The optimal social system is the "Federal Communal Republic"
The result of the imposition of democracy
The creation of the Republic of Palestine
I was 3 years old. I saw a small anthill - "ant hole". I felt sorry for the poor ants because they were crammed into a "one-room apartment". I took a 10-inch nail, stuck it into the hole and made a lot of rooms for its inhabitants. Of course, after these "well-intentioned favors," no one lived in that anthill anymore.
The universal optimal social system is the "Federal Communal Republic" – world.kamerton.global/en/node/364
The fantastic successes of Singapore and other "Asian Tigers" and other Asian countries are caused by the proximity of their states to this optimal system.
In contrast to autocracies, democracies and other utopias, the artificial, constructed properties of such republics correspond to their objective, immanent properties.
Therefore, such republics are efficient, prosperous and peaceful, rapidly developing and cooperating with other countries.
The more real states differ from this system, the worse is the efficiency of their functioning, less is their welfare, and slower is their development or even faster degradation.
If a Federal Communal Republic had been established in Palestine 50 years ago, within 10-15 years, Palestine would have become "Levantine Singapore", become a friendly partner of Israel, and surpass Israel in development and welfare.
In the 1990s, when the Israeli-Palestinian coexistence regime was being designed, sensible people realized the impossibility and danger of establishing a democratic system in Palestine, and the local sheikhs, the leaders of the Palestinian tribes, promised to maintain peace and tranquility in their lands.
But the Western and Israeli ruling elites, like little children, out of "good intentions", intended to realize a new "utopia", wanted to ennoble the Palestinians and imposed democracy on them.
In backward countries, the artificial establishment of democracy always causes aggressive propaganda of extremist groups and, on its basis, quite democratic acquisition of power by them.
Ruling groups receive financial resources from other countries and international organizations and use them for their political, military and vested interests.
On the basis of these resources, these groups exercise their authoritarian regimes of power.
In 2005, Hamas won a significant margin in elections in the municipalities of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
In 2006, Hamas won a majority in the elections of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the Palestinian Parliament, and established a legitimate Palestinian government.
According to the canons of Democracy, the Hamas regime is absolutely democratic and legitimate and should rule in all of Palestine.
""At the bayonets" of the occupying Israeli army, dictator Abu-Mazen’s clique tramples the democratic will of the Palestinian people and usurps power in Judea-Samaria."
The world democratic community shamefully admits that the puppet dictatorial "Palestinian Authority" is better than the democratic Hamas regime and thus confirms the falsity and unnaturalness of the principles of democracy.
In 1979, Western elites forced the Iranian monarchy of Shah Pahlavi to end his rule. The civilian opposition held democratic elections. As a result, a totalitarian Islamist regime was established in Iran.
In 2012, Western democratizers forced the Egyptian government to hold democratic elections. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood party gained power. If Egypt's junta had not been wise and decisive enough to crack down on this party, Egypt would have turned into a 100-million-strong "Gaza."
In the 20th century, when Lebanon had the basic characteristics of a communal republic, this country prospered. The West forced Lebanon to convert to democracy. As a result, that country became "Hezbollastan".
Thus, in their folly, Western elites "pave the road to Hell with good intentions," i.e., they launch malignant, destructive processes in backward countries.
They create there quasi-democratic systems that counteract the objective properties of these countries.
These systems form authoritarian regimes of extremist groups. Western elites finance these regimes. As a result, these regimes grow stronger and attack Western countries.
Only halfwits are capable of maniacally repeating the same erroneous projects hundreds of times, in different countries around the world with multimillion victims and monstrous losses, and are unable to draw adequate conclusions from this historical experience for more than 100 years.
Thus, as well as all other similar regimes – system quasi-state monsters, Hamas is a product of Western elites, a completely man-made nursery of terrorism - an absolutely natural result of the implementation of their false, unnatural and destructive doctrine of forced democratization of backward countries.
