions in his own country. Therefore, God even forbade him to build a temple: “you shed a lot of blood and waged great wars; you shall not build houses for my name” (1 Chronicles 22:8). But for all that, God called David "a man on my own heart" (Acts 15:22).
Of course, perhaps the analogy between the Bolsheviks and Tsar David is not entirely correct here: after all, the prophet Samuel anointed David to the kingdom, and no one “anointed” the Bolsheviks to the kingdom. Nevertheless, we must not forget that during 1917, many political groups tried to seize power, but only the Bolsheviks really managed to do this. One can, of course, say that they simply acted more arrogantly and tougher than the others - but, excuse me, you can’t keep state power with arrogance and cruelty alone, especially in such an anarchist country as Russia was in 1917 - therefore, it’s quite clear that it could not have done without the help of God.
But why, - the reader will exclaim, - why did God give power to these beasts of the Bolsheviks, who exterminated entrepreneurs, the intelligentsia, the clergy; were there really no more worthy people in Russia who could lead the state and not carry out such a genocide against the people?
The answer is unequivocal: yes, it was not. Since, on the one hand, God is all-good, and on the other, “there is no power except from God,” it follows from this that in that situation the power of the Bolsheviks was the best of all possible options. Yes, of course, they shed a lot of blood, establishing power structures in the midst of general anarchy, but this blood also lies largely on those who allowed this anarchy – on the leaders of the February riot and on the ruling royal elite, who did not fulfill their state duty and Christian duty to put down this rebellion.
From a Christian point of view, the Bolsheviks had two significant advantages over other parties, thanks to which God gave power to them. Firstly, this is their organization and the ability of their functionaries to organize, which was an important factor in the formation of state structures and the fight against anarchy. For if the latter continued further, it is obvious that, firstly, much more blood would be shed than even the Bolsheviks shed, and, secondly, Russia would eventually simply lose its statehood and would simply be dismembered neighboring western and southern states. However, the organization of the Bolsheviks was largely a consequence of the large number of Jews in this party – the fact that the Jews have good organizational skills is recognized even by prominent anti-Semites, such as, for example, V.V. Shulgin.
Therefore, it can be said without much stretching that in 1917, the Jews saved Russia. The Russians destroyed it in February, and the Jews restored it in October.
Another significant "plus" of the Bolsheviks was that their ideology, based on Marxist-Leninist philosophy, was not anti-Jewish. But the reason for this, of course, is not that the Bolsheviks knew the Bible well and believed the Bible verse from Genesis 12:3. It is just that in Marxism-Leninism, which is the foundation of their worldview, there was already a clear division into “friends” and “enemies”, - but, Jews, as a people, did not belong to these "enemies": they included "exploiters", the rich, and “fists” – completely regardless of their nationality. Therefore, despite the extremely anti-Christian nature of such an ideology due to the fact that the image of the “enemy” in it was of a class, and not a national character, in which the Jews as a people were, as it were, "taken out of the blow", God gave power to the Bolsheviks.
So, if we look critically at the political palette of that time, we can quite clearly distinguish the following circumstance: all left-wing political groups, although they did not suffer from anti-Semitism, were (with the exception of the Bolsheviks) too anarchic and incapable of organizing state building. The right, of course, had the ability and opportunity to eliminate anarchy and organize the state, but at the same time, they "suffered" in one way or another with anti-Semite phobia. As an illustration of this fact, we can cite the following recollection of the same Shulgin:
“... there was such anti-Semitism in the Volunteer Army that it was impossible to breathe. How could the Jews go there when they sang there from morning to evening:
“... and we will beat all the Jews,
Such a bastard...”
The question is asked in the problem book: with such a worldview of the whites, could God give them state power and victory over the reds? The answer seems to be obvious.
The right, indeed, very often and in many respects are right. They are right when they defend established state institutions, order, the Church, and so on. The whole trouble is that at the same time, they are very often "sick" with anti-Semite phobia, and then God, in order to protect His people, gives political power into the hands of the left, which happened in 1917 in Russia.
