The current ruling regime of Russia is based on three factors:
export of natural resources and import of technologies;
monopoly propaganda of the population;
ignorance of a more productive model of society.
The war in Ukraine has significantly reduced trade with the West and weakened the first, economic factor of the Kremlin's power.
The deterioration of the economy significantly reduces the standard of living of the population. Mass indignation will soon overcome propaganda – the second factor of power. Within a year, the Kremlin's authoritarian regime will be forced to move from imitation of democracy to mass armed violence against the population. But, as in 1980-90s, the Kremlin will not have enough resources to maintain law enforcement agencies – the army, the national guard, and even special services. And the bureaucracy, and law enforcement agencies, and regional elites will realize the vicious fallaciousness of the policy of the President and his Administration and stop supporting it.
After that, the last factor of the Kremlin's power will remain – the misunderstanding of the ruling elites “What to do?” and what to replace the inherently vicious Autocracy with. The elites know only one alternative to autocracy – democracy. But after the Western social-liberal revolution in the 21st century, the vices of democracy began to clearly outweigh its advantages and attractiveness.
The reason for the war in Ukraine is the inability of both regimes of Russia and Ukraine to create productive social and economic systems in their countries. In order to increase the political support of the population and reduce its anger against the authorities, both regimes direct the anger of the population to external enemies. In this matter, they successfully found each other.
The 30-year history of the post-Soviet countries has shown that both autocracy and democracy are equally counterproductive, corrupt, harmful and incapable of organizing the effective functioning and, moreover, the development of societies.
Factors of the productivity of imaginary Western “democracies” in the 20th century are described in «The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism» –
Political experts and all other intelligentsia know only two types of social systems – autocracy and democracy.
In fact, for more than half a century, the 3rd type of social systems, optimal in efficiency, is known to everyone and shows fantastic results. In 1950-60s, this system was implemented in four countries – the “Asian Tigers” – Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The cause of this was the lack of resources in these countries. Their ruling regimes simply could not steal anything. Therefore, they were forced to create productive economies.
In the 1970s-90s, the evolution towards optimal social system began in China and Vietnam and caused their huge successes.
The political systems of these countries, especially Singapore, approach optimal.
The high efficiency of these countries is the result of the correspondence of their political systems to the inherent properties of social systems.
Opponents of such political systems argue that Singapore's “LeeKwanYewism” is only possible in a small country.
However, the historical practice shows the super-successful implementation of its principles in Korea, in Vietnam, and even in giant China.
Opponents argue that this is an exclusively Asian phenomenon. But until the mid-20th century, the Korean people had a reputation as the most stupid and lazy in all of Asia. The history of Korea has shown that, regardless of national genotypes and cultures, first of all, certain political systems implement various properties of nations that correspond to these systems.
The main necessary and obligatory condition for the successful development of society is the primacy of the interests of the bourgeoisie.
The business community is the main and most important class of society.
A country develops successfully only if the state serves and ensures, first of all, the interests of the business community.
In the bourgeois republics, the power of the business elites implements this condition on the basis of the universal political principle «The vote weight is equal to the contribution» and the criterion of maximizing national investment (but not GNP).
This is the main feature of these super-successful countries.
An optimal efficient state cares little about obsessive utopian ideas of “personal rights”, “equality”, “justice”, “democracy”, “highest values” and others that contradict the objective laws of Nature and destroy societies.
Only successful development ensures the well-being of the vast majority of society.
Bourgeois societies are focused on the economy, trade, cooperation, and development, are peaceful and do not have factors of aggression.
The bourgeois republic is the optimal and normal social system in the Era of machine technologies.
All other systems and their ideologies – socialism, communism, nazism, chauvinism, Islamism, liberalism and other “-isms” are harmful deviations from the norm, “streams of consciousness” of hosts of stupid pseudo-thinkers – demagogues, “sellers of poisoned air”.
These “isms” have caused all wars and revolutions, genocides, destructions, all the disasters of Mankind in the 20th century and already also in the 21st.
Today, they suicidally destroy Western Civilization and fuel World Thermonuclear War.
The Western elites claim that they are ready to lose their dominance in the World and become second only to China, but they will keep their democracy.
But, as described in «The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism» – , in the true democracy, a prosperous stability is impossible.
Obvious processes and trends of degradation of Western economies and societies, deterioration of the population health and declining birth rates will cause the destruction of Western civilization and the colonization of its space by China in the 2040s.
Therefore, the only productive answer to the questions “What to do?” and “What to replace autocracy with in Russia?” is to evolutionarily transform Russia into a bourgeois republic based on the model of Singapore –
The optimal transformation could be as follows.
Several new and existing business associations will hold academic discussions on the following topics:
Application of scientific methodology –
Consolidation of business communities –
Reforming the judiciary –
Modern financial system –
Change of patent law –
Organization of scientific activity –
Public systems of Singapore, China and Vietnam –
These discussions will be held on the Internet based on the principles of scientific methodology –
Business communities will be consolidated into effective associations of a new type –
These associations will create think tanks that will produce articles based on these discussions and publish them in the media.
They will persuade the scientific, technical, bureaucratic, military, and other classes and involve them in discussions on the optimal efficiency of a bourgeois republic, using the examples of China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam.
Business associations will participate in financing the reforms of the judicial, financial, patent, educational, and scientific systems.
Within a year, the social elites of Russia will realize the inherent vices of autocracy and the advantages of the institutions of a bourgeois republic, the productivity and efficiency of which are many times higher than autocracy and democracy.
The existing public and state institutions will gradually transfer their functions to the future institutions of the bourgeois republic.
The efficiency of financial, patent, educational, scientific systems will increase significantly.
Strengthening the Judicial system will qualitatively improve the business climate and attract large investment flows to the Russian economy.
Successful development of the economy and rising living standards will put an end to the paranoia and aggressiveness of the Kremlin regime.
The conflict of Russia with the West, its militarism, and the threat of World thermonuclear war will cease.
In 2-3 years, Russia will turn into a huge “Singapore”, establish an alliance with the West, and will successfully compete with China.
E. Gershman
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