This doctrine has obviously proved its falsity and destructiveness in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon and in the vast majority of other backward countries – http://blogs.7iskusstv.com/?p=79110
The implementation of this doctrine deprives their peoples of tranquility, stability and development.
Expert and political communities in many countries propose various ways to reform Palestine and especially Gaza :
Jordan annexing Judea and Samaria and Egypt annexing Gaza. This path will cause excessive problems to these countries. Therefore, Egypt and Jordan refuse these annexations.
The Israeli army will destroy Hamas and withdraw from Gaza. After 1-2-3 years, a new regime similar to Hamas will naturally establish itself in Gaza. It will resume the war against Israel.
Israel will occupy Gaza. Guerrillas will kill its soldiers. Most of the World will force Israel to end the occupation.
Israel will establish a regime of force control in Gaza similar to the current regime in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority will govern Gaza. Israel will incur heavy costs and loss of soldiers.
Israel will maximize the blockade and worsen living conditions in Gaza. The people of Gaza will receive a lot of money for resettlements to other countries. But no other countries want to accept hundreds of thousands of embittered and unskilled Palestinians.
For 25 years, in dozens of publications, I have justified the need to "Singaporeize" the Levant, i.e., to establish Federal Communal Republics in Palestine and other countries in the region – http://blogs.7iskusstv.com/?p=90908
The process of establishing such a republic in Palestine could be as follows.
A few Israeli businessmen who are fed up with decades of war will form an initiative group to realize this project.
This group will assemble an international team of experts on the Internet.
They will discuss alternative projects for transforming Palestine based on scientific methodology – world.kamerton.global/en/node/365
The materials of these discussions will be presented to business associations and media in Israel, Western and Arab countries.
Based on these materials, most of the business communities will realize the need for and support the establishment of a Federal Communal Republic in Palestine.
Business associations in Israel, Western and Arab countries will help businessmen in Judea and Samaria to organize communities at various levels, from house and village councils to business associations in Judea and Samaria.
With the support of foreign business communities, within 1 year, based on a hierarchical system of communities, new public institutions, judicial system, and Palestinian authorities will be formed and will replace the bodies of the current Palestinian Authority – world.kamerton.global/en/node/364
Since in Arabic and Turkic languages, a «community» is called «mahalla», the new state may be called the «Mahalla Republic of Palestine».
To prevent the new republic from degenerating into another authoritarian regime, international sponsorship should not be channeled into the Palestinian state budget, but into commercial investments.
Six months after the current war, the merchants and entrepreneurs of Gaza will resume commercial activity.
The business communities of Judea and Samaria will help them consolidate, create associations, and organize communities of residents.
In another six months, with the support of the communities and institutions of Judea and Samaria, the communities of Gaza will form authorities and become part of the Mahalla Republic of Palestine.
The calm and stability of new Palestine will attract much investment in its economy.
Palestinian businesses will cooperate with firms in Israel and other countries.
The standard of living of the population will rapidly improve.
Thus, all possible models of transforming Palestine can be categorized into 3 types :
The resumption of democracy with international multi-billion dollar sponsorship and inevitable relapse into totalitarian terrorism in collaboration with anti-Western aggressive regimes.
The establishment of a long-term external dictatorship with multi-billion dollar international sponsorship and guerrilla warfare.
The natural construction of a mahalla republic under the action of internal forces and mechanisms of society without external costs – world.kamerton.global/en/node/364
The successful construction of the "Mahalla Republic of Palestine" will become an attractive example and pilot project for other countries in the region.
Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia will also begin to evolve into mahalla republics.
The new Lebanon, supported by Israel, will disarm and eliminate Hezbollah.
Thus, the Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine and other Levant countries will be ended.
The «Mahalla Republic» method can also be applied to pacify Yemen and other countries.
Е. Gershman
In the war in Gaza, the main method of combat operations should be seismic sounding, detecting tunnels, drilling boreholes, pumping propane and/or methane into the catacombs, and detonating volumetric charges of explosive gas.