Let us note that, since the right has great respect for the Church, the position of the latter in relation to the Jews often turns out to be decisive for the fate of the state. The Orthodox clergy in pre-revolutionary Russia, with rare exceptions, professed anti-Semitism, which, as will be shown below, was a flagrant contradiction with Holy Scripture.
So, pre-revolutionary Russia perished from anti-Semitism, thus adding to the list of states that perished for the same reason. In its place, a young Soviet state was formed, whose ideology, despite militant atheism and anti-Christianity, was not anti-Jewish. And here's what's interesting: despite the completely ridiculous economic views (which are the result of the confession of Marxism-Leninism) and contrary to all the forecasts and expectations of Western and émigré philosophers and political scientists, this state grew stronger and continued to develop further.
In 1945, we defeated German fascism. And, in fact, why? Why did God give the victory to us, and not to the Germans? After all, our state of militant atheism and materialism was no less blasphemous and anti-Christian than Nazi Germany. However, it seems that from the very beginning of the war, God was on our side. Despite the suddenness of the attack, we simply managed with some kind of supernatural speed and efficiency to organize the work of industry in wartime conditions, the evacuation of people to the east, and so on. In a phenomenally short period of time, we were able to set up the production of completely new and unconventional military equipment for the pre-war period: Katyusha, T-34, Il-2 ... Just when the Germans approached Moscow and were already ready to storm it, the strongest frosts, which significantly helped G.K. Zhukov go on the counteroffensive. And such examples - in which the hand of the Lord was clearly felt - can be cited many. Why did God help us, and not the Nazis? Why did He decide to destroy non-Christian fascists with the hands of non-Christian communists, and not vice versa?
Although now they like to say that communism and fascism are the same, there was some difference between them. Nazi Germany professed zoological anti-Semitism: the Jews were physically destroyed there, exterminated as a people. In our state, if there was anti-Semitism, it was to a rather weak degree – so to speak, at the “kitchen level”; it also manifested itself in the highest echelons of power, especially in the structures of the special services, the NKVD, but, apparently, it was also “quite” weak. In general, at the official level, in the media, and by the majority of the people, he was severely condemned; at least a person who expresses even hints of anti-Semitic views had every chance to spend 25 years of his life on the good cause of developing the forest industry in the vast expanses of our Motherland.
Thus, the presence of zoological anti-Semitism in the ideology and domestic policy of Nazi Germany and the absence of such in the Soviet Union (of course, it also existed, but to a much lesser extent) was the main reason for our victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Nevertheless, as already mentioned, in the highest echelons of party power - especially in Stalin's inner circle and the NKVD – some degree of anti-Semite phobia seems to have taken place. Although it is commonly believed that Stalin's extermination of the old Bolsheviks - the so-called “Leninist guard”, among whom there were a lot of Jews - was due to his personal paranoia and fear of “losing the throne”, it is possible that anti-Semite views were also mixed in here. At least all historians agree that as a result of Stalin's "purges" of the 30s (especially among the army officers), in which a lot of Jews suffered, the state weakened so much that it was completely incapable of war. Perhaps it was precisely for this reason that Hitler had every reason to call Russia in the early 1940s a “colossus on clay feet”, and it was precisely for this reason that we suffered such heavy losses at the beginning of the war, which dragged on so long that it cost us 20 million lives. But if we were stronger militarily, the war, most likely, would not have happened.
In other words, the last thought can be briefly formulated as follows: our victory in the WWII was due to a significantly lower degree of anti-Semitism than in the enemy state, but it was so difficult and cost so much blood due to the fact that a certain degree of anti-Semitism still existed.
After the war, anti-Semitism among the ruling elite and in the state security agencies, apparently, began to increase. It is known, for example, that before his death, Stalin made one of his most extravagant decisions: to exile all the Jews of the Soviet Union to the Arctic. And just then, when this project was already accepted and ready for execution, he suddenly died, and his successors did not begin to implement this project.
