Over 75 years of history, the ineffectiveness of propaganda and Israel's chronic defeats in international information wars are well recognized.
Due to the resource limitations of the Israeli media, the number of their international publications is thousands of times less than the flow of anti-Israeli propaganda.
In addition, because of anti-Semitism, most people consider Israeli media to be deliberately false and avoid their publications.
Therefore, Israel's "frontal" propaganda war against the rest of the world is doomed to defeat.
Israel conducts propaganda by traditional methods. Its government agencies send press releases, photo and video materials to international news agencies and major media outlets, order publications in the World Media, and organize speeches in international organizations. Judging by the results, these methods work poorly.
Therefore, Israel must employ qualitatively new methods.
First of all, Israel's international propaganda should be concentrated and narrowly targeted at the public elites of Western countries.
Traditional propaganda is based mainly on demagoguery and influences the emotions of the public. The style and intonation of its messages influence more than their content. To some extent, their materials are fabricated and falsified.
I recommend using methods and creating means of intellectual propaganda of a qualitatively new type, which should be aimed at business elites, at scientific and technical intellectuals and at political experts, observers and functionaries of Western countries.
These methods and means should be based on the principles of scientific methodology – world.kamerton.global/en/node/365
They make it many times easier to detect semantic errors and will act on the minds of intellectuals, but not on the emotions of the public.
Earlier, I wrote on this subject in the article "The Jewish Think Tank" – www.evreimir.com/147059
The basis of intellectual propaganda is the materials of discussions in discrete, micro-thesis format on special web sites.
The subjects of these discussions will be the anti- and pro-Israel reports of the World Media.
Their task will be the evidentiary identification of specific false theses in anti-Israeli publications and in the arguments of critics of pro-Israeli publications.
The scientific format looks boring to the general public, but quite fascinating to intellectuals.
They like to find out the truths and expose one's errors and do not want to be manipulated and look like an underdog in the eyes of the public, regardless of their feelings about Israel and Jews.
Authors of anti-Israel publications will know that their lies and nonsense will be sure to be exposed and presented to the public elites, and so they will cut back on the flow of their malicious fakes.
The audience of these intellectual web sites will be very narrow and specialized, but its influence on public decisions and processes in Western countries will be very strong and even decisive.
The main current problem of creation of means of intellectual propaganda is a very limited number of experts, who are able to think scientifically and discuss in a scientific format. However, intelligent people can form this ability quite quickly. Therefore, this problem will disappear in one year.
The cost of intellectual propaganda will be small.
Not only state bodies and not only Israeli ones can conduct such propaganda, but also any private enterprises and public associations of the World Jewish Diaspora.
They can attract experts from any countries over the Internet.
In addition, the web sites of such propaganda can carry expensive advertising and even make a profit.
Intellectual propaganda will change the direction of the information war and ensure Israel's victory in it.
E. Gershman