In catacombs, volumetric explosions produce a particularly powerful high-explosive effect and propagation of blast waves over long distances.
Nitrogen and chlorine oxides can be added to propane/methane to enhance the explosive effect.
Eugene Gershman: November 9, 2023
From the outset of the war, the IDF was to :
without training and mobilization, occupy the poorly defended southern Gaza Strip;
call on the population of Gaza City and towns to evacuate to the occupied southern part of the Strip;
request international assistance to provide for refugees in the southern part of the Strip;
demonstrate humane treatment of refugees and the local population (this would prevent international defenders of Palestine from accusing the IDF of war crimes against Gaza civilians and provably attribute responsibility for civilian deaths to Hamas);
identify militants among the refugees and residents of the occupied territory and stop firing rockets from that territory;
during these actions, prepare the IDF to storm Gaza's City and towns;
after evacuating and housing the refugees in the southern Strip, bomb and shell Gaza City and towns more massively with much weaker opposition of Western and other countries.
Instead, the IDF did not engage in ground combat for 3 weeks in preparation for the operation and left the southern Strip under Hamas control.
As a result of the current plan :
rocket launches from the southern Gaza Strip continue;
militant units are being redeployed from the northern part of the Strip, along with refugees, to the southern part;
in the upcoming IDF offensive in the southern part of the Strip, Hamas militants will hide behind civilians.
The war in Ukraine shows the high effectiveness of cheap attack drones.
They become the main means of defeat and minimize the loss of soldiers and equipment.
Israel is the world leader in these technologies and could conduct major combat operations by means of drones.
But, as we know, "generals repeat the methods of past wars".
Therefore, contrary to its technological capabilities, the IDF does not use attack drones en masse as the main means of defeat and habitually uses infantry and armored vehicles.
The experience of the war in Ukraine showed the high vulnerability of tanks and armored personnel carriers.
In the first days of the war in Gaza, Hamas burned several Merkavas, including with simple grenade launchers and explosive packages.
Against these odds, the IDF sent hundreds of tanks and APCs into Gaza, many of which will be hit.
Eugene Gershman: December 4, 2023
Yesh Atid party leader Y. Lapid published an article titled "Gaza – what's next ?".
Mr. Y. Lapid recommends that the civilian administration of the Gaza Strip be entrusted to an international team led by the US and involving Arab countries and local political forces.
Will the UN, LAS or some other organization issue this mandate?
The people of Gaza will see this governance as alien, violent and colonizing.
New guerrilla terrorist groups will form.
Which security agencies will fight the guerrillas, maintain order and police functions ? Israeli, US, Egyptian occupation squads ?
Who and how will establish the judicial system in Gaza.
Which countries and organizations, in what amounts, and for how long will finance this regime ?
Under military occupation and guerrilla warfare, investors will not invest in Gaza. Which countries and organizations will sponsor the development of the economy ? Which organizations will control the targeted spending of resources ?
Mr. Y. Lapid states that Israel will prevent the Palestinian Authority from participating in the governance of Gaza until the PA is substantially reformed.
No socio-political system, in principle, is capable of productively reforming itself.
Which organizations, institutions, and other forces are reforming the Palestinian Authority, and how will they do so ?
Eugene Gershman: December 4, 2023
Hamas's main weapon is not rockets and tunnels, but the civilian population of Gaza.
To deprive Hamas of this weapon, the IDF should have taken control of the rural areas in the south and center of the Gaza Strip as early as October 8 and called on the population of Gaza City, Khan Younis, Rafah to evacuate to these areas.
Together with Egyptian authorities and international organizations, the IDF was to begin setting up tent settlements for refugees and distributing humanitarian resources to them.
The IDF should have immediately issued an ultimatum – "Until the release of all captured women and children, the IDF will bomb the towns, cut off water, food and fuel and will not negotiate with Hamas !".