And here, too, God's providence is visible. Of course, historians who stand on the positions of Marxist histmatism, or who believe in Gumilev's nonsense about "passionarity", or who even adhere to the solid historical concepts of A. Toynbee or K. Jaspers, are unlikely to see any causal relationship between Stalin's decision to exile all Jews to the Arctic and his sudden death. However, from the point of view of biblical Christianity, such a connection exists: God endured Stalin and all his repressions until he decided, like Haman from the biblical book Esther, to destroy His people.
After the death of Stalin and until the collapse of the Soviet Union, those in power, so to speak, treated the Jews of “creeping anti-Semitism”. Formally, this phenomenon was condemned, but in practice Jews were not allowed to the highest government posts, to party positions beyond a certain level, they were practically denied access to such structures as the KGB, the command staff of the army. But, here, what were the grounds for such a policy, what caused it? After all, if “proletarian internationalism” was the party dogma, and anti-Semitism was generally presented as a bourgeois prejudice, if the “father” of the Marxist-Leninist ideology, which had the status of a state religion in the Soviet Union, was the Jew K. Marx, and “the father” of the state was half-Jew V. Lenin, if the Jews took such an active part in the organization of this state, then, it would seem, on the contrary, they should have been given a “green light” to promote them to power structures.
However, there was a clear contradiction between the state ideology, based on which any decisions are usually made, and these decisions themselves. This can only be explained by the fact that a different ideology operated in the aforementioned structures, completely different from official Marxism-Leninism. The emergence of this ideology refers, apparently, to those times when the NKVD in the 30s “cleaned out” the old “Leninist guard”. The reason for its occurrence lies, most likely, in the fact that people working in the “organs” had, unlike ordinary Soviet citizens, access to literature that did not correspond, to put it mildly, to the official ideology, including the sea anti-Semitic literature published before the revolution and to the works of anti-Semitic white émigrés. Having read it, they, having no Christian immunity against the ideas propagated there, “believed” in them and thus formed a new, anti-Semitic ideology, radically different from the official one. Perhaps this is the only way to explain this strange anti-Semitism in a state with a Marxist-Leninist ideology.
However, it is quite clear that if a Judeophobic ideology is professed in state structures responsible specifically for the safety of the state (the army, the KGB, etc.), leading to the opposite result – the curse of God on this state, then the latter will hardly be able to exist for a long time. Therefore, in the end, the Soviet Union collapsed approximately 70 years after its formation. In a sense, he repeated the anti-Semitic “path” of his predecessor, pre-revolutionary Russia.
Note, however, that the collapse of the USSR, after all, did not entail such a terrible social catastrophe that occurred after the fall of tsarist Russia. The main blow was taken by the ruling party elite, the state apparatus, and the state security agencies. It was these structures that were the main source of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, and it was they who were the most destroyed. Of course, all this was reflected in the common people - the standard of living as a whole fell somewhat. However, civil war, general famine, typhus and similar phenomena, nevertheless, thank God, did not happen. This is explained by the fact that in Soviet society, anti-Semitism as a whole remained at a “rather” low level – while in pre-revolutionary Russia much wider sections of the population and, most importantly, the Church were infected with it. Accordingly, the punishment was more painful.
Finishing this short digression into history, we can now, perhaps, come to the main conclusion:
the biblical law of the historical development of pagan peoples, formulated as “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, and all the tribes of the earth will be blessed in you” acted in the history of mankind as clearly and inevitably as the laws of nature.
The above examples show us what a danger to society and the state is anti-Semitism: it is a sacred sin that causes God to curse the state or nation that is infected with it. Therefore, obviously, if the state is really interested in its sustainable existence and development, then anti-Semitism should be prohibited by its Constitution, and the power structures of the state should constantly work to eradicate it. The trouble was that in fact, as the history of the last two states that existed on the territory of our country – Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, testifies, the power structures and state security agencies very often acted in the exact opposite way - themselves acting as a source of anti-Semitism. The state thus became its own enemy and eventually perished.
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