Under the slogan "Free the women and children !", the IDF was free to bomb cities and tunnels.
The world public would not protest the carpet bombing of Gaza's devastated cities and would applaud the IDF's humane actions against civilians.
By the end of October, the IDF would have occupied the ruins of the cities and controlled the entire Gaza Strip with negligible losses of its soldiers.
However, the generals implemented a very different plan and, instead of the South, sent the IDF to the North.
As a result, after two months of war, the IDF is to launch an offensive on the central and southern neighborhoods and cities of Gaza, crowded with locals and refugees.
Most of the world public is enraged by the killing of tens of thousands of civilians.
Under pressure from the world public, the Israeli Government can stop the war and not destroy Hamas in Gaza.
Benny B.: December 5, 2023
1) In my opinion, it is fundamentally important that, the civilian population of Gaza would hate Hamas as a result of this war.
For that, it must be tormented by the power of Hamas at war with Israel.
2) I think you are fundamentally wrong about the American "world public".
At the very least, the claims of America's leftist academy against Israel is 100% anti-Semitism, with which compromise is impossible. They demand that Hamas and other Palestinians be happy with Israel's actions.
Bill Ackman, a leftist American Jew, financier, billionaire and Harvard graduate has made a very well reasoned argument in his tweet against Harvard – twitter.com/BillAckman/status/1731532031048245631
His main argument is “Harvard and mainstream leftist academia in America have become enemies of free speech and anti-Semites and earn high social status and huge money by their defense of "native victims" – Palestinians, African-Americans, etc. against "white villains" – Israel, Jews of America, etc”.
Eugene Gershman: December 5, 2023
It is necessary to remove the deadly democracy in the Levant and establish mahalla republics there.
And then, peace and prosperity will come to the region.
The main destroyer of Israel is its narrow-minded ruling elites.
It is the national and civic duty of modern Jewish intellectuals to create and maintain think tanks based on scientific methodology – world.kamerton.global/en/node/365
Evolution has created the brains of the primate species Homo Sapience suitable for mammoth hunting, but not for political activity.
Therefore, all their political activities cause wars, revolutions and genocides.
Only the planting of scientific methodology in the minds of the elites will stop the current suicide of Western Civilization – world.kamerton.global/en/node/328
Eugene Gershman: December 7, 2023
From correspondence with readers :
The root cause of all the misfortunes of Mankind is the stupidity of the ruling elites.
For the last 20 thousand years, the brain weight of primates of Homo Sapience species has decreased by 20%.
Since 2000, in Western Civilization, the average IQ has dropped 5 points.
Only 1% of the Homo Sapience population is potentially capable of complex logical thinking.
Such thinking can only be productive if it adheres to the principles of scientific methodology– world.kamerton.global/en/node/328
But this adherence significantly increases the tension of thinking. People are too lazy to strain their brains without stimulation. Therefore, intellectual elites ignore scientific methodology and, as a result, lose the ability to think productively.
"The Manifesto of Scientific Conservatism" – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/324 describes the ills and prospects of democracy, their causes and mechanisms, and recommendations for replacing it.
The optimal political system is the "Federal Communal Republic" – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/364
Democracy has caused the doctrine of prioritizing the interests and rights of individuals.
As the Universe-25 experiment showed, this doctrine causes degeneration and extinction of the population.
This is exactly what is happening to modern Western Civilization.
It is suicidally destroying itself, degenerating, weakening, and moving toward its decline and colonization by China in the 2040s.
In contrast, Eastern societies have traditionally upheld the doctrine of prioritizing the interests of the whole society.
The lower levels of the hierarchy of interests follow: regional communities, municipal, professional, clan, family, and, only at the bottom, individual.
This doctrine maximizes the efficiency of the functioning and development of society.
The tragedy of Israel on October 7 undeniably showed that democracy in Gaza gave birth to the villainous Hamas.
Experts of all countries are urgently inventing a new political system for Palestine and Gaza.
These events give Western Civilization a chance to realize the prospect of its decline and try to stop the process.
Palestine and Gaza can be used as experimental models for the Mahalla Republic pilot project.
Then, mahalla republics will be established in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia.
This will end the Middle East conflict and bring peace and prosperity to Israel.
In the 2030s, federal communal republics will be established in most Western countries and will prevent the demise of Western Civilization.
Israel's business community is capable of implementing the project of mahalla republics in Judea-Samaria and Gaza on its own.
To launch this project, it is necessary to attract a few intelligent and active businessmen.
They will establish a business association (provisional name – "Mahalla") according to the model– http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/326
Also, it is necessary to attract several political scientists and hold discussions on alternative political systems of Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
They will show the qualitative advantage of the concept of mahalla republics over other concepts.
The materials of these discussions will be presented to the business association and the media.
The Mahalla Business Association will approach Arab businessmen in Israel and invite them to join this project.
Arab businessmen will establish similar associations and organize communities in the Arab population.
Then, the Arab business associations in Israel will approach the businessmen in Judea-Samaria and urge them to participate in this project and establish business associations and communities in the population.
Within six months, the business associations and communities of Judea-Samaria will establish public organizations and institutions that will exercise authority in place of the Palestinian Authority.
Then, the business associations and communities of Judea-Samaria will establish communities in Gaza.
Within the next six months, the communities in Gaza will establish public organizations and institutions that will exercise authority there.
According to the concept of "Federal Community Republic" – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/364 , communities make decisions based on the principle of "The vote weight equals the contribution".
Therefore, all their decisions are made by sensible people in order to multiply investments in the republic.
This circumstance will ensure that the mahalla republics of Judea-Samaria and Gaza will be peaceful and willing to cooperate with Israel.
The authorities of the mahalla republics of Judea-Samaria and Gaza will quickly exterminate all extremists.
All of these actions require virtually no significant cost and the involvement of current politicians and officials.
Eugene Gershman: December 8, 2023
From correspondence with readers
Dear Mr. R. :
Judging by the statements of politicians in Israel, the US, the UN, the EU and others, we can predict a repetition of the process that took place in Gaza in 1980-2023.
That is, the IDF control, cessation of control, democracy, elections, Hamas rule, rocket attacks, terrorism and attack.
This cycle will repeat itself in the next 10 years with some kind of "Hamas-2".
As you wrote, "democracy, at its very core of equality of votes, carries with it self-destruction".
Democracy in Gaza gave birth to Hamas.
Renewed democracy in Judea-Samaria and Gaza will spawn “Hamas-2".
Therefore, the most pressing current problem is the design of a productive political system in Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
The natural and optimal system, alternative to democracy, is the "Federal Communal Republic" – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/364
Israel's business community is capable of launching the establishment of such republics in Judea-Samaria and Gaza on its own.
Therefore, I recommend that you contact your business acquaintances, suggest that they familiarize themselves with this project at http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/363 , and encourage them to participate in launching it.
I propose to provide scientific support for this project.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Reader R :
What you propose is absolute academic utopia, without any connection to reality.
The Hamuls inhabiting Gaza are antagonistic to each other. They will never agree among themselves. Only Islam, hatred, and dictatorship can unite them.
Unlike the Emirates, Saudis, and others, these Hamuls were imported from different countries. They are different tribes. They will never want to work together. For them, Islam and hatred are a thousand times more important than prosperity.
After the "disengagement" in Gaza, the Israelis left behind computer-controlled greenhouses that generated billions of dollars in revenue. American millionaire Edelson bought them from Israel and gave them to the Palestinians.
Instead of working and making money, they looted and destroyed these businesses in one day.
What Israeli businessman would do business with them ?
Their main business is building tunnels and looting Western aid. That is ALL of it. The entire industry produces only "kasams".
Dear Mr. R. :
In 1950-60, the same arguments were presented to the reformers of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.
The perfect political experiment was realized in the two Koreas.
All experts argued that Koreans are the laziest and dumbest of all Asians, even worse than the stupid Chinese.
The history of the “Asian Tigers”, especially the two Koreas, proved beyond doubt that the decisive factor in the development of a society is its political system.
The hothouses of Gaza were given to the democratic Hamas.
In the 1990s, most of Gaza's sheikhs collectively pledged to maintain peace and good neighborliness with Israel.
The consolidated, efficient business community bribes whistleblowers, quickly kills extremists, fanatical mullahs, hostile sheikhs, and maintains the social order attractive to investors.
This happened in the “Asian Tigers” and will happen in Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
If my conception not be realized, under Western pressure, democracy will be restored in Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
This will once again spawn guerrilla terrorist squads hostile to Israel, with the support of the Western Democratic Forces, Iran and the Islamist Sheikhs of the Gulf countries.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Reader R :
I am not an expert politician.
But the whole problem is that even the Arab countries never wanted to grant citizenship to Palestinians, because they are disparate, militant tribes, not a homogeneous mass like the Chinese of Singapore or the Koreans.
There is no authority there with which to dialog.
Islam is a religion in which radicalization happens almost instantaneously.
The terrorists who hit the Twins on September 11, 2001, all had European college degrees, and some of them were born in Germany.
Much less what can be said about Gazans ?
Dear Mr. R. :
The population of the “Asian Tigers” countries was not homogeneous in terms of nationalities, religions or mentalities, but consisted of warring communities of Malays, Chinese, Hindus, Chankayshis, Maoists, Trotskyists, etc.
The productive political system united their peoples and directed them to creative activities and cooperation with other countries.
North Korea's wretchedness is not the result of "tribalism and militancy" but of a democracy in which its citizens love their leaders to tears.
In poor countries, for any religion, democracy is the best environment for its rapid radicalization.
The main idea of my concept is not to "dialog with the current government", but to create a qualitatively new political system – "Mahalla Republic".
Eugene Gershman: December 8, 2023
From correspondence with readers
The vast majority of businessmen in Judea-Samaria would prefer peaceful coexistence and even cooperation with Israel.
But they are disengaged and afraid to assert their interests under PA rule and with the activity of Islamist gangs.
Therefore, Israeli businessmen must teach and help them to consolidate – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/326
Then, the consolidated Palestinian bourgeoisie will, according to V. Lenin's precept, "turn the war of liberation into the civil war".
The Judea-Samaria business community will hire its own combat troops.
With the IDF fire support, these units will defeat the Islamist gangs.
The world "progressive" community will not condemn this war where Arabs will kill Arabs.
The Judea-Samaria business community will organize communities of different types and sizes and their interactions.
Under the auspices of the Federation of People's Mahallas, the business community will create new authorities.
It will establish a new judicial system and declare the establishment of a "Mahalla Republic".
This Republic will abolish the PA and isolate Abu Mazen and his associates.
The Republic's police will pay for information about the terrorist underground and kill the remaining extremists.
Afterward, the Judea-Samaria business community will repeat the process in Gaza and declare Israel the Benefactor of the people of Palestine.
Eugene Gershman : December 9, 2023
Reader’s Letter :
I have tried to read several of your publications.
On the one hand, I encountered for the first time a description of the actual and the ideal. But the proposed ideal is purely hypothetical, without possible real application. It is an ideal programming plan for artificial intelligence. But man thinks spontaneously. His thinking and behavior are largely influenced by emotions, faith, traditions, environment, inferiority complexes and others. It is impossible to force Man to perfectly reasonable behavior and thinking.
Therefore, I admit that your ideas are brilliant, but they are unreal for a real person.
They can be a starting point for writing artificial intelligence programs.
From what I have been able to understand, it is all there is reasonable and logical.
But I can't imagine realizing it.
What about the European, "civilized" world ? They are the "smartest" in the world. What to do with the way they are destroying our civilization ?
Who needs these Arabs when our civilization is being destroyed ? For the Arabs, Islam is the shelter against European liberalism.
The modern political philosophy sees only one way to nullify the liberalization now in effect. This is a war.
It can be made all that much simpler when the Muslims of Europe reach critical mass and shed rivers of blood in Europe. This will provide the moral justification to expel the Palestinians from Palestine in the harshest way possible. I see the transfer as the only option for solving the Middle East conflict.
Israel has large deposits of gas and possibly oil. So there is no way the Arab oil exporters will allow the Arabs to make peace with the Jews. They don't want Israel's competition with them ! The money they put into Hamas and other Islamic terrorist organizations is a pittance compared to their losses if Israel starts exporting gas and oil. This circumstance makes your proposal basically impossible.
Eugene Gershman: December 9, 2023
From correspondence with a reader :
To start the process of ending the Middle East conflict and "Singaporeizing" the entire Levantine region, it is necessary to create an effective business association of a new type on the technology http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/326
Further, the Capitals will do everything naturally and spontaneously, according to the objective laws of social systems – they will form law enforcement agencies and eliminate all fanatics and terrorists.
The main condition is not to hinder the functioning of Capitals through the false and destructive doctrine of "Democracy".
According to the principles of scientific thinking, hypotheses and projects are rejected if there are errors revealed in them.
No one has identified specific errors in my projects.
But "why to think ?"
Most Israelis hope the IDF will bomb some more. Half of the Gazans will die. The rest will breach the border and scatter across the Sinai forever.
In reality, the U.S. Government has authorized the war only through the end of December.
After the New Year, the war will stop. The Hamas structure will remain in place. Under World pressure, Abu-Mazen's PA will formally establish its authority in Gaza.
Hamas will intensify guerrilla warfare.
Under Western pressure, in 1-2 years, democratic elections will be held in Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
In another year, the “Hamas-2” regime will be established in Judea-Samaria and Gaza and given UN member state status with open coasts and free entry of weapons.
The only alternative to this highly probable process is the project of a Mahalla Republic – the analog of Singapore.
Eugene Gershman: December 10, 2023
From correspondence with readers
What to do ?
Remind your businessmen acquaintances that the weakening and degradation of Western Civilization and its part – Israel began when business elites forgot that their money is the main driving force of society, and decided that "the giraffe is big, he sees further", and only "egghead" professors and lawyers should make political decisions, that in violation of the laws of Nature, the business communities should relieve themself of the burden of power and give it to professional demagogues, that the Big Business should transfer its responsibility for the country to unwise political elites.
Explain to them that current events have created a unique historical situation that will determine Israel's future existence for decades in peaceful development or military destruction.
Recommend them to initiate a consolidation of the Israeli Business Community and create an effective new type of business association on the technology – http://world.kamerton.global/en/node/326
Advise them to involve Israeli Arab businessmen in this association.
Urge them to hold a public competitive discussion of alternative projects for the future political systems of Judea-Samaria and Gaza based on scientific technology – world.kamerton.global/en/node/365
Invite them, together with Arab businessmen, to initiate the consolidation of the Judea-Samaria business community and the establishment of mahallas there.
Recommend that they help the future business associations of Judea-Samaria to create public organizations that will lure PA officials, policemen, and judges into their service and become the authorities of the mahalla republic.
The new police of this republic will eliminate extremists.
In 3-5 months, natural economic processes will spontaneously transform Judea-Samaria into a normal, peaceful bourgeois republic like Singapore.
In another 3-4 months, the business associations of Judea-Samaria will carry out similar actions in Gaza.
Eugene Gershman: December 29, 2023
From a post in the FB group “Israel – a civil initiative”
Natalia N.: What is the IDF doing now in the Gaza Strip and what goals does it have?
A month into the war, E. Gershman reported that the IDF should have occupied rural areas in the southern part of the Gaza Strip and the Philadelphia Corridor already on October 8, created tent camps for refugees there with international participation, and called on residents of Gaza towns to evacuate to these camps.
This would give the IDF the ability to separate civilians from militants, massively bomb and storm empty cities without killing civilians, stop smuggling through the Philadelphia Corridor, control the distribution of humanitarian resources and prevent them from being seized by Hamas, and stop Hamas launching rockets from southern Gaza.
However, the IDF General Staff did not do this and undertook the opposite plan – the assault on Gaza City.
As a result of this strategic mistake, tens of thousands of city residents are killed, the world community is enraged by these massacres, the US Administration demands a transition from war to a police operation, Hamas can survive, the long war has killed hundreds of the IDF soldiers and caused hundreds of billions of shekels in losses to Israel.
In the current situation, it is still advisable to occupy rural areas in the southern part of the Gaza Strip and the Philadelphia Corridor, create tent camps there under international control, and resettle residents of Gaza towns into these camps.
Why didn't the IDF act this way? Because of the rage of the first days? There was a feeling that there was no military strategy laid down there.
E. Gershman:
The Israeli government has contributed to the development and strengthening of Hamas for 20 years.
The fence on the border with Gaza is a flimsy wire fence that falls apart with a few blows of a crowbar.
Intelligence reports about the preparation of an attack were ignored by the command and the government.
Reports of the construction of huge tunnels near the border were also ignored.
Some military bases are too close to the border, did not have time to defend themselves, and were captured by militants.
Some bases are too far from the border and did not have time to protect towns and kibbutzes.
The war strategy was planned awry.
I suggest 2 alternative versions of the reasons for the chain of these circumstances – bad and too bad.
The bad version: Israeli ministers and generals are spies for Iran.
The too bad version: Israeli ministers and generals are honest patriots of too advanced age, and suffer from senility and dementia.
Lenin carried out the October Revolution, Marshals Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev and others stormed Berlin at the age of 47.
We remember the aged Politburo of the CPSU, and see the leaders of the modern USA.
Gerontocracy is a consequence of the degradation of society.
Deteriorating societies reject young leaders with new ideas.
Such societies prefer to preserve stagnation.
Eugene Gershman: December 29, 2023
After 2.5 months of war, the Government and the IDF General Staff are discussing the possibility of attracting local sheikhs to govern Gaza under the name “people's committees of self-government”, i.e. mahalla.
Thus, the Government is leaning towards a political system similar to my project for the "Mahalla Republic of Palestine".
In this regard, one can recall the experience of the USSR’s struggle against the Basmachi in Central Asia in the 1920-30s.
The Soviet government was able to defeat Islamism only by formally appointing local sheikhs - bays – as chairmen of collective farms and accepting them as members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
I offer the Government scientific support for this project.
Eugene Gershman: January 16, 2024
For 50 years, the main foreign policy objective of the Government of Israel is preventing the sovereignty of Palestine.
In order to convince the world community of the perniciousness of the establishment of a Palestinian state, for 20 years, Israel's top military and political leadership conducts the special strategic operation in the Gaza Strip.
20 years ago, it made Gaza a model for the possible future Palestinian state that would exist without military control of its territories by the Israeli Army.
The Israeli leadership stopped occupying Gaza, promoted radicalizing and arming HAMAS, and weakened the defenses along the Gaza border.
It reasonably assumed that under these favorable conditions, Gaza would turn into an aggressive, terrorist quasi-state and show the world by its example the future murderous state of sovereign Palestine.
Current results of this strategic operation show that the World Community has quickly forgotten the victims of HAMAS' terrorist aggression, that Israel receives new accusations of genocide of Arabs, and that the World Community, including Israel's allies, has intensified demands to end the occupation of Palestine and establish a Palestinian state.
Thus, this failed strategic operation has not prevented the establishment of a Palestinian state, has caused enormous casualties, has plunged Israel into a war, has caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage to Israel, and will probably provoke wars with Hizbullah and Iran.